Friday, September 27, 2019

How to quit Youtube by watching the Tokyo Shemp Television Network (Part One)

Part two will have a lot of fun movies. This is sort of like a t.v. guide in progress. It's a lot of work putting this together! I'm getting sleepy. It's almost time to take heart pills which wipe me out. I take a half pill for the day, but the full one at night. I'm doing okay. One of the arteries is at 100%. I had to get stents for the others. It was mild. But enough about me. I like how this is turning out. Bitchute is a dead end.

This is how I quit Youtube. One must establish a few rules. Don't click on channels with check marks. Use ad blocker. Why see ads if they can be blocked? I also uploaded a lot of stuff to watch at Bitchute. I'll provide the links here like how I did it with Krishnamurti with copy and pastes for writing if there was any. I can't upload anything here going longer than five minutes. That's a coincidence. The software I use is only free for up to five minutes. Blogger also won't let me upload past five minutes.

If people watch what I'm uploading, they are not on Youtube. That's my strategy. If we all did at a decent alternative to Bitchute, then we'd have no need for YT anymore or not that much. Look at what is happening to cable news. That is a dying industry. CNN is on its last legs. Its website seems popular, but no one seems to be watching their t.v. shows. CNN could be done no matter what. They need thirty years to pass or wtf. Personally I feel this way about the whole medium across the board. I am thinking primarily of Julian and fighting back non-violently against the demented system.

Lenny Bruce Cinema

Dance Hall Racket (1953)

This is a real movie written and acted by Lenny Bruce. This is from the so bad, it is greatness collection.

(on edit: This is a repost of my comment below because some demented troll has forced me to shut down the thread.

"This is a dark comedy. It works because everyone plays it straight. The people voting at IMDB are morons. This should be rated around a six, possibly a seven out of ten. It could use a restoration or wtf. This cannot be taken seriously as a crime film or film-noir. It's called satire. That's fricken Lenny Bruce, for crying out loud. Wow.")

Smear Job on Lenny Bruce (part 1/3)

(On edit: I upload and then watch. They are smearing the fuck out of Bruce. Wtf is this?)

Lenny meant well despite falling apart for an endgame. Hopefully Assange has better luck.

Stop wasting time on crap links. I don't believe this is organic with 99% of channels as conservative stereotypes. There's something fishy going on. But I will try to keep providing decent stuff like this. That's my offer. Ye quit paying attention to people with nothing to offer such as Styx, Stolpman, Unirock, Rogan, basically all of it, and I'll try to keep uploading half decent stuff. The Krishnamurti lectures are historic and epic. There's a lot of mileage and thought provocation going on with his schtick. I've been practicing reducing images or basically daydreaming. I'm more aware of it and it's lessening. Seriously, read some books. Go your own way. Show some free will. Fuck rise and shine medium mythology.

I think a lot of those are fake neo-Nazis. I think Bitchute might be okay eventually, but there are too many right wingers and otherwise weird negative channels. I'm all for quitting Youtube. That's why I'm still here trying to help. You'd think 20-30% of videos here would be good. But it's more like one out of a hundred is worth it. Maybe that is hyperbole and Youtube also sucks anyway. Perhaps it doesn't matter what happens to Bitchute. Just start thinking internet without the need to always be on a video website? Just visit for the few channels one likes? Surfing here or at YT is no good.

It feels good to quit Youtube and modern medium. I am not just done with YT. I have quit all of it for the most part. But I'll watch some stuff like this and hope others appreciate it, too. I mostly just care about Assange at this point. The rest of it seems like manipulative propaganda and entrapment. The military got weird. Maybe humans are too stupid in general. It shouldn't be so difficult to run a fair, decent country. We must be overrated for intelligence?

Some big questions I can't fathom the why of it. Why is everything so corrupt? How can corruption persist for what seems forever? Why does it get worse? How can the Millennials not realise it's stupid to crunch their necks staring into those cell phones?

