Monday, May 13, 2019

They are acting in the role of their perceived targets, but real life doesn't work that way.

Cointelpro agent and fake whistleblower Karen Kwiatkowski is claiming Assange has been given psychotropic drugs by the CIA.

It's called a reboot attempt. It's called controlled opposition. It's called Lucy, Charlie Brown and the football. It's called a soap opera with never resolved cliffhangers. It's called cyber magic:

The spy factory mirrors what they imagine as targets but are way in over their bureaucratic heads. Unfortunately for them, there are as many potential patsies as grains of sand in that each person is extremely complex. The PRISM system is unconstitutional and demented. It will never work since such brutal raw power plays were exposed by Assange and Snowden. It's called a big mess or toothpaste out of the tube.

Or fricken read yourself some Smedley Butler and watch William Cooper. Eat it up as if they weren't scripted.

Toss Kwiatkowski, Aunt BB, Markos Moulitsas, Alex Jones and many more into the same batch. It's all about portraying military as regular guys. It's about good versus evil. You either believe in Jesus or Satan. Pick a side. Or be like me and say to yourself, "Yup, that is all divide and conquer fiction based on nothing real."

"Attention drops at the perceived end" is a fancy way of saying ye are getting your chains yanked by the baby killing, deranged military-industrial complex. The proverbial them want you to think good guy military will overcome bad guy military as if they aren't the same bloke. Have ye heard of the phrase good cop, bad cop? Of course you have. How many times does one need to explain what is going on? Internet as social reality is completely rigged and everyone knows this at least subconsciously. Or there wouldn't be the need for so much censorship. There wouldn't be the non-stop nonsense of rigged politics. Only morons are still following the mainstream or so-called alternative medias. Real people go their own way.

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