Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nicholas Goroff, a.k.a. Wizard of Cause, killed a cat and then blamed it for the incident.

I stumbled across this guy similarly to how I ended up being an internet pioneer in researching Kimberlin. Nicholas got on my nerves and trolled me. I am basically not the kind of person someone should trigger. My search skills are decent. BradBlog's Brad Friedman pissed me off. He told me good luck digging. It wasn't too difficult to find the Kimberlin stuff and the rest was blogging history.

There is another person recently bugging the shite out of me named Kizzume Fowler. He is trashing me in comments similar to what cointelpro people do. He acted very stupid in regards to Snowden. I'd rather not have to keep diving into his history. He is nauseating especially in older videos when he is overweight without a shirt. I'm giving him every opportunity to back off. He is extremely passive aggressive with his schtick. You can't attack someone and try to make them feel like dirt, yet add in fake warm wishes at the end making it all better. But I digress.

Maybe this is somehow punching down on Nicholas Goroff despite his currently much bigger internet presence, but I no longer care. It's almost as if I am so good at what I do, my punches tend to land. You couldn't blame Mike Tyson for knocking people out in less than a minute? It was Bukowski's fault that he was able to weaponise vocabulary? There's a fine line between fighting for one's dignity and acting the drunk man with a lamp shade on noggin schtick which sounds like Wizard of Cause's existential battle.

My stuff at Bitchute is in danger of becoming basically hidden. That website is designed to fail. Despite mistake after mistake by Youtube, Bitchute never capitalises which means in general, people are just not feeling comfortable visiting that dive. By uploading my recent schtick here, it will get more of an audience through search engines. It's not my fault he killed the cat. It's not my fault that this needs to become public knowledge. Maybe part of this is wanting credit for the scoop. Maybe another part is revenge for his punching down on me. I can't really punch down on him when I'm the one who was banned from Twitter and Youtube.

My investigation of him was inspired by noticing there are a lot of fake IMDB pages. It's not just Nathan Stolpman who actually has some real credits. The French Canadian guy has an IMDB page. There is a fricken Weebo Jones who gets a page. Start checking on some of these Youtubers and it's truly fucked up but they are spun as television personalities. I even ended up making a video on the injustice of there being no Tokyo Shemp page at IMDB. Having a Youtube channel should not give someone an IMDB page. I rambled on about this because that's what led me to the cat murder scoop. I'll go in order of when I produced the videos, so this will also serve as a sort of timeline.

I actually don't mind or hate this guy Nicholas Goroff, but he killed the cat and I found out. I don't like that he seemingly hides from the incident. That's not as bad as BK lying about exoneration for the Speedway bombings, but it's close enough from my angle to warrant exposure.

Own what happened. Susan Polk is still in prison because she continues to claim self-defense. Maybe it was. Goroff never mentions the cat as if it never happened. People tend to have bleeding hearts and exhibit compassion when one is brutally honest and spills all possible beans even when it makes one look bad. We are human and all have flaws. Running away from the past never works.

"Correction: I misremembered (sp?) Thurston Howell III as Winston. Sorry for any inconvenience."

"The biggest open secret is that most people on the internet are fake. I've been saying this for over ten years, but now the fakes do, too. That's called circumscribing. That was a phrase from C. Wright Mills. Everything important and true has been solved. Such truths are suppressed. I tried my best, but real authentic true regular guys are not allowed to succeed on so-called free internet. They are quarantined into backwater sewer pits such as Bitchute. Reddit conspiracy is obviously managed by Eglin Air Force Base, but that's not today's topic. Maybe another day I'll cover that.

If you are a teenager or very young in your twenties, think twice about continuing to participate on social media. Even something seemingly innocuous as posting on the NBA will fuck with your heads. The internet is a trap. The reason why you might seem clever at times is because real true people are not allowed. I'm not attacking you due to age and many of those kids posting are probably middle aged turds working out of GCHQ cubicles. This fucker is pure trap."

The Wizard of Shill part 1/2
"I took a closer look at his demo reel."

The Wizard of Shill (part 2/2)
"With some of the longer screenshots, one might want to hit pause to read them fully or it doesn't matter. Sorry for any inconvenience."

Jeff Holiday seems to be cointelpro and Nicholas Goroff Killed a Cat.
"This one has a lot of stuff packed into less than five minutes. The French guy is actually a genius at neuroscience, but he was intimate with someone mentally retarded (his words) and he claims to have accepted money from Jeffrey Epstein."

Nicholas Goroff (Wizard of Cause) likes to talk about cats except the one he killed.

"I think he was attempting to clog up search results in regards to himself and cats. It actually took myself scrolling through a lot of results to find that. He was the last person I suspected to have a criminal record. But it is a good thing to try. I did that with Creighton/Churchdog yet had more incentive to do so with him  considering Aunt BB admitted to having worked for the cointelpro industry.

The internet is being stripped of free speech rights because what I do is not exactly rocket science. That is, anyone can cyber sleuth. Real people are abandoning this shite in droves. What's left are young people who don't know better and idiots who still don't understand why no one cared what they thought back in education. It explains the crap content which is everywhere. It's now basically cointelpro plus morons and everyone else is saying fuck this, fuck you and fuck off."


"Youtube Saint burnouts act as if they invented adding music to video. Who hasn't aligned Dark Side of the Moon to Wizard of Oz? I lined up some tunes to go with Wizard of Cause. There are no new schticks under the sun.

Nicholas should spill all beans on his cat story. With cointelpro possibilities put to the side, the cover-up still looks worse than the crime. I doubt it was a different guy with the same age and from the exact geography. There was even a grainy picture which looks like him. The guilt must feel unbearable. Keeping the secret cannot be worth the stress of trying to block the memory. Accidents happen. I'm sure he didn't kill the cat on purpose.

Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky happened. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a famous short story based on inescapable feelings of guilt. I'm driving the bus precisely because this is not rocket science. Someone had to do it. I am an amateur television journalist creating five minute film shorts. IMDB has stolen my destiny by not providing a page for Tokyo Shemp television."

He should just admit to it. No pun intended, but the cat is out of the bag.

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