Lenny Bruce (part 2/3)

television documentary from 1999


He let his body go. The metabolism slows down and hard drug use is never advisable.


Desirable Lady (1944) - from the white trash camp collection

Since the medium and so-called social media have been reduced to a demented irrelevant clown festival scripted by the Military-Industrial Complex, one might as well waste time watching obscure movies. Boycott everything! Shut this internet fvcker down via non-violent true, real actual authentic resistance.

The Mike Wallace Interview:

Profound genius "regular guy" Erich Fromm interviewed by corporate tool Mike Wallace (1958)

A previous Tokyo Shemp video showed that the cultural marxism conspiracy story was originally disseminated through cointelpro actor Lyndon LaRouche. The Frankfurt School people were actually the last of the real, true great intellectuals. I concede that Habermas was nothing special. Bitchute is actually just another 4 chan styled honeypot. The spy factory wants to identify "Jooooo haters."

UPDATE: This seems like an opportune time to re-upload my video on Cultural Marxism as a hoax. In March 2019, there was an article explaining where the phrase came from. This was made on June 11, 2019.

                                 Cultural Marxism is a militarised alternate reality game.

"The American Roots of a Right-Wing Conspiracy"

Lyndon LaRouche Is A Terrible Human Being

This probably ties in for the "conspiracy story" angle.

WTFU Cinema Presents: Smedley Butler was the original Steve Pieczenik or Q.

Archie Bunker used to shame Mike Stivic for being a meathead from the neck up. How much information do we truly need in which to understand social reality? Look, I too was similarly whoop de doo check out this Smedley Butler guy when first hearing of him. We tend to trust those who say what we want to hear. He was basically too good to be true.

The psyops have probably been going on since fricken 1776 and perhaps even well before then, but we can only deal with closer to the present. One must concentrate and probe for patterns. Think good cop versus bad cop. That's all this is. Left versus right is a soap opera that never ends. It is a cliffhanger which never quite materialises into closure.

These are the only two clips I've seen of Smedley. Maybe there are more but someone has to unearth them in real life archives or wtf.

These fuckers see everything as a duality. So Butler was fricken hedging his bets all over the place. He was the Russia Today of back then. He was General Q or "good guy" military. He had a similar schtick to the one Pieczenik used after 2016 happened. They have us perpetually in a stalemate. That's why it feels like nothing ever changes. They flip flop which party is the lesser of evils. They want as close to a balance as possible between Republicans and Democrats.

The ptb's have created two separate echo chambers. The rest of us are fricken Oliver Twist begging for a bit of blog bread. They want us to pick Anderson Cooper or Tucker Carlson. They are both CIA assets! What part of wtfu are people still not grokking? Or maybe most of the online morons are Spy Factory Persona Management accounts.

Smedley Butler did not appear crazy like a Ted Gunderson. It is terrifying to think about. The military feels as if they must play widespread mind games via PRISM in order to protect us. Everything must be recorded and saved.

The top tier of real life influencers are very mysterious. It's hard to believe that Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump ever made an independent decision. And if you can grok the possibility of that, then why would it have been any different 100 or even 200 years ago? WTFU?

I agree with the STFU woman that we need to build large civil disobedience protests. They can't be the fake ones cointelpro likes to use to distract, fracture and entrap.

If Bernie doesn't win the nomination, I think that will be proof the game is rigged for voting all the way. It's always been a battle, but Bernie has done everything by the book and it's basically his turn. He is the Sacramento Kings of 2002.

If Bernie was a paid fake, he'd be in the lead? It should be his nomination to lose. They don't want him to win. That should be a green light to support Sanders for 2020.

The polling doesn't mean too much especially nationally. Candidates need to start dropping out. There's too much clutter. All that sort of matters in a way is Iowa, New Hampshire and  other early primaries and those are still about a half year away. Assange getting released will be around the same time. Something has to give with our country. It's reaching a boiling point.

Warren seems evil in a Stepford Wives way. I reckon Elizabeth Warren might be in it to just take votes away from Sanders. She did stab him in the back the last time.

