There's the saying that if it walks and talks like a duck, then it's a duck, morons. You know who isn't a moron? That's me. I proved that with the series on my greatness. But I digress.
There is no point in reinventing the wheel. Donkeytale has challenged me to jump into the fake, medium movement fray and explain in my own inimitable way wtf truly happened at Netroots Nation 2015.
I was relieved to see that a lot of the heavy lifting has already been done. Wonkette is a snarky, little news aggregator which covered this.
Go to All Of U.S. America Was A Total Sh*t Show, How Was Your Weekend? Scroll down. It's the second entry. I suppose I am not the only one who likes to do the three or even nine blog entries in one diary schtick or is this yet another indication of schtick theft? Anyway, one of the links provided by Wonkette is to Haha What? Basically, I do not have to spell out why the #BernieSoBlack Twitter tag is so off-base. Why reinvent a wheel that already exists?
Let's cut to the chase. Two Black folks seem to be the driving force behind the recent Bernie bashing, Elon James White and Tia Oso. Let's get to Ms. Oso first.
The Black Lives Matter movement seems to be akin to Anonymous in that anyone can act on its behalf. I think BLM started as a Twitter hashtag. This is how low America has sunk. Politics has become a race to see which tags are trending and then to pile on with hidden agendas or useful idiocy. #BernieSoBlack was apparently started by a random regular guy and then took off. The guy who started the schtick seems to now have nothing much to do with it. It's like when the Breitbarts took over the #KimberlinStory, in which the dude who started or revived it taking it further than anyone else (moi), became the afterthought or that liberal fella according to Glenn Beck.
Co-optation can certainly take on a life of its own. That's not a bad sentence. I will hit enter on the monitor and start a new paragraph.
[UPDATE: donkeytale says that the felony charge was changed into a misdemeanor as part of the plea agreement.]
Tia Oso works for the Black Alliance for Just Immigration. It looks legit, although I am not going to research them. One thing I did learn early (in this process started by donkeytale's breaking news on the Netroots Nation brouhaha) is that Oso is a convicted felon. I admit that doesn't necessarily have to be a deal breaker.
However, The Phoenix New Times has reported that Tia Oso embezzled over $11,000 from Arizona Citizens for the Arts/Arizona Action for the Arts in 2007-08. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a whopping three days in jail (in Mayberry?) and two years probation.
This wasn't someone getting busted for selling weed or anything else having nothing to do with one's general honesty. She stole money from a non-profit. I don't know if she works for the FBI or if she is simply very lucky to have found a lenient judge. I admit to having no clue about courts and sentencing. I do imagine that if I stole 11 grand, I'd be in prison for at least a couple years, not just three days.
The bottom line is that her kind of display at Netroots Nation was not what I envision as positive protest. As donkeytale pointed out on another thread, somehow this might end up helping Bernie Sanders acquire votes from folks who otherwise might have felt he is too much of a commie.
If anything, this article will broaden Bernie's appeal to the not so leftier than thou masses (you know, the ones he will need to attract to have any chance of uhhm, winning).Oso has been getting major support from Elon James White.
The Bruenig article cited by Wonkette contradicts what those two would like us all to believe. He put up some startling quotes from Oso. She did an interview with David Dayen. The full transcript can be read here.
I remember when there was a big-ass protest against the Iraq War. It was going swell. It was a zeitgeist event, in some ways similar to the growing Thank You Youtube for Exposing Violent Police movement. The solidarity against the war seemed to lose steam once A.N.S.W.E.R. took over. What Oso and her crew did at Netroots Nation similarly brought everything to a screeching halt. It was confusing. One could understand the crowd booing O'Malley for his all lives matter moment. The going after Bernie Sanders part was quite ridiculous.
Donkeytale wonders whether Team Clinton was behind that. I don't know. I do know this. Daily Kos is part and parcel of fake leftism. Elon James White is part of Netroots. Finally, Oso's co-optation of #BlackLivesMatter was wholeheartedly facilitated by the Netroots Nation moderator and staff putting on the paid fake or useful idiot event.
Methinks Elon doth protest too much?
Elon is all over Twitter flailing his typing fingers attacking Bernie Sanders in the twisted way described accurately by Bruenig. This is called Astroturf, Useful Idiocy, or Self-Promotion Within the Medium 101. It is the manufacturing of a false grassroots movement.
How does a convicted embezzler plus blogger Elon James White mixed in with #BernieSoBlack add up to a real story? I am with Wonkette and Bruenig.
As I try to figure out how to end this, Fareed Zakaria is on in the background. He is a confirmed plagiarist. Yet somehow he is meant to be viewed as a journalist. GTFO!
I called this a non-story at Twitter in pretty much real time. I posted the actual videos. I asked the creator of #BernieSoBlack directly, "Where's the beef?" He had nothing and there is a Vox article in which he "explains" himself and still it added no substance. One reason I want to completely quit Twitter is that I am putting time and energy into things which are not as satisfying as putting it all into blog entries. I no longer want any good stuff to get lost there.
I took on Dr. Jason Johnson of NBC. He wrote up an article basically doing a public relations schtick for the Tia Oso/Elon James White script. I think there were 50 people with Oso, but I am not sure. How do around 50 people end up speaking for all of #BlackLivesMatter?
I asked Johnson where his article was for Hillary Clinton saying all lives matter in an African American church. He had nothing. It seemed he didn't even know what I was referring to.
I then did a mini-socratisation and found this:
Jason Johnson has worked as a campaign manager for Republicans. In conclusion, while there is no verified proof Hillary Clinton was behind the ambush of the greatness which is Bernie Sanders, she might as well have been. In real time and even perhaps only mere days ago, this was a terrifying bit of schadenfreude for that greatness. However, to the blog gods I ask this: On what planet does "journalist" Jason Johnson have credibility? I rest my case.