Thursday, May 30, 2019

I'm holding back nothing from nobody. Humanity has collectively gone insane.

Disclaimer: I am not supporting violence. I have never committed violence. If it is illegal to think there will be an eventual asymmetrical boomerang movement against PTB cvnts not held accountable for crimes against humanity, then I suppose I'll have to get a lobotomy and watch Judge Wapner reruns the rest of me life. Because this just ain't right and everybody knows it.
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I'm sort of back at Daily Mail once in a while because they got rid of junking up the screen and are now only adding annoying pop up videos.

I'm gonna avoid using screenshots for this entry. Unlike the British rag, I'm not trying to freak anyone out. I'm not going to post the man who lit himself on fire. That was clearly a protest maneuver falling under the category of everyone knows. Little to no information has been released as of yet and we know that initial reports on anything can often be wrong. It'd be easy to speculate. It will come out I suppose that he was mentally ill, pro or anti-Trump and then rigged social media will forget about it.

Nicole Kidman has to be the most disgusting looking woman I've ever seen. She has ruined her face with plastic surgery. And how is one to ever like anyone who was married to Tom Cruise? It's the same with Jennifer Garner. She seems nice and all. She is actually quite pretty, imho. But I can't get over the fact that she was married to scumturd Ben Affleck. Plus she never seems to have anything important to say. I'm seeing next to "no more news" anywhere to be blunt.

Cher and Mueller make me feel as nauseous as Kidman does. Ah, I see that Jaclyn Smith at 73 is also sickening to look at. She's got that plastic surgery going. Mueller is cointelpro. He is corruption personified. He is literally the scum of the earth.

Daily Mail is a demented newspaper, period. They are showing too much stuff that shouldn't be there. Those Brits are anti-weed, yet they have no qualms about publishing disturbing images. They don't hide it enough. It used to be called black market videos. Young people should not be subjected to such graphic garbage.

DM tries to mask their stalking of celebrities with moronic turns of phrases such as, "Tiffany Trump shows off her curves." They put up about twenty pictures of her and it looked to me like implied fat shaming. She is either pregnant or morbidly obese for an opinion. Not that any of this matters.

The young adult Alexander Whipple killing his niece is the kind of gut wrenching story one will never forget. How does something like that happen? We are a big country and there will always be something weird happening somewhere, yet it seems we are going down the tubes fast as a society. And of course the Europeans who are just as trashy as us will be trained to believe they are different and better than us. Maybe I should start a series titled, "Same as it ever was."

Oh, Pam Anderson wishes there were more people who appreciate what Julian Assange did for us. I completely agree. He developed a template by which we might fight back and regain power. The ptb's want us to promote violence. They want to isolate us from one another. They have effectively done so with the internet. Real life may someday have quite a different outcome.

Reese Witherspoon is nasty. I am holding nothing back as I react to the Daily Mail.

Well, I'm not reading anything on Charlize Theron today, but what a fvcking piece of shit she is. She said something about how shocking or mystifying it is that she is single. She can fvck off. She is South African? Why should we even know she exists? Is she an actress I'm guessing? Boycott all movies, not just hers. Pay nothing to nobody who doesn't deserve it.

Trevor Noah is pure cvnt. Why does he have a voice at all for America? Sometimes I wonder if many people are actually watching or reading much of this garbage called the mainstream medium. Perhaps the losses are written off with black budget money. CNN must be losing money. The internet with its advertising schtick doesn't seem to crunch for numbers. Say even if CNN's website is popular, how does that cover all the bills? Who is watching Trevor Noah? I used to enjoy Colbert and Samantha Bee way back in the day, but when I noticed them again the last year or so, I saw that they too have become demented arsewipes or I was simply fooled back in those early days.

Meghan McCain and Joy Behar are trash. It's endless how many mediocre numb nuts get to hog the spotlight. It's hard to locate anyone decent within social media. What if they all suck? Or what if like 98% of the stuff one finds on the internet is rubbish? It feels like that with rigged articles and comments to go with massive censorship and simply wild amounts of Orwellian experiences to be had.

Snowden and then Assange provided so much awareness. It's called pure toothpaste out of the tube.

