Sunday, May 12, 2019

Does Sewer Rat Raymond Scott Creighton Still Love Himself Some Cocaine? Does he weigh over 300 pounds?

TAGS: Raymond Scott Creighton, ChurchDog42, Aunt BB, Barbara Hammer, Paid Fake Trash, Obvious, Disinfo Cvnts & W@nkers

A quick search shows that Florida has very tough punishments for cocaine convictions. I am missing the details. It seems like 28 grams is the big number. If someone is caught with more than that, he or she is looking at significant minimum prison time. He had a previous arrest for cocaine many years ago as highlighted in the previous blog entry. I never got into cocaine. I had noticed that most people into it are the scum of the earth. This guy fits into my opinionated social law of physics. So someone into cocaine turns out to be an asshole? Water is wet? The sky is blue? That's what I'm thinking with this one.

Aunt BB is simply outright nasty disgusting and on a clear trajectory to Hell. They both are. I used to think Roseanne cuddling with John Goodman had to be the most disgusting image possible, but NSA/CIA BB imagined with "Fat Fvck Cokehead" makes the former appear as cuties.

The ratfvckers get nothing for views. The comments are rigged. I used to have my own channel. The one running it can censor and make that section as fake looking as possible. Or it's all a coincidence that garbage channels get big time like to dislike ratios and people kissing their arses in those comments.

I had put "Scott Creighton" in quotes because none of these names have to be necessarily real. BB claims to be a Barbara Hammer, but there is no proof of that. The only B. Hammer I ever noticed was some famous lesbian artist lady. There also seems to be a famous Scott Creighton. There's seemingly no way to truly vet Raymond or Babs. I did notice on a disinfo website promoting Churchdog42 the claim that he is a war veteran. I assume that means the first Iraq War with Poppy Bush as president. That's not a surprise, if true.

I don't understand all the unforced errors. Adam Green of No More News seems to have outed himself working for a Five Eyes styled disinfo company. One theory I have is that bad people are ultimately very stupid and make such massive errors. "Hammer" thought claiming herself as ex-NSA and later on ex-CIA would give her some gravitas. I think it just shows that she is very moronic. Arrogant social media cointelpro are some of the most stupid people on the planet, imho. It's a catch-22 for the spy factory. Someone would have to be quite the doucheturd to ever work for them. They have power as an institution, but the nature of that is comprised of brutal power plays. There is no logic to their schticks other than full spectrum cheating. If you can't beat the masses, rig everything must be the core principle finally in play. However, they can't be fooling anyone but a scarce number of patsy targets. Look at Stolpman. No one real ever gave a fvck about him. He was foisted onto the fake zeitgeist. People eventually wake up to the fact that everything is indeed rigged.

This arrest stuff is not from a long time ago. The scumbag attacking Assange was apparently only just recently let off of probation. He was arrested in 2016 and here's the screenshot:

He's also been sued along with Alex Jones and some others, but I don't really give a fvck about that. These are extremely obvious ugly asexual disinfo agents. They are the proverbial scum of the earth.

Maybe someone can track down real information on "Barbara Hammer." It doesn't seem possible. I found nothing. I can just go by what she put on her youtube channel. "Aunt BB" is 100% cointelpro trash.

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