Friday, May 31, 2019

I'm pretty sure Bitchute is an entrapment and propaganda scam.

I signed up and added a video. While both logged in and off, it didn't show up on the front page. So basically no one was able to see it. And even if one is allowed to be seen, few people seem to be visiting the website anyway. The available videos for the most part are pure garbage. Yet Youtube also sucks. What part of the internet is good? It's done. This is over.

My video was a rerun exposing Scott Creighton and Aunt BB as paid fakes. I wanted to get my feet wet. Yet if no one knows the video exists, I am blocked from attaining even thirty views.

My last entry here seems to have gotten more page hits than usual. I'll try to write more like that in the future. I'm officially giving up on social media. This is ridiculous. Here's the video I made at Bitchute:

The view count is now up to four. Maybe one or two of those views weren't from me. Perhaps someone saw a comment I made elsewhere and then found it.

p.s. Add Dan Dicks and Luke Rudkowski to the cointelpro batch. They somewhat remind me of Brynaert's fake journo schtick minus the bad temper. They are affiliated to Alex Jones and have stupid fake gotcha moments with Bilderberg members. The conservative voices are being silenced! Or that's the spin.

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