Military people will crack. They will provide some leaks once the Assange system is eventually reestablished. I imagine very clever violence could someday emerge. It may take fifty to one hundred years, but at some point I think there will be a boomerang if this is the endgame. It's called asymmetrical warfare. It only seems as if we are fvcked for eternity because all the current push back is coming from unbalanced patsies entrapped by Internet Cointelpro. Such demises merely fuel into a demented narrative that everything and everyone on the planet must be documented and monitored for the safety of all.

The military-industrial complex continues to go after MLK's legacy. Everyone knew he was possibly a womaniser, but it seems like they are now trying to frame him as a degenerate criminal. I suppose they are worried that it's been verified they stalked him to the point of trying to coax him into suicide. The FBI owns that. Under Hoover, they might as well have been Hitler's SS. That wasn't that long ago and everyone knows Mueller is a fvcking verified gangster. I bet fricken one of those clowns on Ray Donovan was based on him, but who the fvck knows, fricken. The FBI tried to get MLK to kill himself. That's the real true story. Wow.

I do not fear any of these fvckers because I do not condone violence nor participate in it. I pose no fvcking threat. It's not my fault this is 100% constitutional crisis on many levels.

Wow, Jill Biden is saying that Joe is aware he's been getting creepy with women of all ages and that it won't happen again.

Oh, the other day I saw a headline saying Biden's handlers are pulling a Hillary in that they are afraid for him to go on public appearances. He apparently has a fake 18% lead over Bernie with no one else close. That pretty much means in theory Sanders should win the primary. At this time the last go around, it was probably Hillary at 74% with Bernie at 3%. Sanders basically came out of nowhere the last time. 18% landline votes is not that great of a head start for Biden and now everyone knows he is sniffing and fricken all sorts of stuff with little girls, not just the handsome women.

The fatigue is real. I know Bernie is not as good as he first seemed, but it'd be a relief for him to win and then Trump can fvck off. Everyone knows this. The shite has hit the fan and wedge issues just aren't cutting mustard anymore. The legitimation crisis is the only thing that matters. Hidden awareness is peaking and can only go higher. Assange and Snowden got it done. Never forget that and boycott the fvck out of everything. This world is so fake. All of the internet is trashy and rigged.

Trump's a creepy fvcker, but it's nice that he does not want to escalate into wars. He is a bluffer. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama loved to drop bombs. Obama bailed out bankers. Biden is a cvnt and that will emerge. I can't see him winning. My litmus test for Trump will be with Julian. I can't see Trump beating Bernie in an election especially if he continues to act dumb about Assange. Tulsi Gabbard will probably not trend by design. She will be the token Ron Paul schtick from the left in it to tell ptb's to cut it out. I imagine Bernie is finally in it to win it. That would be the only way he could justify having caved into and supporting neoliberals. Bernie Sanders has a lot of work to do to regain trust, but the opportunity to win this and perhaps easily is right there in front of him.

When I was much younger working in a pizza place, the manager used to rub up to us similar to Biden. One day I just yelled at him to stop doing it. Now I see that JoJo has tweeted an acknowledgement of the issue. Adults are not supposed to get attached, touchy-feely to unrelated younger people. It was truly disgusting that he told the child she was good looking and rubbed her shoulders.

A healthy society will have nice parents to mentor their kids and with a sane society to back it up. SCTV told us to throw the televisions out the window. Something must be done about computers and military. This is demented what is going on. There's not even a debate to it. Anyone with half a brain can see that soldiers are morons who took the easy way out to get money for college or just look at them. Same with cops. They are mostly demented steroid infused melon heads afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder. The military is fvcking insane without any need to debate. They are criminals. So fvcking what that laws were passed so-called legalising torture, surveillance and gaslighting. There's no fvcking way they transcend the rights to freedom of speech, association and privacy.

They are fvcking demented cvnts, period. Long live honourable greatness Julian Assange.

Omg, I think Roman Polanski is 85 and his wife is 52. How does that make any sense?

I almost forgot to mention Chris Cuomo, perhaps the worst fricken turd in the demented medium loop's punch bowl.

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