If Bernie wins the nomination, there will be hope imho. If not, then voting doesn't matter and probably never will at least in regards to president.

Trump was in it the last time to take a dive, but then Wikileaks happened. Didn't Bill Clinton advise him to run? Part of the leaks showed the DNC had a pied piper strategy. But Assange came through exposing how criminal the DNC truly is. Bernie is the only electoral chance to change anything. He is the only candidate with the skills and demeanor to settle everyone down and bring some healing and unity among all regular people. He is a very thoughtful individual.

The right versus left thing is the biggest hoax of them all. This country is basically run by a shadow government called the military-industrial complex. The vast majority want jobs, housing, health care, peace, cops who don't abuse people- we all know the world is going in the wrong direction. We are all deep down terrified. But we have to keep it together. We have to confront all brutal truths.

Stop taking anything at face value. We have the power to shut this down. Stop participating in social media. Let the cointelpro c _ _ _ _  have it all. They wanted to fuck with us to this extent, so let them be the daddy on Youtube and Twitter. Let the ptb's rot. We have to cease feeding the state sponsored trolls. Only complete losers would still be posting on either of those or Reddit. The whole entire internet has regressed into a cesspool. Things have gotten miserable. So let them have it. Go your own way. I'm trying to do that. I watch and think about what I want to. I keep my chin up. None of this is my fault.

The below also seems appropriate to add to this section:

Zur Person: Hannah Arendt (1964)

This is German television with English subtitles rated 8.2 on 13 imdb votes.


The Mike Wallace Interview: Rod Serling (1959)

It's corporate tool versus thoughtful artist.

Corporate shill Mike Wallace interviews Margaret Sanger (1957)

Mike Wallace shilled for big tobacco, then exposed what a scumturd he was with some of his questions.

I made a comment: Mike Wallace was such a numbnut towards Sanger. I've a sneaking suspicion she was mocking him at the end as a shill. That she was going to start smoking his cigarettes was code for that's some excellent shilling you do there, Mike. You must be so proud of yourself shilling for the church and cigarettes, Mike, etc.. I checked and it seemed to already be known by the 40's that cigarettes were linked to lung cancer.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Anthony Perkins (1958)

I think Wallace was a tool of the state apparatus.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Aldous Huxley (1958)

Tokyo Rose..... Tokyo Shemp. That's where I got the name. I try to tell G.I. Joe to cut it out.

I was a BernBot. It was an online genocide. The true left has been silenced by the fake left. The fascists don't mind because they still have Breitbart and this joint.

The Spy Factory wants us running around like chickens with our heads chopped off talking up Isaac Kappy or fricken Kardashian photo-shopping her butt.

I want us to think and not think and then become free and good like we were and can be in this moment. I'm not the one rigging the internet. It's not my fault for noticing it and refusing to comply with outrageous surveillance and militarised alternate reality games. I don't chew on steroids. I am not afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder. I've never been a **** like Mike Wallace was. FUCK MIKE WALLACE. FUCK THE MEDIUM. He was pure trash.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Salvador Dali (1958)

Mike Wallace was pure shill. but I still like watching these interviews.

We all know that the internet sucks. There is no law saying we must continue to g.a.f. and keep allowing the Five Eyes to simulate actions and outcomes as defined by Snowden cyber magician documents. That's why I will try my best to upload good stuff as alternatives. Stop wasting your time on garbage that leads nowhere. WTFU.

I posted a comment: Dali was pure narcissist and completely insane?

The Mike Wallace Interview: Eleanor Roosevelt (1957)

She reminds me of Aunt Bee.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Ayn Rand (1959)

She was a fake intellectual and quite demented.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Frank Lloyd Wright (1957)

I've got this one and then two more.

Someone commented: You are absolutely correct, i iind very little credible information almost anywhere besides books. Msm is all BS but people still believe it. Hard to get through to people. Only way is to let them find it on their own and use humor to get them curious about the subject. Never confront someone straight out they will only detest what you say. Give them subtle hints but never preach just nudge in the right direction.

