This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
He said, they said and IDGAF
CNN claims the kid or father doctored an email, but to me it seems to have not changed the tenor of the exchange. I refuse to go running around chasing this one down. It is conspiracy fact that CNN rigged debate questions for Hillary. It is fact that Chris Cuomo told everyone it was illegal to read Wikileaks. I could make a list. Even if these people doctored the email to make CNN look bad, there is enough dirt on CNN to prosecute them for racketeering and treason.
The military-industrial complex wants us to care. CNN needs to go bankrupt and the Haab family is just part of the noise process called medium.
This is similar to the Chachi-Eggert drama. One can wait to see if the truth comes out in the wash. Or they can be like me and not g.a.f..
Twelve percent of French women may have been raped according to a poll. About half of them were apparently teenagers with much of the crimes taking place within personal homes. The age of consent there is fifteen. I once saw a movie in which a teacher and teenager ended up in an affair. I complained in the comments about the pro-pedophilia nature of the film. Now it all makes sense why the French mainstreamed perversion into cinema. We won't even discuss how dirty and grimy Paris is and how French people are nasty towards tourists. I recall that a lot of the French had been big fans of Adolph Hitler. I'm sure there are some decent people in France. I suppose I'm not a big fan of that county.
I've one more tidbit to share.
The above is a cvnt named Vinod Khosla. He is a billionaire who co-founded Sun Microsystems. There's no way the above is the okay sign. The 666 shares the "o" part, but sixes are curled while k's have a straight line. It's possible people are unwittingly praying to Satan.
The C's are playing the Knicks in real time. Lasy night was a good one against the Pistons. I mention this because Kyrie Irving was making the same symbols while on the bench. He had a double 666 resting on his head. There is definitely an Illuminati aspect to the NBA. It is a bit disturbing. The league also hosts a lot of military events. I have loved hoops since as a kid. I can't give it up considering the Celtics have become so good. It is sport as art when done well.
I'm digressing.
The billionaire above is trying to close access to the beach next to his $32.5 million mansion. The stretch of landscape has been open to the public for 70 years.
Vinod Khosla can go to fvcking hell! He is clearly an enemy to humanity. In a just world, he would be thrown into prison with all of his property and wealth confiscated and redistributed to society.
Things cannot persist as they do indefinitely. The internet is good in that we can identify and document all of the scumbags, turds and garbage responsible for the big mess.
Rich people are scum.
Friday, February 23, 2018
The Mythology of Rise and Shine
A discussion based on the worst people of all time would have to include J. Edgar Hoover. I have a lot of free time now since quitting the medium. Going one's way is related to Buddhism. Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to put into words what is the way or Tao.
I see what is going on with new so-called stories. They mean nothing to me. I'm interested in the big picture and not in how the Military-Industrial Complex wants us to proceed. Thus, Hoover needs to be creatively assassinated post-death how Hitler was. J. Edgar Hoover was the American version of an Adolph Hitler. The simulation process needs to be reversed. The demented ptb's must be stopped. They are responsible for why everything sucks and is stupid.
Prince Harry and Meghan got sent some of the fake anthrax. It's called a Five Eyes' agitprop unless stupid random clowns are proven to be doing the hoaxing.
There was a wild scene in Los Angeles as a result of a SWAT hoax. The same rule applies. If no one is caught, then it was the deep state who made the call. It's the laws of physics. I encourage everyone to see My Cousin Vinny. One learns a lot about common sense. One must think like Gambini and Tomei. It was made in 1992 making it perhaps the last great movie ever made. Meet the FvckFaces was made later on but wasn't that good.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Adam Sandler were not the true talent. Neither was De Niro.
I'm trying to say use Logic 101 with everything.
I'm vouching for shutting down the medium. They want us to rise and shine each day, grin, bear it and put on either Fox, CNN or MSNBC. If one isn't into cable news and many aren't as the landline vote ages and collects stamps, one is prodded to find their internet herd.
I am a herd of one.
I do realise other people are made of the same junk as myself with the same natural gifts in regards to awareness capacity. Women and men have different thingies, but that is a micro-topic. I am trying to get to historic juice which includes the present. Nothing just happens. History is linear. Hence, we are taught to rise and shine.
Enlightenment can happen when arising. Yet, it could happen right now in the early p.m. or any fricken second. That is the nature of reality. It is always in the present. It is timeless. There is no such thing as time other than for scheduling purposes.
The global ptb's are trying to wear us down. I wrote some good stuff a long time ago including a socratisation of Erich Fromm's take on authoritarianism. It comes down to control. Fascists and psychopaths love having complete power. Fromm identified them as non-death necrophiliacs. They want us both dead and alive if ye grok this point. Hidden invisible numbnuts aim to destroy independent thought. To them, there is no such thing as authentic free men and free women. This is the essence of the universal gaslighting we all get attacked with in which there is never any relief, only demented reboots. It is about the total control and manipulation of private minds through the medium.
us: What about the DNC rigging the primary for Hillary?
them: Uhhh, Bernie sucks. You are a sexist racist. We are moving on.
us: But that is a deal breaker. This is supposed to be a democracy.
them: We don't need your vote anyway. You are permanently banned.
us: Fvck you and fvck this.
them: Buh-bye, ya kook.
CNN apparently asked Florida shooting survivor Colton Haab to replace his question with one of their own. I don't give much of a fvck. I do respect the kid for exposing them. Yet, deal breakers mean a relationship is over. I've been done with not only CNN for quite some time, but also with all trash referred to as the medium. Probing does not equate to compliance.
CNN got busted as part and parcel of the rigging of the election. I pulled some headlines this morning. The Haab story was one of them. I was up at 5 a.m.. Sometimes one has those days when they start too early. I just started writing this entry in the last hour. I actually do rattle a lot of shite from the top of me noggin, though I do go back to clean it up. This is referred to as free form writing.
I vouch for the mosaic approach over linear rote for pedagogy. One ought to be in search of universal truths. While history is certainly in a line from then to now, students should not be restricted from hippety-hopping wherever they feel inspired. Think of the teenager who only reads the sports and leisure pages. He or she is at least reading.
I only have a few more tidbits to get through from earlier. Eventually this will end up on Hoover, the worst scumbag turd ever born and worse than Hitler. At least Adolph didn't mess around. He didn't presume himself as good while doing bad things. He just did them. He made it clear he needed to be put down. It was all bad cop. Cointelpro is bad people doing bad things on a massive scale denying folks freedoms of speech, association, due process and the right to privacy. Adolph forced compliance. The U.S. military does it in the dark. We are brainwashed to love us some U.S. flag and wars. The harsh truth is that G.I. Joe is a baby killer doing dirty work for the state apparatus.
Dumbass Chevy Chase says he was the victim of a road rage attack. He says he flashed down a driver whom he thought had scraped his car. It turned out there was no damage. These are all Chevy's words that one must accept or question. I'm giving him one paragraph. The Hoover stuff might be a bit of work to accomplish. Long alleged story short, there were words exchanged. Chevy said if he was younger, he'd kick their butts. Instant redaction and clarification. This is a real story. The cops were called. The other person claims Chevy threw the first punch. It's he said, he said, but with some other witnesses. I suppose it is a developing story. I also suppose, IDGAF.
