Friday, September 27, 2019

Guru T.V. Theatre Starring Krishnamurti

Bitchute was about me in the Al Franken sense due to necessity. It's not just bad over there for far right wing, crazy conspiracy, mgtow and racism, it seems to lack normal right wingers. I was the only Bern Bot. To repeat the obvious, no matter how authoritarian Youtube continues to act, Bitchute never increases in popularity. Ray Vahey never takes advantage by fixing the comments. Real people do not break bread with neo-Nazis. Bitchute forces one to tolerate the most hideous of trolls.

I was going to re-upload incel-related videos, but f _ ck that for now.

Looking for good mileage? Try some Krishnamurti. Below are twelve approximately one hour and twenty minute lectures. Links will open in new tabs. I'll copy and paste my writings.

Krishnamurti (1980) p. 1/12

Guru T.V. Theatre

KRISHNAMURTI (1980) P. 2/12

He explains the meaning of life. He's another dude like Alan Watts who I read when young and they had big impacts. Then twenty or so years later I saw them for the first time on internet videos. Malcolm X. Somehow I had never heard of Marshall McLuhan. So he was something influential I only learned of through the internet. The moral is we must break off from authoritarian medium and create our own.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 3/12)

I think when young, this guy was picked by Blavatsky and that "theosophical" society racket to become the next big thing in gurus. That decision must have given him a big fat ego, but Krishnamurti basically ended up telling them to bugger off. It became a gig he could no longer stomach. His schtick had become wholesome in its anti-authoritarianism. It evolved into the core of his message. The answer was to be found from within. He was basically a whistleblower against fake spirituality. He was a very similar thinker to Alan Watts but originated from a vastly different culture.

We find it easy to relate to the Brits, but India is much more complex in regards to grokking purposes. Nonetheless, the thingie is that people are people. So if one can figure out Krishnamurti's accent and pace, he starts to make as much sense as Watts.

I made a comment: At just over the one hour mark, Krishnamurti says he won't call us disciples if we don't call him a guru. He says they both destroy the other and that he's been singing that same tune for sixty years. Then he said to swallow the pill.


This dude denied being a guru, yet that's precisely what he was.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 5/12)

Krishnamurti was 100% free spirit aware of authority as responsible for the big mess of this utterly corrupt world. These question and answer sessions took place in 1980 in Saanen, Switzerland.

Krishnamurti was the true greatness. (p. 6/12)

I've been watching these in order and am almost done with part four. Say there was a philosopher draft. I'm thinking Krishnamurti would be picked ahead of Watts.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 7/12)

The root cause of the big mess is the military-industrial complex and all morons supporting it.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 8/12)

I don't regret listening to this series of lectures by Krishnamurti especially around this July 4th, 2019. I am starting on part seven and expect to finish the whole thingie within a few days. He didn't want us to view this stuff as entertainment. Perhaps that was the big difference between himself and Alan Watts. But he also said it's not good to compare, so maybe I shouldn't have gone there. It's true we are socialised to think in certain patterns which serve corruption. Krishnamurti said making comparisons is part of the problem. He wants us to think hard and reflect.

Watts was also greatness and attempted to get us to break off from state sponsored conditioning. I point out the MIC as the root cause of the troubles because that has been verified over time. Anyone can research the U.S. military and ascertain that it is a dangerous, violent cult dominating our country and the world. They are the ones primarily responsible for how social media has evolved. Snowden proved this and then Assange added to that. C. Wright Mills fricken explained this a very long time ago. He spoke of an iron triangle which contains incestuous power nodes amongst executive, military and corporate. Donald Trump represents Mills' concept of the iron triangle. There is military scum posting propaganda to Bitchute itself. They also dominate the NBA, but I digress. I see a lot of demented military personnel freaking out in the news akin to the cops creating havoc. One could digress 24/7 every day and perhaps this is what the medium represents.

Krishnamurti as a spiritual being was able to reduce the root cause of the big mess to authority in itself. When the people at the top are enabled to get away with what they do, such behaviour then trickles down to everyday society and of course the militarised gaslighters in control of shaping the overall narrative fake blame us or bureaucracy for it. Or they say pick a side and blame the other as if both political parties do not suck. They tell you to pick CIA or marines. That's been the essence of the Infowars/Q stuff during Trump's presidency.

One is conditioned to either be a twisted right winger or deranged so-called libtard. That is the obvious reboot approach. The deep state is apparently moving on from their "conspiracy stories." However, real true authentic blame is easy to finger and it can't be reduced to Republican or Democrat. It goes to the military, government and corporations transcending political parties. So I suppose C. Wright Mills was the true greatness after all if one is to play the comparison game.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 9/12)

Fake analysis is blocking observation. We are trained to overthink that thinking will save us. We will think our way out of the situation. Or one is beaten down to feel like a moron, but that's okay, because the smart people will save us. We are trained to believe we are MacGyver or that it must be our own fault if we are hurting. The Marines will save us from the CIA. Or Jimmy Dore and Tucker Carlson will surely save us. It's always assumed we will be saved. There are always experts and authorities who will save us. If you want to help save us, then join up with established groups and climb their hierarchy. And on and on corruption is reproduced.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 10/12)

I am always one or two videos behind when writing up these mini-articles. I am starting to grok the serious nature of Krishnamurti's observations. Before that, I was experiencing this t.v. series on the greatness of Krishnamurti as entertainment despite his saying not to do so. I was seeing him as a guru even though he told me to not fucking do that. I am starting to grow up a little bit. He is saying that all attachment is bad and the root of corruption. But I doubt that means he thought all relationships had to be corrupt. He was warning us that one cannot merely roll out of bed and fall in love. The overall environment is simply too messy. We are all ready to swallow pills if they will take away the pain. Yet, no one should want addiction. We don't want to replace one attachment with another. Observe these fricken words and neither agree nor disagree with them? We are all the same historic schmuck mind? It doesn't matter if one enjoys Tucker Carlson or Jimmy Dore. They are still very similar losers. I'm digressing into the medium. We'll continue with this train of thought in the next paragraph. Please don't fall asleep.