I responded: Perhaps from 2000-2016, we the people were too effective? How else is one to explain Snowden and Assange risking everything for disclosure and a modern day enlightenment movement?

Trump and Sanders were the fake climax. Greece had already shifted. England went for Corbin. While positive social movement has been generally ineffective, all the signs of widespread discontent have been bubbling beneath the medium surface. Draconian censorship and bizarre doubling down, ginning it up somehow offers hope? If everything was set in stone, Youtube wouldn't have done what they did? The DNC would have offered legitimate reform and shifted towards backing Bernie?

It seems the only thing folks can be certain of is that it is impossible to change the system from within. That seems to be the medium's final chapter. I believe the cat is out of the bag or toothpaste is out of the tube. I don't believe people are that stupid. I think a lot of stats are rigged and fake with Assange as historic greatness. Trump has had his chance. He obviously doesn't have the mind nor temperament to shift history in a positive direction. But that doesn't stop the "deep state" from force feeding inane right versus left reboots with major plot holes. Trump might be the proverbial useful idiot.

"They" probably want to wait this out twenty or forty years and then no one will remember much. Think back before Hal Turner. The idea was that cointelpro had been exposed and outlawed by the Church Committee. That's the ticket. It never went anywhere.

It now seems pointless to follow the medium and worst of all, it appears to be a health risk. Not only does it dumb us down, it may make us physically sick. Stress is not good. I don't want younger people setting themselves up for tough lives by falling for it.

I made another comment:

I have reached many of the same conclusions as this guy. We don't need to follow the news, but to only know the drift of it. We shouldn't read or write or anything as drifters. That's how we get manipulated. How is it now that everyone is so smart and ready to absorb medium? We aren't and the medium is garbage anyway. Nature is everything in a fundamental way. That health is everything means nature. There are too many mediocre minds rising to the top of our fake, cultureless society. Wright also seemed to see right through Wallace for the fucktard shill he was. Wright wasn't fucking around.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Diana Dors (1957)

Dors was the Marilyn Monroe of England.

The Mike Wallace Interview: Lillian Roth (1958)

Lillian Roth was a child star and famous actress, then became a drunk. A movie was made based on her autobiography.

There was actually one more.

Paid Fake MIC Asset Shill Fuck Face Mike Wallace Spreading the UFO Psyop in 1958

Anyone with a brain larger than a pea knows that Tom DeLonge and that UFO stuff was pure disinfo garbage. The Military-Industrial Complex has actually been spreading that sort of nonsense for many decades. There are no aliens. Did you miss the part in the Snowden documents referring to "conspiracy stories?" That's my scoop, that the conspiracy is fake conspiracy. Planted bullshit is meant to serve as complete strawman alleged proof disproving all conspiracies. They are the kings of doubling down and ginning it up.

"They" fought very hard against common sense in regards to the J.F.K. Assassination. We were supposed to think fondly of Aunt Bee's apple pie and baseball, while Andy kept Mayberry safe. Even if by chance NASA landed on the moon, it's pretty easy to see why many think we didn't. Even if those fuckers up there are contrails, it is very reasonable to believe there is a weather mitigation program already in place. Personally, I don't think we went to the moon and that there are such a thing as chemtrails, but those needn't be proven to prove that the Spy Factory is running shit posts all over the internet in regards to "conspiracy stories." It's in the fricken Snowden documents. It was intuited and then confirmed in reality by his leaks.

They've got pictures of Batman or wtf as a cyber magician. Those documents speak for themselves. Or they should in theory. But they don't because I seem to be the only legit person who put this sort of thing together in real time before it was proven. Now a new breed of cointelpro turd emerges from woodwork handed keys to the platform for fake exposing fake irrelevant drama, while dwindling numbers of true talent including myself are forced to upload good, real, authentic stuff in cyber backwater slums such as Bitchute.