I mentioned Jennifer Lawrence the other day. I forget why. From one of the last pulled articles for dissection, she is mad at Harvey for his use of her name in his defense. There was a similar Meryl Streep rant the previous day. Her rise and shine medium moment preceded Jennifer's.
I have wondered about those two. They have loved themselves some Harvey Weinstein over the Hollywood years. Rose McGowan is flying around at bookstores hawking her book. She is pure wackadoo. She is the female equivalent of Corey Feldman. I haven't shut down the medium completely. It's tough to explain. I know deep down what the medium is doing without paying much attention to it. The gun stuff is a so-called wedge issue. It's this:
It's 8:39 p.m.. I guess my blog is evolving into a public diary. I'm already preparing meself for sleep, such as get to bed by 3 a.m.. I love sleep. I don't see what the problem is. It's not good for health to sleep wackadoo hours. I must have gotten rid of the ego somehow. I fall right to sleep.
I always know I am the same guy. That must be what enlightenment is. It's a perpetual rise and shining moment as vibration which transcends medium. Oh yes, I've only got one more thing to add before getting to the juicy stuff. Seriously, what is up with Rose McGowan? How can she hate Harvey Weinstein so much when well after the alleged event she was posing with him with smiles?
I do believe he raped her. She says it happened in 1997. Someone please then explain this:
I used to follow General Hospital. I got to make a lot of female friends that way, so it wasn't too stupid an activity. There was one famous story plot centered around Luke and Laura. He raped her, yet they ended up as a couple on the run. It was very controversial. I knew it was wrong. I should find when that took place. Ah, fvck it. Rose was in some weird sex cult? Is that her plausible deniability? I'm not trying to condemn her, but she is basically driftwood. She needs major psychoanalysis. One doesn't need a Kerner styled P.hD in Sexology to know she is fvcked in the head. I still like her. She's just very lost. The sad part of a rigged system is that we can only save ourselves. I do not want to keep rising and shining to the same old, same old. I want serious reform and justice. I don't forgive deal breakers made by bread and circuses. I am in George Carlin mode. That dude nailed it, imho.
I'm not nailing it, but I'm not making money like George did. I'm just talking personal philosophy. McGowan is part and parcel of the medium. She is in it to win it. She is mad at Ronan because he described her book as dark. That is unhinged behaviour. She should leave Hollywood and live out her incarnation as a regular guy. Rose is dreaming if she thinks #MeToo is a real movement.
This entry is awful, yet it's still only a rough draft. There's plenty of time to clean up the mess with schtick polish. I searched for "assassination attempt on J. Edgar Hoover." I only see one result and it's from a creative writing forum. It's fiction. It's not even on J. Edgar. It's Herbert Hoover.
Hitler was pretty bad, no debate. One might wonder if someone had tried to assassinate him. I uploaded a film which had Americans dropping into Germany and going after him. It was a B-movie. I forget what happened. Movies become a blur akin to a million stamps.
Sleep is good for unloading the inner mind of clutter. Nonetheless, whether one is resting or in rise and shine mode, one always remains the same spirit. We are nature in itself.
Long stupid blog entry short, the search results went directly to the J.F.K. Assassination. This was a 20 minute phone call between L.B.J. and Hoover:
I cheated and went to the comments first. I haven't even listened to it yet but will before hitting publish. This is me within the rough draft. One edits in order to make one's writing more presentable. One tries to write junk that they wouldn't mind reading from others.
I used the word one and then they in the second half of the sentence. One is singular. They is plural. This is one of the things to look for. Those guys used the word they. Oswald was one guy. There is also apparently something about Connolly blocking a bullet, yet he was in front of Kennedy. Oopsies? Hoover spoke of the fifth floor when everyone knows it was the sixth. People in the comments advise folks to consider that those two clowns knew the call was being recorded. Think of paid fake shill comments. They know what they're doing. Yet, stupid is as stupid does. This audio seems to provide circumstantial evidence that these guys were involved.
I'm going to save this draft and do something else. It's too much right now. Bukowski said don't write unless you're really into it. I'll need to get focused to listen to those jackasses for twenty minutes, while probably pausing here and there to provide live blog feedback. I'm not ready to turn off Tool. Meddle by Pink Floyd got blocked. That is a really good album.
It's Friday, February 23 in the early afternoon. I still haven't cleaned up the above. I hope it isn't too big of a mess. So the theme has been rise and shine. Sleep, rise, shine and just do it like a Nike ad. Rah rah USA, morons? Rise and shine is no different than birth, school, work and death.
Trump's popularity is being pushed at 50%. "They" say he has had a remarkable surge. It's called the CIA, you losers. They want to reboot this svcker, period. I would rather not g.a.f..
And I don't. And you shouldn't either.
So, I'm adding next to nothing to this rough draft. I must get back to the moment.
I hate Jake Tapper's guts. That is all. I just had to toss that in there. I hate the medium. I despise so much and so many people that I need to let it go. This doesn't mean I am quitting blogging. I still have to edit what's here. French intelligence must be wondering where is the new entry.
It's true. None of this matters. Our world is dog shit. One headline says poor women in India are being offered free boob jobs. India is full of it. The so-called Hindus are the personification of satan. They act so high and mighty with spirituality yet can't even take care of their own people. Instead of raising the poor to a lifestyle with dignity, Hindus say that plastic surgery will save us.
This is the stuff that should inspire revolution. What I would do is immediately arrest approximately 20,000 military intelligence agents and contractors. Maybe it is more than that. Every person in on the rigging of the DNC primary needs to be put in a prison. I don't fvck around. I speak great truths that make sense. I am able to do so because I say fvck you to rise and shine. The system in itself represents the death principle and is the true enemy. Shut down the medium.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Lots of worthless stuff
I am not a big fan of Queen Elizabeth II. She might be the biggest reason the stamp hobby seems to be in a nosedive towards oblivion. We have entered a modern period of reverse Enlightenment. People not only sense that everything is rigged and fake, such a heightened level of awareness is leading to whole facets of society losing value.
Stamps are just not that popular to collect. The old-school catalogue system has decayed. There used to be big shops which sold stamps and coins. Those have gone extinct. The coin dealers don't even seem to give a fvck anymore about the aesthetic side of collecting as sport. They want your silver and gold. They want stuff that can be melted down or otherwise has intrinsic value in their elements. There are spot prices for silver. People get ripped off on both sides of the deal. Silver is money, period. But the spot price does not move fast enough to turn it into an investment. We are talking quarters on the ounces of silver after the money stores have deducted fees on both ends of deals.
There was a brief time when silver hit $50 per ounce. Now it has hit a pattern seeing it fluctuate back and forth between approximately $16-$18. One can look at the silver and stamps, too, for just so much time. Then they get stored. Silver has the edge over stamps in that they do not decay or lose value unless the piece also has aesthetic or trading value beyond the content.
Stamps are dependent on their condition. They are more akin to baseball cards or other forms of memorabilia. Keep them preserved and they retain as much value as possible. But the old school maxim is also correct. The value of most things is dependent on the demand side of supply and demand. If something means nothing to nobody, its value boils down to zen buddhism. It becomes just is in the now like anything else in the world and universe. Can nothingness have value? I would argue yes.
Enlightenment of consciousness is the greatest gift one can experience. It is in the stillness of nothingness in which one may truly know one is alive.
