Monday, September 23, 2019

Susan Polk Was the True Victim, not Felix

Maybe it was self-defense after all? I can't go there without full access to evidence. I never truly thought it mattered what happened the night Felix died. I had looked into the backstory and it generated nothing but reasonable doubt in favour of Ms. Polk.

The dude was her psychiatrist when she was still a kid. There was also extenuating circumstances to the yin-yang easily tagging Felix Polk as a complete nut job and quite possibly involved with military intelligence. Maybe he was a patsy himself manipulated by the spy factory. The stuff about Susan claiming to be psychic stems from Felix Polk. He brought that crap into her life. He was one of those Satanic Panic styled wackadoos.

                                       Ted Gunderson ran "conspiracy story" psyops

Eli has hooked me up with some documents. Felix was diagnosed with a "schizophrenic reaction" which subsequently was said to have gone into remission.

Susan is being unfairly punished because she refuses to say it wasn't self-defense and show proverbial remorse. She is sticking to the same story. I think there is a chance she is telling the truth and if not, that she believes in her innocence. Self-defense wasn't disproved. Courts are a racket. I don't think it should matter for parole whether she admits to crime or believes it was an unmerited prosecution. She served the fricken sixteen years. The parole board should not have the right to say too bad, try again in ten years. They haven't proved she is violent and a threat to society. There's no proof anyone other than Felix Polk has been in danger from Susan Polk. They are throwing away the key on her for political reasons. It's not fair. They don't want to admit that she was abused. This sort of feels like a human right violation similar to what is happening to Julian Assange. There is no reason for either to still be locked up. It is quite ridiculous and tragic. People in authority are so incompetent.

The prosecutor was a controversial perhaps even corrupt attorney. He was punched twice within about a year. I did a quick search on him. It's beyond the scope of my blogging to investigate Sequeira further, but he does seem to be the typical pig who will ignore exculpatory evidence in order to get the win. The judge also seems to have fumbled the legal football in browbeating Polk for defending herself. It seems that at a minimum Polk deserves a new trial. I think it would be best if she were just allowed her freedom with no more trials.

Eli says she has a new lawyer.

The main point is that Felix Polk was a twisted dirt bag who stole her innocence. He was up to his neck in conspiracy garbage centered around alleged satanic ritual abuse. He was another Ted Gunderson.

In the below video, one should hit pause for reading. I found it easier to share it this way instead of uploading a lot of screenshots to the blog. The satanic panic stuff clearly proves Felix was the actual cuckoo for cocoa puffs, not Susan. Felix Polk was the Charles Manson so to speak in the relationship. It's been a total cover-up that he was demented and ruined Susan Polk. Someday this will be widely known the same way everyone now knows there should never have been slavery. But let's make this happen while Susan is still alive. She deserves freedom, period.

There is a Navy document concerning Felix having schizophrenia and a speech transcript proving he should never have been allowed to practice psychiatry. I don't know what happened at the end between those two, but I do know that Felix Polk was a demented jackass with zero credibility. Susan Polk was victimised no matter what happened. If she killed him, there were good reasons or she's already been punished enough. He basically asked for it from karmic energy or wtf.

To spin her as a violent predator is ridiculous and without justification. She killed one person and it was him after he had totally brain fucked her as a teenager and then deep into adulthood. People have been murdered for a lot less than what the deranged Felix Polk did to Susan Polk's life. She was just a kid. Anyone who is still against her release is not a person with good judgement or is shallow and not capable of reading and learning. Susan Polk was railroaded. She's no criminal.

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