I commented: Keyhoe was trained how to suppress a laugh and move onto the next lie. He is similar to Colonel Flagg from M*A*S*H. Wallace had no qualms hosting a state sponsored wackadoo, thus his credibility isn't aging well as we probe some rear view mirror schtick.

You can't make this up. It's a reverse double bind for the Spy Factory. Their psyops from decades ago are not aging well sort of making it easy to recognise the new ones. Hello, Area 51? Wallace was fricken hawking cigarettes left and right when it was already well-known to be a health hazard. Frank Lloyd Wright took Wallace to the woodshed for the disgusting shilling. This episode here is just pure plain old nuts. He's having on serious guests and whatnot, then here is this Brady Bunch Greg Brady Mickey Mouse style scaring his younger siblings with the fake ufo schtick. And Ayn Rand didn't self-expose herself as psychotic trash? Check out her crazy eyes. Dali was pure fruitcake, no thanks, next. I dug the ladies except for Rand. I only found one other show and it was an Israeli guy but it looks boring, so no upload from me. I think the most entertaining interviews were Perkins and Wright. I think Krishnamurti is underrated. That was great mileage for an uploading festival.

Alan Watts:

Deep wise profound regular guy Alan Watts on television (1959)

Block the medium. 95% of it is cointelpro and/or grifters. A fricken verified paid fake named Cassandra Fairbanks is a moderator of Reddit Wikileaks. Explain that. What about the Reddit top moderator who promoted a film praising Hitler. That's a true story. It really happened. Reddit conspiracy is run in and of itself as a propaganda and entrapment scam. What was in Barrett Brown's sealed supplemental plea agreement? 90% of all Bitchute uploads and comments seem to be cointelpro with 10% audience as targets. The view counts are low because, uhm, most people aren't neo-Nazis or stereotypical, dogmatic right wingers? Watts talks about blocking as a bad thing, and I agree for the most part, but the internet is a whole other thingie in itself. I think we must block nearly all of the web in order to get back to not blocking nature. We must let cointelpro rot on its own.

Alan Watts Television: "The Silent Mind"

Watts figured out everything and then shared the info.

Discipline of Zen by Alan Watts

Guru Styled Television Theatre

Alan Watts couldn't have seen things more clearly than at this point in the incarnation.

This guy died fairly young but still achieved greatness in that time. I have been a vegetarian since age 18. I read a lot of his books back then. It was pretty wild to decades later find out he was a form of pop culture star. That stuff calling him a fake was created by losers such as Lyndon LaRouche. Remember Ted Gunderson? Snowden should have revealed more and Greenwald turned out to be a gatekeeping slime ball. But I suppose this is called a proverbial digression. I'd be steaming mad all the time if it wasn't for this guy Alan Watts.

Julian Assange:

Julian Assange discussed on Australian television

This is outrageous. The British government is apparently demented with the citizens as useless idiots loving themselves some authoritarianism. Weed is still illegal there. Assange has basically been taken hostage by GCHQ. This broadcast is from Sept. 23rd.

Honourable Greatness Julian Assange's Last Appearance On Internet Television

This happened in September 2018 in which Julian spoke with the World Ethical Data Forum from Barcelona. Julian Assange is the greatest person alive during our lifetimes. No one else is even close. Maybe next is Harry Belafonte. For a long time in boxing there was Mike Tyson and then everyone else. I think the 1986-87 Celtics only lost one home game. No one was beating them. Think that big chunk of Tiger Woods' career before he fell apart. That's Assange in regards to influence on the zeitgeist. We are not worthy, so think some Wayne's World. But I digress. We must fight for Julian Assange's freedom. He must be a top priority. He is basically the unifying leader of left and right. We must come together by transcending this cointelpro spy factory bread and circus bullshite.

Both sides are twisted garbage. So fight for Bernie Sanders, too, who recently came out in support of honourable greatness Mr. Assange. And Snowden should also be pardoned. He was trying to save we the people. Edward Snowden is greatness and everyone knows it. Trump needs to get off his arse and do right by Assange. Without Julian, Trump was never becoming president. Maybe Trump never expected to win and was in on the exposed pied piper strategy the whole enchilada. The Clintons and Trumps have been very close over the years. Ivanka and Chelsea are buddies.

