Monday, September 23, 2019

Donald Trump & Mainstream Media On Tilt and Terrified of Bernie Sanders

I'm perhaps the most mimicked and stolen from social critic on the internet. It's because I figured everything out and have solved the mystery of how to translate that into 21st Century medium. I cannot not be original. Thus, I pose a serious threat to the deep state as younger people are more prone to grokking who is a liar versus those sharing true talent.

I was the first to call the presidency for Bernie Sanders. I am the one who has pointed out that Trump has mentioned everyone but Bernie and that the media has been back at it for suppressing who is meant to be the next president and who truly won the last election.

Bernie Sanders was the 2002 Sacramento Kings of politics and the elites want to produce a rerun. They want Warren because she is a pliable tool, JoJo is done and Kamala fizzled.

For each video below, I will provide the original date and commentary.

June 29
No, you STFU. Bernie is greatness.

Bernie Sanders isn't holding anything back. This time he seems much more in it to win it. He claims some believe had the 2016 primary not been rigged, he would have beaten Trump. What the right wing cult members don't want folks to consider is that Donald Trump was the second worst candidate in U.S. History. That's conspiracy fact.

I was as mad as anyone else that Bernie didn't fricken go third party or at least speak out more. The only possible vindication could be if he wins it all this time. The STFU woman needs to stfu herself in regards to her continually bashing Bernie. He is clearly the lesser of all evils. The wingnuts would love themselves some Biden. Bernie, not so much. They'd only have the commie pinko angle left in the political arsenal and fricken Yang was talking up basic income. The times are a changing, you morons. It's damn correct health care should be a universal human right. Everyone knows you fuck faces were the slave owners from past incarnations. To quote Paul Mooney, "If it don't apply, let it fly." Pro-Trump people are a very small percentage. Bernie would be Trump's worst nightmare. He ain't no Pocahontas. Fricken he'd by Holyfield against Tyson and now Iron Mike is now in awe of how great Evander was. I loved meself ESPN classic for boxing. But Narratives can change. Like Cosell, I think it should be banned, but I digress far too much.

Cynical folks such as STFU should hold Bernie's feet to the fire so to speak, but for crying out loud, we have to at least force ptb's into further cheating. It's Bernie's turn. The media and DNC still do not want Sanders to sniff at good odds for victory. Her name isn't shut the fuck up. That's her schtick. I'm done. This is her channel:

(update- I later learned that The Ungovernables are affiliated with obvious disinfo agent Patricia Negron.)

August 1st
Bernie Sanders won the presidency last night.

Kamala Harris basically wet her pants. The consensus seems to be that Tulsi Gabbard is so fucking nice and exotic, but that it's difficult to trust her. Bernie can't even be completely trusted. Nonetheless, Trump has to go. He's too much of an overall dickhead and bad for karma. It has to be Bern and most people will start to sense this eventually.

He played by the rules the last time. If he wins again, yet they cheat again, watch for big changes to asymmetrical information wars. It will finally be off the grid, out of sight, and time to organise in private. The internet will then become easily boxed in as the new television and increasingly irrelevant. McLuhan warned that content no longer mattered.

I don't think everything is completely rigged. I also believe that the shadow government might be willing to let a Sanders become president to act as a vent. No one predicted Carter. Bill Clinton seemed kind of groomed.

Enough is enough with stupid political chatter. There's no one close to Sanders. One guy said he was willing to drop nuclear bombs as a first response. Marianne has no chance. She will get a t.v. show and become Oprah 2.0 or something. Most of them have no realistic odds at all. It's Warren, Bernie, Biden, Harris and then a wild card? Maybe Tulsi sneaks into extra primary playoff drama?

The Democrats need the Bernie Bots to beat Trump. Sanders would actually provide an Obama styled let's chill and everyone calm down type of schtick. In conclusion, this is Bernie's election to lose. And if there are any shenanigans say with superdelegates or whatever tricks those fucktards come up with, then hello eventual dystopia. If 2016 repeats itself, I will definitely quit social media for good and never look back. Bernie Sanders is the only logical outcome to this madness.

Aug. 16th
Donald Trump & Mainstream Media On Tilt and Terrified of Bernie Sanders (part 1/2)

This is a movie short in two parts running for 9 minutes 57 seconds. The producer is literally driving the zeitgeist bus predicting and explaining shite fools concede to months and years later. It's referred to as vindication.


I don't talk in this one because deep down I.D.G.A.F. and spoke enough in part one. I don't recall any of my professors apologising for speaking truth to  student. I'm not going to either. I am more qualified than most to put into a nutshell wtf is going on and I pretty much did so. Nearly every website is a clown festival. Of course these fools are terrified of Sanders. It couldn't be more obvious. Of course Trump is incompetent. Of course everything is rigged and fake, but I do think we could elect Bernie and it will happen. I don't think things are that rigged and fake, if that makes sense?

Aug. 24th
BREAKING CONVOLUTION NEWS: Fork placed into Joe Biden's political career after latest gaffe.

If this dude doesn't have obvious Alzheimer's or wtf, then there was nothing fricken ever medicinal about H. and she is wonderful and delightful resistance greatness.

Sept. 11th
Update on Resistance Leader H. Breath

Radiant, sultry never aging Hillary Clinton is on holiday or wtf in Italy.

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