No one wants your common stamps. No one wants to collect any with rips, creases, disrupted gum for mints post-1940, lousy centering or which contain frayed or missing perforations.
The catalogues are only meaningful in that they allow the hobbyist to identify a stamp's specific rating within speculation. One can figure out if something is an apple or orange, yet still not be able to pinpoint a price.
Common stamps are listed at ten or so cents out of sympathy. They are not worth even that much. It's not like silver in which there is a real value assigned to it per weight. Damaged common stamps are worth less than nothing. They are trash to be thrown out.
I try to find stamps that are listed at $.50 or greater. Of course I am also looking for $20 stamps or name the higher number. I have some that might be worth bigger money, into the hundreds, perhaps a few might be worth even more than that. One needs to pinpoint the stamp's identity beyond hoping or maybe. It does take some work. One needs watermark fluid. They need the stamp lift fluid to clean backs without damaging stamps. Common stamps are good in that novices can practice and learn without fear of destroying a stamp's value. One cannot really destroy something which isn't worth anything or that much to begin with.
Presentation is important. One must put the thingie together in such a way that buyers know what they are purchasing. The collector should create an inventory of what they have. There's no way in hell one should go to a dealer and plop down a big box or wtf of philatelic materials and let the "expert" give a price. They don't know either. This sort of identification process takes time.
Then the problem remains of how much one can expect to get back in regards to the catalogues. Is it 40%? That to me is doubtful unless they are better than average good and not common stamps. Then they could be sold separately. Yet, then what is one to do with the rest of the stuff? It's the higher priced items which make the collection. Start selling off too many of those and you're left with good job, good effort, but no significant sale.
I do not want to turn stamp collecting into an Ebay or something business. I am into this for the pure hunt. There is a definite thrill to chipping out some cash (not too much) and getting a big lot to look through.
If I had to guess, one can expect 10-20% back from catalogue values. But I could be wrong. When in doubt, do not sell them.
There is no real science to it. We are all individuals. Step one is to ask oneself if this is something one enjoys doing. If not, then quit. There is not any big money to be made in stamps unless one gets extremely lucky. My disclaimer to that is I haven't yet to try to sell my collection. I am still in hunt and collect mode. A nice stamp album costs around $30. Each page holding the stamps costs about a dollar. One needs the perforation gauge. All this stuff doesn't cost a fortune, but can slowly add up. It can be a risky investment. But it makes a hell of a lot more sense than going to a casino and just throwing away money. One can probably expect to at least break even. Stamps are probably the video poker of hobbies. The odds are not that bad. But one must put extra thought into it. What is the endgame?
At a minimum, do no harm. Those deciding to collect stamps are basically philatelic physicians. I am like a free stamp doctor running a stamp clinic. I probably won't get any comments, but if anyone has any questions, I am not too shabby with this topic.
Once valuable stamps are located, preserve them. I put mine in order of countries and year. Putting together the inventory part is not easy, but it is necessary. If one doesn't want to take the time to figure out where stamps lie on the spectrum between common and rare, one is probably going to waste a lot of money. Unorganised stamps border on worthlessness. People have lives to lead. Stamp dealers and serious collectors know all about the hunt. Someone who doesn't know their stamps and is just looking to unload them will get ripped off or perhaps even told their collection is common and worthless. There could be stamps of value in there, but the buyer can't take a million hours to find them and then offer a fair deal.
The saving grace to the stamp hobby is that it's not rocket science. While there is definitely a learning curve, knowledge in anything is built over time. It is called development. It's the same reason why there are 101 courses freshman year. Everyone at some point is a novice. We are born as vulnerable fragile baby humans. Incarnations play themselves out. Stamps despite going into a tailspin for value are not going extinct. They will probably never die out completely. The art is simply transforming.
People will get back into stamps as they age. Some will develop the passion while younger. Once people realise that the internet medium is a waste of time, they will seek out other ways to pass time.
I got lucky buying big boxes from a huge stamp dealer. I got thousands of dollars worth of stamps by buying three of those for around $50. I found a good source and ran with it. Now I see that the same place has jumped the price for those kind of bulk offers.
This is a great time to buy stamps. However, one must not look at it as business, but more of a hybrid of leisure and finance. A lot of the deals offered on EBay look like ripoffs. Most of it is common and/or damaged crap in bulk. But that is part and parcel of the hunt process. Another dealer I found was giving out old stamps in bulk for $30 a batch. I got a few of those.
The costs can start to add up, so one needs to ask oneself if they are into stamps for the right reasons. If one plays their cards correctly, the chance of losing money is low. It is more volatile than collecting silver for the reasons stated above, but if one knows what they are doing, it is not too volatile. But folks need to be serious. I'm not saying be grumpy and not have fun, but stamps deteriorate over time if one doesn't take care of them. The values have dropped. There's no point in shelling out big bucks for high quality stamps because that would be risky. It's like the housing market. That became a bubble. Stamps became a bubble.
I was going to write a big generic DFQ2 styled blog entry today but got into stamps and now this sucker keeps expanding. I had tons of news articles opened up in tabs, but I closed them all and am just going with stamps here. The medium truly sucks and is the ultimate waste of time, not stamps.
In short, I recommend stamp collecting. It is highly enjoyable once one gets through the initial frustration. They do seem overwhelming at first. I now have tons (hyperbole) of nice stamps. I only spend what I can afford. I got lucky in finding sources which has motivated me to continue.
Granted I am very cynical towards stamp dealers. They can put up an ad saying the stamps are unchecked, but I have a hard time believing that. But there are levels of expertise within all the handling and invisible history of the stamps. Maybe the checkers missed something. Maybe the previous collecters and dealers didn't know every stamp and took guesses. Maybe they were swarming in stamps and couldn't possibly check them all.
Stamps have never been so belittled. They are portrayed as a sky is falling financial sector. I think this just means that people are not so impressed anymore with historic stamp dealers, so-called experts and auction houses. They do not like ripoff dealers such as Mystic Stamps. I wonder how those fvckers stay in business. Well, apparently they get older people or others duped into buying at catalogue pricing. Every stamp collector needs to look at themselves as both collector and ultimately dealer or they are asking for a common big mess.
Maybe the collections will be passed on to future generations and the cycle will repeat. If that happens to mine, the recipients will be getting a good deal. They will be pleasantly surprised. Yet, I do want to sell them before finding a new incarnation. Maybe it can become a little nest egg, nothing dramatic or life changing, but with a decent return at the right time. Think of that one holiday one dreams of. Or wtf.
Now take a $20 stamp for example. This is where my knowledge base drops. Should I expect $5 for such a stamp? That would be 25%. Yes, that seems about right. It has to be a nice stamp in good shape. It's probably worth more on its own if one can find someone who wants the specific stamp. But who the heck wants to break up the collection by spending a million hours running an Ebay business?
So eventually I will need to find people who know how to move stamps. They will need to make some money and their buyers on the resell will need incentive to pay more than they did. 25% might be wishful thinking. But that is why one must put solid effort into creating a valuable collection. That's why I remove all common stamps. Granted, 50 cent stamps could also probably be seen as common, but they should clearly be in demand compared to the common crap everyone is tired of looking at. Common stamps represent the bubble.