Donald definitely says a lot of idiotic things and is not a good person. He was clearly the 2nd worst candidate in U.S. history after Hillary. Trump only cares about himself. He is a capitalist pig into old ideas and into feeding the pig known as the demented military-industrial complex. Trump is no good for the country's overall mental health.

Bernie is the only candidate who can provide relief. I do respect Trump for not jumping into wars. It's a fricken relief. But Bernie isn't into wars either. Anyway, that is the debate we all want, Bernie versus Donald. I digress a lot, but fair is fair. Release Julian and nominate Sanders. That's openers for what will have to happen in order for there to be any negotiating with the deep state for a medium reboot. In short, I have decided to take over the zeitgeist and am now driving the bus. And kudos to Miss Pamela Anderson who turned out to be 100% sweetie for fighting for Julian.

Roger Waters Protesting For Julian Assange

I respect this guy and Pamela Anderson for helping Julian.


Meghan McCain is the personification of dog shit. She is so demented making Barbara Walters appear revolutionary in thought. And who the fuck is still watching television? I don't even fricken watch nothing from nobody at this point. Last night I finally checked into some Aaron Russo. Sometimes I'll watch old movies. Maybe I'll get back into stamps. The Celtics might be pretty good this year without freemason fungus bitch Kyrie Irving fucking with teammates. But I digress?


Marshall McLuhan:

Marshall McLuhan 101: Demented medium loops are not your friend.

People are incompetent. They smack their lips. They name drop a lot of cvnts no one should give a fvck about. What part of quit the medium are you numbnuts incapable of grokking?

I'm not saying ye need to go cold turkey. I grab some medium here or there. It's about quality not quantity. I see that the mf'ers are still fvcking with Bernie and Julian. Biden doesn't look like a strong candidate. Bernie doesn't seem to have aged in the four years. He played by the rules and now it is his turn to become President. At least force them to cheat.

The French continue with the Yellow Vest schtick. Ainge is on the cusp of signing Kemba Walker. Some dude named The Taco is seven foot five. He doesn't have to jump to block shots. He seems to be built athletically without awkward weight distribution. I'm meant to quit the NBA, but the basketball gods keep tugging at me to return. The internet addiction struggle continues and the Celtics remain part of that problem. It is a nice diversion almost graceful and inspiring when played the right way. Think Auerbach and Bill Russell before t.v. money perverted it. Tomorrow is finally here with the big off-season day.

I've a funny feeling the C's will have a great season next year. They will get a center to take the pressure off of young players such as Takko and Robert Williams. Theis might come back and he can play center against everyone but the truly huge bigs. Horford was like Holyfield. He didn't look like a heavyweight, but he was greatness. But he is starting to slow down..... I thought Ainge was on tilt, but picking up Kemba Walker was huge. They'll need Hayward ready to start. Brown and Tatum are great but not the best passers. Rozier was great for low turnovers. Smart will be needed to compete. He is decent for point guard. Maybe it is a rebuilding year. But it feels more competitive than that. It comes down to Hayward. He needs to come back like Paul George did and Brown, Tatum and Marcus Smart need to be the core. Kemba is the hired assassin. I bet he's thinking Kyrie Irving is no better than himself and this is his chance to show he's been underrated. Irving was completely demented. It was scary. I hate losing Horford, but he's 33. He will slow down a lot in the third or fourth year. And it's time for new blood. Brown and Tatum need to start playing like true Celtics and make good passes and simply take the freaking leaps already. I hope Ainge goes for it. Maybe he can sign and trade some of these guys leaving anyway.

I was prescient with Kyrie Irving. I knew he was psychotic and wrote that up at RealGM before many realised that. I love hoops as a pure sport. The three pointers and bad refs kind of ruin it. I'm trying to quit caring. My hobbies are down to exercising/nature, stamps. blogging/bitchute and the Boston Celtics. I've reduced all my caring about anything else to Julian Assange and I'm adding Bernie back to the schtick. There's some other stuff, but there's has to be some privacy.

