New York Times has relented and is now providing the actual delegate totals not including corrupt superdelegates. Thus, my work on this thread is done. I am stopping after Michigan/Mississippi with the verified score at Hillary 760 Bernie 546. The link to that paper's scorecard
can be accessed here.
The super delegates don't count despite nearly every media outlet claiming they do.
It is too early to call the race. I am revising my odds to 60-40 in Hillary's favor. She kicked arse in the redneck states. What saved Bernie was obviously winning Minnesota, Colorado, Oklahoma and Vermont by healthy margins. Massachusetts in terms of the expectations game is a Bernie win especially when one adds in Bill Clinton's election fraud. This thing is far from over. We now know New Hampshire wasn't a fluke.
I will update this as the race continues.
State .......... Bernie .......... Hillary
Iowa .......... 21 ................. 23
NH ............ 15 ................... 9
Nevada ...... 15 ................. 20
SC ............. 14 ................. 39
Alabama ..... 9 .................. 44
Amr Samoa . 2 .................... 4
Colorado .... 38 ................ 28
Arkansas .... 10 ................ 22
Georgia ...... 28 ................ 72
MASS ........ 45 ................ 46
MINN ........ 46 ................ 31
Oklahoma .. 21 ................ 17
TENN ........ 23 ................ 44
Texas ......... 74 .............. 147
Vermont .... 16 .................. 0
Virginia ..... 33 ................ 62
.................. 410 .............. 608
Kansas ....... 23 ................ 10
Nebraska ... 15 ................ 10
Louisiana ...
14 ................
................... 462 .............. 665
Maine ..........
15 ................
.................... 477 ............... 673
Mississippi .....4 .................. 29
Michigan .....
65 ..................
.................... 546 ............... 760
That's the real score. The DNC is going to want Bernie to feel pressure to drop out of the race. Yet, Bernie says he is going to the convention and Hillary might have shot most of her load from the backwards states full of low info numbnuts.
I will correct any errors and add to this page as we go along. I put the odds at 60-40 for Hillary. It is hard to dispute she recently kicked ass. But so did Bernie in his own way. I was prescient. I asked donkeytale if this would play out like the old-school GOP-Democratic map. Now everyone is whistling that tune. It bodes well for a Trump win if the coronation succeeds.
If Bernie starts racking up 20 point wins in big states like New York, wins places like Ohio, this thing is going down to the wire. And it could get very interesting if the super delegates come into play. There could be riots. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I suppose Michigan is the next barometer.