That being said, those $0.50 and above catalogue listings better be in good condition, placed in context by country/year and logged into an inventory; or they too become invisible meaninglessness. The stamp struggle continues.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Box of Rain
Jennifer Lawrence is a pig who has been a big fan of Harvey Turdstein. In my continuing series of jabs at famous women, here is another. A quick socratisation shows that she has apparently done work on her upper lip, her nose and her eyes.
Why is she so sad? It's because she ended up as a shallow, plastic bitch by age 27. Who the fvck would want fame and fortune at such a price?
Now that we have the stat padding picture/rant out of the way, we can move to today's actual real blog post. It started out with my favourite Grateful Dead tune, spiced in some synthetic, rancid sugar and now it's onto the real stuff.
Yikes, no way in hell am I uploading pictures of a 23-year-old named Briana DeJesus. She has one of those verified check marks. She seems to be some form of reality t.v. star. She got breast implants removed and then something called a boob uplift, liposuction and a tummy tuck. What the hell is wrong with everybody? I'd like to just write grown up works of amateur regular guy journalism and analysis, but I keep getting distracted by boobs.
There are now fake skiers. A woman from California with Hungarian grandparents "participated" for Hungary. This one makes no fricken sense unless there is a Freemasonry connection. Her name is Elizabeth Swaney. She works for Silicon Valley. She ran for Governor against Arnold Scwarzenheimer (sp?). She graduated Harvard. She's also fake competed in Winter sports on behalf of Venezuela.
likes to spend money on buying fame
Some days I say I'm just feeding the blog and am running low on content. Usually I am lying and displaying false modesty. Most of the time my schtick is some of the best stuff available anywhere. Today is not that day. This entry is gonna suck and be stupid.
Ugh, there is no more content. I will have to wing the rest of this.
I wanted to investigate whether the Grateful Dead were Freemasons. It looks like too much work to figure out. They did have a song named Mason's Children.
Mel Gibson in a movie claimed the Grateful Dead were British intelligence agents.
I suppose this is all tied into the conspiracy story that the hippie movement was created by the CIA. The Esalen Institute is always the main point of departure with of course the so-called transformative power of LSD. I believe there is some merit to this, but that it is warped and manipulated to the point that it is easy to mock and dismiss. Think strawman.
It'd be akin to making great points about confirmed conspiracy, but then soiling the presentation by promoting David Icke or Alex Jones for more info.
Here's a video getting not much respect for thumb votes. The dude is lumping in together all these various dudes such as Alan Watts, Terrence McKenna, Huxley, Jerry Garcia, Timothy Leary and someone named Joseph Campbell.
You can't do that.
I've never heard of Joseph Campbell.
There's something called infiltration. If I do look further into Esalen, I'd try to pinpoint who exactly started it. I would try to not rely on the internet too much.
I vouch for Alan Watts. There's no way in hell he was a disinfo agent.
John Perry Barlow was associated with the Grateful Dead. It is true that he did some work with the CIA. That was definitely a deal breaker and why I couldn't have cared less that he recently passed away.
People shouldn't take acid.
Mushrooms are organic, but I won't even promote them. I'm not promoting marijuana. I'm not promoting anything. Okay, maybe sticking up for weed is good. It is. The invisible majority was always for the legalisation of it.
I've always known that the CIA sucks and is stupid. Barlow was not a good person.
Words are just words. It's why we are able to say what we want to as long as we don't break a law. No threats. No child porn. Those were the basic rules for posting at Debate Both Sides and Free Speech Zone/Pffugee. Those aren't bad rules. No doxxing was another good one. DBS had one stupid rule. Don't go after family members. Why not? If you are going to have a free speech, gutter sewer zone, then what's it matter if someone claims your grandmomma wears army boots? The rule against doxxing took care of that. If no one knew who someone was or their family, then how was attacking an anonymous, generic relative a rule breaker?
It seemed silly. You could call someone the worst possible junk imaginable, but oh no, don't say something like I bet your wife doesn't shave her armpits. Oooh, don't break the "no family" rule. Calling Joe Schmoe a cvnt was okay, though.
Omg, this clown is attacking Krishamurti.
That dude bailed out of the nonsense. He spread the message that all authority is bad. So basically this youtuber is taking from this and that to fail at proving inbuilt biases. Watts spoke at Esalen. Therefore, he was a spy? Krishnamurti was involved with the demented theosophy thingie. Sure thing, but let's smear him for eternity? That was his fricken backstory. Explain that. Go into that. Don't just smear great thinkers because at one time or another they were associating with the wrong crowd. Carrie Heffernan used to be a Scientologist. Malcolm X was in the Nation of Islam cult. I used to blog at BradBlog. Brad Friedman is a paid fake. Once I realised that, I got the fvck out of Dodge City.
The social theorists from the Frankfurt School were not disinfo agents and part of a massive global big mess conspiracy.
Conspiracy stories are produced by the Military-Industrial Complex and Five Eyes in order to divide and conquer and to confuse.
The internet and social reality is one big massive gaslighting campaign.
It's not my fault everything sucks and is stupid, rigged and fake. This is mere probing. The world is the Poseidon Adventure. The ship is upside down. I am pointing to the direction out of the big mess. It is through reading and reflection. Go to the library. Have paper and pen handy to take notes. I can teach anyone to think and/or write the right way. It takes a lot of hard work. I am very much enjoying the second half of my life. I have never felt more liberated. Ye can feel that way too. Be proactive. Find the real stuff.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Most stupid person in the world identified
His name is J.J. Reddick. He plays in the NBA despite being a white man. I mean he is white, white. He ain't no German or from Serbia. He speaks with an American accent. He isn't even Canadian. He is an apple pie, white bread honky.
He says he got tongue-tied. The word chink is apparently not in his word list and doesn't know why the fvck he said what he did. And he's also deeply offended anyone would suggest he is a racist for calling Chinese people chinks.
Chink isn't necessarily an expletive, but it is if you call someone Asian that word. Gook is another one? I once referred to a Chinese dude as a Chinaman. A demented paid fake asswipe named Ron Brynaert called me out for racism. That one I didn't know was so bad. Micks are called Irishmen. Live and learn? The French are referred to as frogs. Just look at them? It's just a joke. Ha ha ha. But Reddick wasn't joking. He is 100% moron and borderline retarded.
Talk about unforced errors. What was he thinking? That's the point. He is an idiot.
And look at the Daily Mail bleeping out the word chink. Have they never heard of the phrase chink in the armor?
They are the same slime balls who post conspiracy stories as real news. They put videos on autoplay on their front page showing people getting maimed and killed. Those used to be referred to as snuff films and illegal. They plaster their pages with half naked women with fake boobs and botched mugs. Surrealism to me is the blending in of the bizarre with the real to the point in which neither can be defined. The comments in that rag are 85% written by paid fake operatives. It is called a pattern.
They want us herded.
They don't want people to be people and keep things real. Conservatives form into that line. Liberals are to go over to the other side. There is a status quo to maintain.
Why can't both sides suck? Why can't Trump and the students yelling at him both be two sides of the same loser society? The Florida kid shouldn't have been able to get the weapon. The FBI is corrupt dog shit. It's as if real people do not exist. We are not allowed to participate in rigged society.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
The red scare stuff was demented back then and today
Oops, wrong picture.
The paid fakes are now smearing Jeremy Corbyn as a Czech spy. The Russians decided the 2016 election for Trump and Corbyn is a successful fifth column infiltrator of British politics. And the moon has been confirmed as made out of cheese. It should be clear why I am calling for the shutdown of the medium. It is 100% rigged and fake.