Krishnamurti was greatness. There was all sorts of noise pollution, yet he worked through it. The guy was around 85-years-old at that point. I remember in the first or second video he said he wanted to live at least ten more years. He got about six after that and died in 1986.

So I suppose the great balancing act is to figure out how to act correctly. I agree with this guy that it takes a lot of mental preparation before anyone is truly ready for meditation or so-called enlightenment.

Every system is apparently bogus and the antithesis of the now. Attachment in relationships is bad? I can see that. We become attached to the security of the other being into us. But that is the opposite of if you love someone, set them free. The observation schtick makes a lot of sense. So does seeing impatience as time and patience as the way. Meditation doesn't have to be sitting quiet in the lotus position with closed eyes and an empty mind. I dig the Japanese Zen enlightenment. Meditation becomes action and is always in the moment. It can be movement. It is complete stillness inside with awareness of the now. In sports, it is claimed time slowed down. The player could see everything. Partial enlightenment can often happen and suddenly. Total enlightenment is extremely rare. It can be fragile. Krishnamurti went over pain and the limits of the mind for good reasons earlier. The brain is effective but can only handle so much stuff. Experience can become easier over time and usually does, yet there is no guarantee of it and individual lives can go haywire. Alan Watts can perhaps be seen as a goofball compared to this dude. Krishnamurti is correct we are born into corruption and that it is not so easy to simply pick a side and roll with it.

Attachment for lack of a better word is overthinking.

Krishnamurti explains everything. (pt. 11/12)

I can't believe it, but I've finished watching the first nine. He just said we have three more to go and that he will try to power through:

1) Can we live without fear?
2) What's up with pleasure?
3) What's up with mortality?
4) Wtf needs to be said about meditation?

Krishnamurti: Thought as Conflict (part 12/12)

I've about a half hour to go in part 10. It feels like a marathon in which the main struggle has been overcome. There becomes a second wind. Krishnamurti is saying thought is a sensation, yet not that there's anything wrong with those. It's natural to enjoy touch and whatnot. We become attached to shirts which feel nice and make us look sharp. He's mentioned our favourite chairs a few times. I suppose he might have picked up on that from Archie Bunker or perhaps more likely Norman Lear committed schtick theft. There's always the possibility that great minds thought alike. But we have Snowden documents which clearly show that demented military intelligence across the English speaking nations and some others such as France are mimicking and mirroring us. But I'm the kook? I'm the troll? The great Krishnamurti himself has asked why does everything tend to be so conformist and mediocre.

I'm perhaps mixing medium apples and oranges. The point seems to be that love and desire are natural and not necessarily a problem. Krishnamurti is probing. McLuhan often used that word and utilised a very similar methodology. Watts and McLuhan knew of each other and intellectually shared a bit of schtick.

I've still got a ways to go before completing this twelve part series. It is beyond the scope of this writing to tie everything together and wrap it up. There is reality or he calls them facts. He's saying ideals and thoughts are not facts. Last election the thing that should have happened was arrests. When Snowden revealed what he did, there should have been massive arrests in the tens of thousands of treasonous military scumbags denying us of freedoms of speech, association, due process and privacy.

Trump should not be pardoning war criminals while allowing Julian Assange to rot. The U.S. Military and Five Eyes should not be on the internet with their militarised alternate reality games. These are ideals. This is about what is versus how things should be. Krishnamurti is telling us to swallow the reality pill. We are faced with facts. Non-facts have no place in social reality. Daydreaming will basically not save us.

On the personal, philosophical level, Krishnamurti wonders that if the mind can spring up thoughts of desire and all the other ways we humans may lose focus, perhaps the mind can also cut it out to use an H. phrase. She allegedly told the bankers to cut it out or that was her plan. From listening to a lot of Watts and now this guy, I like the analogy of birds singing in regards to inner chatter. Or think of the Chinese finger torture joke schtick. The more one struggles to change, the more one tends to stay stuck in so-called muck and mire. He had to contend with the trains passing.

Anyway, I am very curious to hear more from Krishnamurti on this personal level because I tend to do a lot of daydreaming. It definitely can lead to frustration and other negative thoughts. Social media is apparently driving us all nuts. I tend to ignore as much of it as possible. I do not visit news websites so much anymore. It's almost down to no visits. I do not watch Tucker Carlson and Jimmy Dore. I'm not trusting Russia Today, for example. I dislike both Trump and Adam Schiff equally, to select two current fake opponents or scumbags in power.

Krishnamurti didn't twiddle his thumbs. He was splashing cold water on all of us. This world as society is garbage and it's better to realise that. He then set out to explain why it sucks so much. It's because of authority. It's because of the trash who control everything. Since we are non-violent, there's really not much we can do about it. It seems we can only change ourselves which earlier on if ye recall, he did say it's possible for the mind to change its patterns. So there is hope? The powers that be set up fake protests as propaganda and entrapment. Everything on the internet is fake? Show me how any of this is legit? So the thought becomes this is garbage and most people are dog shit. It is a very negative experience and unnatural. So what can be done? What are we to do?

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