It's time to forgive Bernie Sanders for caving in at the end of last election. He was still in cut it out mode rather than true political revolution. He wanted to golly gee speak truth to H.. But in my last video I showed Bernie claiming the last primary was rigged and he had that fvcker over Trump and easily. But right wingers don't want to face the truth, so I predict they will ignore cheating if it means not having to face Sanders. Both sides suck and are the same schmvck. They are all pro-war and business (see The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills).

But Bernie seems legit. He is the only pure lefty or close enough in politics or at least in the senate from what I can see. The Democrats became Republicans. Sanders is forced to run as a Democrat to have a chance at becoming president. The Republicans went absurd far right and most people are now terrified by their ignorance. The DNC neoliberals are twisted scum, too. What part of both sides suck are you fvckers missing? Shut down the medium with your page click powers. You can lead morons to water or something.

Marshall McLuhan cracked the code over fifty years ago.

You are chickens running around with your heads chopped off? Rise and shine medium mythology signifies absolutely nothing. Quit clicking on the links.

I got a Master's in Social Theory in Ireland. I am not gloating and more just saying. It gives me a tad of gravitas. It may be a grain of sand, but it is authentic. Most people are unfortunately operating at a tenth grade level for social critique and hence their ideas are worth less than a common stamp.

This video is from 1966. McLuhan spoke with a Professor Eric Goldman from Princeton.

Long live honourable greatness Julian Assange.

I left a comment: It gets adversarial towards the end. This was produced by Voice of America which is verified C|@ sponsored fake news.

The Child of the Future: How Might He Learn? (1964) rare documentary narrated by Marshall McLuhan

McLuhan was a pioneer in the woke movement which has been co-opted and perverted by the Military-Industrial Complex.

C. Wright Mills defined that as circumscribing. This is an absurd, surreal and frustrating historic situation to find oneself finally settled into for an incarnation. I'm not sensing much political revolution just around the corner. I know there must be more people out there who grok social reality as pertaining to internet and realise that the fight is over in regards to so-called social media. It's too managed or scripted.


The BernBots united will never be defeated? He's the clear cut lesser of every possible evil. It's actually a great sign he has not been given a coronation for backing Hillary in the last one.

Sanders is the Toronto Raptors. Few think he has a chance. Critic beware. He seems a shoo in for a top seeding in debates and whatnot once a lot of the riff-raff drop out. What do the polls say for Iowa and New Hampshire specifically? And remember, those polls tend to be landline CNN styled votes. Those are the boomers cointelpro wants Millennials to blame for everything.

I am Generation X and have always understood, been on the right side of stuff, tended to be leftier than thou so to speak and am generally proud of having generated that sort of greatness, etc.. I grok what Snowden and Assange have accomplished against all odds. Talk about giving the establishment a permanent black eye!

Fuck the medium early and often. It's time to move on and pioneer in new authentic social movements. Here's a hint. Figure out how to make Assange's freedom a #1 top priority demand from masses of people for quality protest. Hippety-a-hop to it or stfu.

Nazi Concentration Camps

I heard that Hitler was inspired by the Armenian genocide. Evil cannot be allowed to persist. Human life is meant to be sacred. We are each supposed to have universal rights and dignity. The Spy factory is pure evil. They are not as murderous and demented as the Nazis were, but this is sort of just as bad. Bad is bad. One is either free or not. We don't want kinder and gentler fascism. There is no being a little bit pregnant. Enough is enough. Fight for peace, true real justice and equality, and Assange. Make sure Bernie Sanders wins the election. This is very dangerous being pushed around by cointelpro. Use it or lose it when it comes to freedom? Boycott all medium. Shut it down by denying all corporate fvckers the page views. Create authentic grassroots social movement and coalitions with kindred spirits.

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