I told everyone I was a little psychic. I'd write something here and then the next day or wtf the idea would pop up. Yesterday I wrote of boobs saving the day. I spoke of breasts as symbolic of feminist revolution. I was being sarcastic. I wasn't attempting to predict anything. Yet the next day it turns out Courtney Stodden flashed her boobs in a members only paid subscription area.
are those real? will they save us?
I wrote about boobs, then Courtney unwittingly verified my schtick.
Ask a mason?
the shhh schtick apparently derives from Freemasonry
Police in Arizona roughed up an 84-year-old woman.
There's a huge scandal with Oxfam in Haiti including pedophilia. Maybe Hillary knows something.
Corporate philanthropy is a big myth. It is public relations. It is part of the cover up schtick. No one would support capitalism if it was truly understood.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I am killing time looking at stamps. You try to get lucky and buy a batch and find valuable items. It gets easier after a while to identify them. It gets very easy. But I have always been someone who likes some background chatter. I just can't go hippety-hop to work in silence. So while I am organising and then checking them out on an online catalogue, that's how I ended up having bullshite youtube videos on for white noise.
I haven't much to offer today, but I have identified some nice stamps and yet another mysterious jackass on youtube. It's this clown if anyone is interested.
This is the second or third of his I've listened to. He was making sense in one or two of the others saying both Christianity and Satanism or perhaps Freemasonry are two sides of the same bullshite duality.
But in the above video right towards the start he was promoting David Icke. It was weird. How can someone make sense, then not make sense? It is called a deliberate bait and switch or random wackadoo.
He says he dabbles in the occult. Oooooooh.
Where are the real people who are neither paid fakes nor useful idiots?
Oh, he also added in that he doesn't look like it now, but he used to be in the military. That's wicked awesome.
Strength From Boobs
"We are not sluts"
I don't think you are sluts either, sweetie. You are corporate whores. Selling sex is simply a means to kerching. Thanks for sharing your naked bodies with everyone. You are icons for feminism. That must be it. Why would anyone think you are whores and sluts?
Marilyn Manson went on a bizarre rant during one of his concerts. The first part of this entry devoted to boobs is done. Wow, Manson is clearly pure unadulterated turd. He's got weapon props on stage. I never got into his schtick, but back in the day, he had some pretty good tunes.
I'm rushing with this mailed-in entry to get back to the less toxic stamps.
It looks like the royal wedding no longer matters. The big news is Jennifer Aniston. I just watched a clip of her on the Ellen Degenerate Show. She definitely did something to her face. She is no longer pretty, yet that is not due to aging. It's because she tossed away her natural beauty. She was never my type. I imagine Aniston is the kind of "bitchy N.Y. woman" Ian Kerner would have gone down on.
Sorry to be so crude. That was a pun based on his book. So what is his Ph.D. in? I did remember something else. There was a big Sociology 101 class held in an auditorium. Students were allowed to observe classes for a few weeks before making decisions. We sat together to check it out. I wasn't into sociology from the start and had been undecided as a freshman. I tried a political science class. That was the one which first got me thinking there is an us versus them, as in regular guys against the system. Sociology wasn't just an easier grade. It made sense. It added up.
But back to Ian. So the class was on fat shaming. This was in the mid-80's. This wasn't anything like the crap going on today with porn sluts making videos shaving their vagina region. This was about old school sexism. It was where I learned of anorexia, bulimia, date rape and body image issues. The lecture we attended was discussing fat shaming. One of the required books was titled Not Just a Pretty Face or something. It's a semi-famous book in academia or was. I am too lazy to pinpoint the title. The point is that Kerner decided to ask the professor in front of 300 people, "Why don't they just stop eating?" That's who that guy is. He loves "bitchy N.Y. women" and making fun of overweight people. He was a failed actor, director and writer. That's that.
Aniston doesn't look the same. She was presented as the tomato out of most people's league. Now the tables have turned. She is still the same shallow wench but now with no juice left in her mug. That's that for that.
Nikolas Cruz is claiming that "demon voices" were responsible for his rampage. So he loved himself some Alex Jones? There's other info, as in it should have seemed pretty obvious he shouldn't have been able to procure weapons. This cannot go well politically for Trump. Is he expecting a rematch with Hillary? He barely beat the worst candidate in U.S. political history. Trump seems to be aging rapidly. All presidents go through that. I doubt Trump even wants a second term. He might have been a pied piper candidate the whole time. He might have been in on it and as surprised as anyone that he actually won.
I don't think you are sluts either, sweetie. You are corporate whores. Selling sex is simply a means to kerching. Thanks for sharing your naked bodies with everyone. You are icons for feminism. That must be it. Why would anyone think you are whores and sluts?
Marilyn Manson went on a bizarre rant during one of his concerts. The first part of this entry devoted to boobs is done. Wow, Manson is clearly pure unadulterated turd. He's got weapon props on stage. I never got into his schtick, but back in the day, he had some pretty good tunes.
I'm rushing with this mailed-in entry to get back to the less toxic stamps.
It looks like the royal wedding no longer matters. The big news is Jennifer Aniston. I just watched a clip of her on the Ellen Degenerate Show. She definitely did something to her face. She is no longer pretty, yet that is not due to aging. It's because she tossed away her natural beauty. She was never my type. I imagine Aniston is the kind of "bitchy N.Y. woman" Ian Kerner would have gone down on.
Sorry to be so crude. That was a pun based on his book. So what is his Ph.D. in? I did remember something else. There was a big Sociology 101 class held in an auditorium. Students were allowed to observe classes for a few weeks before making decisions. We sat together to check it out. I wasn't into sociology from the start and had been undecided as a freshman. I tried a political science class. That was the one which first got me thinking there is an us versus them, as in regular guys against the system. Sociology wasn't just an easier grade. It made sense. It added up.
But back to Ian. So the class was on fat shaming. This was in the mid-80's. This wasn't anything like the crap going on today with porn sluts making videos shaving their vagina region. This was about old school sexism. It was where I learned of anorexia, bulimia, date rape and body image issues. The lecture we attended was discussing fat shaming. One of the required books was titled Not Just a Pretty Face or something. It's a semi-famous book in academia or was. I am too lazy to pinpoint the title. The point is that Kerner decided to ask the professor in front of 300 people, "Why don't they just stop eating?" That's who that guy is. He loves "bitchy N.Y. women" and making fun of overweight people. He was a failed actor, director and writer. That's that.
Aniston doesn't look the same. She was presented as the tomato out of most people's league. Now the tables have turned. She is still the same shallow wench but now with no juice left in her mug. That's that for that.
Nikolas Cruz is claiming that "demon voices" were responsible for his rampage. So he loved himself some Alex Jones? There's other info, as in it should have seemed pretty obvious he shouldn't have been able to procure weapons. This cannot go well politically for Trump. Is he expecting a rematch with Hillary? He barely beat the worst candidate in U.S. political history. Trump seems to be aging rapidly. All presidents go through that. I doubt Trump even wants a second term. He might have been a pied piper candidate the whole time. He might have been in on it and as surprised as anyone that he actually won.
