Saturday, May 11, 2019

Suspicious Yovtub3r Exposes Avnt |8|8 As ( ! @

His name is Ebon Kim. His videos receive next to no views. His schtick is he tends to think most people are "agents." That seems to be yet another coincidence in that the smear against me spun myself as a kooky conspiracy theorist who thought everyone was cointelpro. No, there are also useful idiots. It's one or the other at this point in internet history. Someone has to be completely moronic or a paid fake to believe in flat earth. That's one of those there is nothing to debate topics.

I wouldn't necessarily be suspecting the above works for the military as a paid fake if not for all of his videos on flat earth. It's outrageous that would be his main hobby horse. What are the odds? There are absolutely zero reasons to believe the earth is flat. It has been such an obvious psyop that there is a fake psyop explaining how it is a psyop. These are referred to as militarised alternate reality games. I've been onto the truth for over a decade. I exposed big time fake news. This is not gloating. It's what happened. I was on the phone with Joe Lauria for over an hour. Mark Singer believed in me. It's water under the bridge, but it is what it is. I was on top of the zeitgeist. I own the internet. I won it. I continue to win. I am beating Charlie Sheen at his own game, so to speak. But enough about me.

The alternative is that Ebon Kim is not a paid fake and is simply extremely stupid in the Eddie Bravo category. He's got the demeanor of a Bravo, imho- that guy who goes on Rogan.

He didn't seem to know about the NSA part, but in another video he found BB claiming to have technically been on the C 1 /-\ payroll. Ebon was curious what proof there is Assange is a disinfo agent. He found that there was no there, there and that BB and "Creighton" are to be placed into the cointelpro batch. Or he is also a paid fake mimicking what I came up with.

We know the Five Eyes love themselves some weaponised mimicry and mirroring. That's what I think is going on here with moi as the true talent. Or it could all be a coincidence!

I noticed Ebon looked like he was in the military. Later on in a video I think he admitted to having been in the Navy. His schtick is the opposite of mine in that he wants all the links and videos. He doesn't care if they are proverbial shite posts or wtf. He is a so-called flat earther. I have always been of the opinion that all disinfo shite must be avoided. It's why Reddit Conspiracy and every other website is dying. It's nothing but paid fakes and useful idiots remaining as exposed by Snowden documents.

So you have this flat earther clown as strawman? Or it's just more bad luck and coincidences? Because the info he is circulating is important. I listened and she truly did say she was technically a CIA asset. I'll provide two links. Scott and BB showed up in the comments of the first video. There was really some bizarre stuff going on there if anyone's interested. It's more of the same old, same old of disinfo losers providing more of their unforced, exposing themselves rants. Smart people are clearly not being targeted by their psyop. Omg, they are so ugly and condescending. They dumped ridiculous comments which provided plenty of material for Ebon to make the second video.

original video:
"On Topic | The Conspiracy Theory That Julian Assange is an NSA/CIA Plant?"

follow-up video:
"On Topic | Barbara Hammer (Aunt BB), "I was on the CIA payroll""

I think they just want us to remain within their demented medium loops. They want expansion of nodes and influencers. But few and far between are falling for their bait. I got into stamps. That's all this is. I see Nomiki Konst got her arse chewed out by Politico as in who the f is this. That's fricken my scoop from way, way back. I drove the zeitgeist bus and could still do so, but it's become pointless. The Military-Industrial Complex is that demented.  It's why they like to gobble up my skillful insight and prose and then mimic and mirror it into convolution. They suck. Everyone knows they suck. Most people would never join the military. It's called being a human being with no interest in becoming war criminals. Good people don't want blood on their hands or to be fascist cvnts trolling against freedoms of speech and association.

People aren't that stupid. So yeah, keep talking out loud about how you worked for the NSA and CIA in between vacations to Cuba. Who hasn't visited Cuba or worked for the NSA? That's what Aunt Flatulence wants folks to believe. That's what Moulitsas did. Daily Kos' schtick had a similar demise to Aunt BB's.

It's over. The losers have lost the internet forever, imho. Snowden and Assange took care of everything. They actually won. They did it and that's why they are unmercifully attacked.  Aunt BB is clearly cointelpro. She has now admitted to it on multiple occasions. Oopsies? Omg, these people both suck and are idiots. They're done. She's done. What a moron to have fricken basically admitted herself as a cointelpro agent.

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