Friday, February 16, 2018
I wrote most of this before going to bed last night
It's just after 2 a.m.. I've gotten a bit back into stamps. That's something Julian should consider doing. I wonder how he gets by. I'm curious how big the embassy is and just all of that kind of stuff. Does he interact with the Ecuadorians? Do they share a kitchen and common areas? I'm assuming Ecuador gave him his own room. Or is it like living in an airport? It's definitely cruel and unusual punishment for practicing journalism.
Damn, that screwed up punk in Florida truly fvcked up. Now he is crying and remorseful getting light pats of encouragement from his lawyer lady. He's already remorseful? Other reports suggest he experienced fetal alcohol poisoning. Sorry, I don't have all the answers. This is a free news service if you think about it. You're getting a lot of junk for something in which nothing was paid to nobody.
I sneak in some women pictures.
The main service I provide is a non-kook perspective on confirmed conspiracy.
The conspiracy is the idea of conspiracy. Everyone is starting to grok the state-sponsored schtick. Everyone is starting to sense this at one time or another. Others like me can fully grokify social reality or come pretty darn close. We're being shelled with non-stop double reverse whammies. This is George Orwell on steroids. Maybe Julian should do some jigsaw puzzles. He must be struggling to keep his wits. McLuhan nailed it better than it's ever been done. All content is meaningless. Think Guerrilla Radio by Rage Against the Machine (see down, shut it).
The killer was wearing a Trump hat. The CIA couldn't have planned it better.
You can't give him the death penalty. He is clearly mentally ill. The lady lawyer calls him a broken man child or something. He's got autism. He's a weird looking kid, no way around it. This will keep happening until the society is fixed. And it won't be fixed because Freemasons like it just the way it is.
It's got nothing to do with right versus left. States are going to have their various gun laws. You pick the state or area most suited to one's spirituality.
People snap when they feel helpless. Mike Tyson did some cruel stuff, but then he met the old man and got into boxing. Kids with rough edges can turn it around. At least Tyson seems to have become a better person. Although later on he would serve time for rape. He's probably not the best example.
Uhm. Those people are definitely out there. People can and do change. Malcolm X is probably the best example. The Nation of Islam took off because people are good deep down and cults provide ultimate answers for lost souls looking to change. Jackson said he was looking at the man in the mirror. Malcolm X did that. He did it twice. He was the true talent. Malcolm X was the greatest American. I am either non-racist or this is some kind of fetish. I found him charming and extremely smart. He was a man of the deepest integrity. He wasn't that way his whole life, but he was well on his way to some sort of greatness beyond regular guy greatness.
Then there are other people that the more one learns of them, the reaction is ugh. Gandhi. Mother Teresa. John Lennon. Fricken. De Niro turned out to be quite the loser. There is basically no unifying glue of greatness to truly make America not this miserable again when people lived with some love and hope. Think of grooviness. Hep preceded that. Now there is no more love and hope, just burning hate propagated by scumbags, turds and garbage.
It's amazing how much makeup celebrities use and how different they look without it. It's mind blowing. They completely ruin their faces with plastic surgery. Wow, what a mess everything is no matter which random topic is discussed.
Society let down that kid. Put him in a decent mental hospital for killers. Study him. Ask him if such and such had been available, say blah blah blah, could he have become non-violent. It sounds like his mom let him down. There seems to be a non-debatable backstory to his life that demands no death penalty.
I would have done my part, but my sort is not allowed to participate in society. I got banned by Twitter. I tried. I made a little dent on the collective consciousness. Yet, one person can only influence so much. We do what we can.
Oh, I wanted to take a closer look at Aniston.
She doesn't seem to have much makeup on. It sort of doesn't look like her. I think she might have screwed up her cheeks. Below her is Courtney Cox who clearly destroyed her face. I think she's mentioned it as one of her regrets. The two women next to her seem to be up to no good. Maybe I have a dirty mind. It looks awkward around the vaginal region. Why is one woman's hand rested on the other's thingie? It looks inappropriate.
Then the woman at the top and third from the left makes me think of spirit cooking. She has on masonic clothing. In general, these women look demonic in the category of just saying.
I wonder if there's an update on that weird Hollywood sex cult involving the Nicki Clyne woman and the Keith dude. It should be a bigger story. It's more important than O.J. was. O.J. this, O.J. that. The medium is no good. One must hit a point in enlightenment in which the medium is shut down at least for individual participation. None of this is real. Modern medium is in deep doo doo. No one should believe in any of it anymore.
One reads threads and comments and goes ah yes, there's the shill. There's another one. Oh yeah, one can see what they are attempting. Once one realises that sort of stuff, one is able to quit the medium as is and move on towards utilising internet time more productively.
It looks like Aniston got plastic surgery.
It is now the next day.
I am sipping on coffee and nursing a headache I'm not expecting to last too long. There was something I figured out in my sleep, but I can't remember what it was.
Newspapers used to be the big thing. That fvcker could keep someone very busy especially if one was also into sports and crosswords. It's pretty freaking bizarre how rigged and fake everything is. Now it's become a scene out of Platoon. You boys think you are hot stuff reality with medium hot takes. I'm reality.
The world and society is 100% fvcked up.
So who else failed the kid? I'm figuring the schools. Maybe some classmates weren't as nice to him as they could have been. Where was his dad? There are many questions I am too jaded to research. To be honest, it's the American government and military which is to blame. I told everyone there would be a boomerang, but no one believed me.
It can only get worse from here. There's been plenty of time to have Congressional Meetings, pass laws, drain swamps and arrest people. Trump is part and parcel of the system. Nothing is going to change. He will continue to be spun as demented which doesn't take much effort and a Democrat will in all probability win the next presidential election. It's good cop, bad cop. It's bread and circuses.
The only hope seems to be that Bernie is legit for the most part and will become the next president. Otherwise nothing makes sense. Why would Bernie Sanders go along with a rigged system? Is he that dumb and gullible?
Bravo, FBI on preventing... oops, they only prevent acts that are motivated through entrapment. I guess the FBI is filthy corrupt stinking garbage. They probably knew that kid like they knew all about Boston Marathon people including Daniel Morley.
Ask a Mason about J. Edgar Hoover?
I truly believe that with a bit of positive support, there wouldn't have been anyone shot up in the school. Everyone knows that Florida is one of the more demented states.
I don't believe the FBI. They know who everyone is. The problem is they don't know who they are in themselves. Hitler didn't go running around screaming, "Why am I such a demented turd? I must change and become a better person."
A troll named David Byron made a good point, albeit it sounded like cointelpro. Demented losers don't seem to aim very high. They go after kids and innocent people. They go after ex-lovers and strangers. They go after lots of folks who have nothing to do with anything but their own rotten stinking false egos.
I am non-violent. So I'm gonna take a look at some stamps. One must find ways to kill time without destroying one's mind. The medium is rigged to make us all go nuts. This is the essence of my broken record. There is nothing much of value to the world's governments and systems.
Most people suck and that's why random losers go after other random losers. It's called cointelpro.
I'm also a random loser but am feeling safe which is good for me, I suppose. Most people are in no danger. If we could only turn off compassion and thinking, we could become demented Masons. But we don't. The struggle continues. All we can do is shut down the medium.
Reddit Conspiracy is at least 80% paid fake posts. Daily Mail is twisted garbage, as are the "left" versions of so-called grown up media.
At least there is music.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Cointelpro asset Quinn Norton fired by cointelpro asset New York Times
Above is the arsehole who helped drive Aaron Swartz to suicide. She was fired about two hours after the CIA's New York Times had announced her as the "lead opinion writer on the power, culture and consequences of technology."
The internet is biting a lot of losers in the butt. Maybe don't make homophobic comments and pal around with neo-Nazis?
I'm all yours; fvck me, Tony
America is caught between reality and sexual repression. A constant bombardment of sexual imagery is not liberating. It does the opposite of what it portrays. Hollywood and government are literally driving young people insane. The term that most closely crystallises this idea is cointelpro.
This is quite the demented world in which a so-called movement against sex abuse and harassment is led by scantily dressed and nude women. It is one which leads to dead kids in mass school shootings undertaken by repressed, demented antisocial young white men.
How can anyone think written words on naked bodies are symbolic of feminism?
We get it. Sex is biological with urges. Women should have the right to wear whatever they want to without jeopardising personal safety. However, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. It doesn't signify that these women are anything special. I heard of a lady claiming that one doesn't have to be overweight to be body shamed. It was ridiculous. It came across as if it's okay to shame someone for being chubby or obese.
Here is some more insider info on paid fake Ian Kerner. He loved himself some "bitchy New York women." He claimed they get his motor running. Ian also liked to make prank calls through the Brandeis University phone system. He'd put on a weird fake French accent and ask students picking up the phone, "Do you like boats? I am the boatman." It was very weird. He also had this thing called the finger dance. He claimed there was a trick to dancing. One could stand still and merely turn an index finger into a dancer's schtick. If I remember anything more about him, I'll try to post it.
Kerner is a clown. That's the point. There are so many clowns in this world. Sex is thrown into our faces each day by the grotesque medium. Some young males can't handle the pressure and snap. This has been going on for quite a while. America is perhaps the most violent of all countries. Childhoods have been robbed on a massive scale.
The FBI says they were informed of the shooter's social media in which Nikolas Cruz claimed he would become a "professional school shooter." Yet, the FBI says they were unable to identify the person. It is very difficult to believe. Everyone should know about cointelpro at this point, that the FBI are law breaking thugs and liars. The kid used his real name. The government wants folks to believe that corruption is mostly incompetence.
Later on after my last entry, I did see that Julian Assange has fought back against the new smear from The Intercept. I won't go into details. It's not as if there is any reason to debate and play by old rules of academia, not when everything is rigged and fake. Herbert Marcuse spoke of the need to get rid of repressive tolerance. Not everyone and everything needs to be granted respect. The idea of authentic free men and free women can only come to fruition when the medium is stripped of all power. Shut it down, period. Go your own way.
A Russian athlete has mocked the poor by blowing his nose into a banknote. He said, "I could give this money to people in great need, but I have snot." That is schtick theft. It's not stealing from me, but from Lenny Bruce. Lenny had a bit in which he'd go on about a four letter dirty word beginning with S and ending with T. The word was snot. Now, whenever I have used the snot schtick, that is not technically plagiarism. It is in a grey area. Can someone steal from a previous incarnation? I suppose so. There's no way to prove one was the other fella.
Rodrigo Duterte is offering his police £350 for each rebel they kill. The other day he said to shoot the women in the vagina and now that the men are "easier to kill than birds." People in the Philippines need to put an end to Duterte's madness. There needs to be a boomerang in which demented powerful leaders are stopped whenever they ignore human rights law. There needs to be a hot stove, don't touch. Either Duterte and his sick ideas are destroyed or the Philippines is done as a society and culture. I have no money to offer as a bounty, but Duterte is a serious threat to world peace and positive social change. I've had just about enough of that clown.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Multiple Cointelpro Attacks on Julian Assange
Craig Murray is reporting that Judge Arbuthnot's husband is a state-sposored disinfo troll.
Link: Assange Judge’s Husband Runs Security Firm With Ex Head of MI6
The other story which motivated this quick entry is that The Intercept has run a smear piece on great honourable human rights activist Julian Assange. I see nothing at Julian's Twitter. The hit piece came out around 2 p.m.. It must be getting late in London.
I think it is a big assumption that Julian writes for Wikileaks Twitter. I think it is a shared account. Micah Lee is clearly a paid fake. I've never heard of Cora Currier. I feel bad including the link, but there it is. There are basically tons of dm's from a private group on Twitter. It's already consumed too much of my attention. The Intercept is part and parcel of the conspiracy.
Nasty Bitch Judge Located in England
Judge Emma Arbuthnot
Above is the scumbag judge who decided against Julian Assange. Here are her own words:
Above is the scumbag judge who decided against Julian Assange. Here are her own words:
I find arrest is a proportionate response even though Mr Assange has restricted his own freedom for a number of years.
Defendants on bail up and down the country, and requested persons facing extradition, come to court to face the consequences of their own choices.
He should have the courage to do the same.
It is certainly not against the public interest to proceed.
The impression I have, and this may well be dispelled if and when Mr Assange finally appears in court, is that he is a man who wants to impose his terms on the course of justice, whether the course of justice is in this jurisdiction or in Sweden.
He appears to consider himself above the normal rules of law and wants justice only if it goes in his favour.
As long as the court process is going his way, he is willing to be bailed conditionally but as soon as the Supreme Court rules against him, he no longer wants to participate on the court's terms but on his terms.Emma Arbuthnot is trash. She claims Julian can get sunlight through the balcony. Nothing ever gets better because people like her are judges. She is a modern day Nazi freely walking around fascist England. This type o'shite makes me very mad. If there was a way to have her stripped of power and placed in a prison for twenty years, I'd do it. She is scum. The system in itself is the problem along with maggots like her protecting it.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Spiritual Death by Internet
So-called Youtube star Meg Turney
I spoke of death by internet many years ago. I covered someone named Annette Appollo in 2010 and went deeper into the topic in 2011 concerning a Steve Kangas.
The woman above is alive. A lonely, antisocial "troll in mom's basement" isn't. Christopher Giles fell in love with her from afar. He drove from New Mexico to Austin, Texas to kill her boyfriend. He is now dead after cops shot him.
The couple are very grateful to police. They can now get back to spinning the woman's sexuality for profit.
White powder has been sent to Obama and Trump's son. This brings back memories of the Anthrax scare which was never solved. All indications are that it was Cointelpro. I don't know about this new situation, but if no one is caught, I am going to assume this was also deep state shenanigans. The U.S. Military is that demented.
I'm really scrambling today to produce content.
I guess it's big news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apparently about to be charged with corruption.
Also apparent is that many schools are banning the phrase "best friends." They are teaching little kids about transgenders, but God forbid young people develop close friendships?
Assange had a bad day in court. A judge is upholding the arrest warrant.
He tweeted a new Counterpunch article:
The UK’s Hidden Hand in Julian Assange’s Detention
I am feeling low energy today. The medium is returning less and less each day for meaningful content. I don't think there is much hope considering Julian is still held prisoner.

He is tweeting in real time.
The news cycle is doing nothing for me. I do care about Assange. The rest was just a lot of noise; just lots of crime, insanity and propaganda.
I am giving up on the medium, but not life. I will try to write more from the heart and stop relying so much on fake news headlines.
I spoke of death by internet many years ago. I covered someone named Annette Appollo in 2010 and went deeper into the topic in 2011 concerning a Steve Kangas.
The woman above is alive. A lonely, antisocial "troll in mom's basement" isn't. Christopher Giles fell in love with her from afar. He drove from New Mexico to Austin, Texas to kill her boyfriend. He is now dead after cops shot him.
The couple are very grateful to police. They can now get back to spinning the woman's sexuality for profit.
White powder has been sent to Obama and Trump's son. This brings back memories of the Anthrax scare which was never solved. All indications are that it was Cointelpro. I don't know about this new situation, but if no one is caught, I am going to assume this was also deep state shenanigans. The U.S. Military is that demented.
I'm really scrambling today to produce content.
I guess it's big news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apparently about to be charged with corruption.
Also apparent is that many schools are banning the phrase "best friends." They are teaching little kids about transgenders, but God forbid young people develop close friendships?
Assange had a bad day in court. A judge is upholding the arrest warrant.
He tweeted a new Counterpunch article:
The UK’s Hidden Hand in Julian Assange’s Detention
I am feeling low energy today. The medium is returning less and less each day for meaningful content. I don't think there is much hope considering Julian is still held prisoner.
He is tweeting in real time.
The news cycle is doing nothing for me. I do care about Assange. The rest was just a lot of noise; just lots of crime, insanity and propaganda.
I am giving up on the medium, but not life. I will try to write more from the heart and stop relying so much on fake news headlines.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Shakespeare was apparently a paid fake Freemason plagiarist
I noticed he had plagiarised someone. Then in the comments someone said he stole Romeo and Juliet. Then I wondered was that guy a Mason. There are a lot of search results saying yes.
The invisible conspiracy wants folks to believe there is stuff called entertainment and that only very talented people rise to the top of its food chain.
I always knew Shakespeare sucked and was stupid. I never recited the pledge of allegiance. Perhaps the Masons don't have total control after all.
In other fake news...
The Boston Police Department tweeted and then deleted kudos to Red Auerbach in fake appreciation of Black History Month. For those asking wtf that means, Auerbach was a white man. Bill Russell should have been the one to praise if the theme was basketball. Theirs was an action akin to producing a movie on Steve Biko yet turning it into mostly about a white man reporter who befriended Biko. That actually happened, although I never saw the film. I did once read some primary source material of Biko eloquently addressing a South African judge.
Auerbach was surely a great man. A big reason why the Celtics became the greatest NBA team of all time was because Red broke colour barriers. Vince Lombardi had similar success in professional football. The Boston Red Sox never won anything because owner Tom Yawkey was racist dog shit. The BPD was close to making a solid point, but unfortunately as everyone now knows, cops are borderline mentally retarded. There's no need to discuss this current event further. Cops are murderous, racist, abusive scumbags and part and parcel of Freemasonry.
"The Boston Police are hosting the event, which is
being sponsored by the Massachusetts Freemasons"
Feeding the blog is not as easy as it looks.
Captain Kirk is apparently getting stalked.
A study has found that alcohol is damaging to the brain compared to cannabis. My reaction boils down to, "Duh, ya think so?"
Duterte continues to melt down and display his utter violent insanity. Here is his message to female rebels in the Philippines:
We won't kill you. We will just shoot your vagina.Only the sickest of fvck faces say such things. Yet, the fact that he is still alive and in power shows that there is a system in place in the Philippines agreeing with and protecting him.
If there is no vagina, it would be useless.
The system wants people to think of Freemasonry as a wackadoo conspiracy story with no grounding in reality. However, as long as one avoids mainstream and fake alternative news websites, one can free both mind and time to truly investigate the merits of leaning towards such a unified explanation of how everything is rigged and fake.
"PORTRAITS of Davao City mayor, vice mayor and President Rodrigo Duterte at City Council were replaced this week with pictures of national heroes who happen to be members of Freemasonry."
"Paolo Duterte is one proud Freemason"
Good people have the numbers. The next revolution must destroy Freemasonry. They are 100% responsible for the big mess and should get what scumbags deserve from laws of physics.
No, I will not back down from exposing the Freemasons. I like to joke around, but not too much with this. Reverse the gaslighting for starters if anything. That must be the first step taken towards the creation of a society comprised of authentic free men and free women.
We have the numbers, period. The ultimate epic battle is to destroy Freemasonry. It is humanity's only chance. The odds are low it can be done, but there is no other way around it. The enemy is the system in itself which is controlled and manipulated by Masons.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Paid Fake Scum Identified
Joshua Cooper Ramo
In other fake news, Trump is finally telling Israel to cut it out. I was rereading an entry I made from quite a ways back. I seemed a bit too soft on Israel. I do not support what has been done to the Palestinians. I never have. No one can know everything. When searching for why France is all up into my schtick, I noticed some other page where a 9/11 truther was saying I was censoring WTC truths. No, I never did that. It was just pretty damn obvious that disinfo was flying all over the place to make "conspiracy theorists" look like wackadoos. And I was trolled quite often even before the Kimberlin stuff took off. There was a disinfo agent trying to force 9/11 into this blog. I wasn't going there. I will shut down comments before letting anyone throw off me game.
This clown is what's referred to in Europe as a cvnt. He is just another medium personality with no verifiable journalism gravitas. He is in controversy news for informing Korea that Japan is its daddy.
From reading that, I immediately assumed he is a paid CIA/FBI styled fake. A quick looksie at Wikipedia confirms it. He has a B.A. in Latin American Studies and an M.A. in Economics. At age 25, he got hired as a journalist for Newsweek, then went to Time a few years later. There is nothing in his education which proves he is a journalist. So one has every right to wonder how he gets the jobs.
This is why the medium needs to be shut down. It is rigged and fake. Stop being a chump who follows it.
Oh, there's more. Ramo has worked for Kissinger Associates and alongside some big wig from Goldman Sachs. Nothing ever improves because of this specific type of asswipe. They are a fungus.
Meanwhile, rich fat fvck faces in Manhattan in an area referred to as Billionaires' Row are fighting against the creation of a homeless shelter.
A pedophile in Pennsylvania named Roger Gilbert Jr. has been re-elected to a volunteer fire chief position. Let me guess. Is he a Freemason? How else do such scumbags remain in power? I guess it's all a coincidence. Joshua Cooper Ramo works for Henry Kissinger and the Council on Foreign Relations. The pig below had sex with someone aged four. But I suppse it's all a coincidence and I'm just another random kook.
In other fake news, Trump is finally telling Israel to cut it out. I was rereading an entry I made from quite a ways back. I seemed a bit too soft on Israel. I do not support what has been done to the Palestinians. I never have. No one can know everything. When searching for why France is all up into my schtick, I noticed some other page where a 9/11 truther was saying I was censoring WTC truths. No, I never did that. It was just pretty damn obvious that disinfo was flying all over the place to make "conspiracy theorists" look like wackadoos. And I was trolled quite often even before the Kimberlin stuff took off. There was a disinfo agent trying to force 9/11 into this blog. I wasn't going there. I will shut down comments before letting anyone throw off me game.
Trump is a simpleton, unfortunately. He backed the wrong horse in Duterte. There's no debate that Trump is very scary, almost unhinged. I'm glad he criticised Israel. Enough is enough with that trouble spot. Palestinians need their own country. Israel needs to give back land.
Oops, I see that Trump prefaced his critique with slamming Palestine first. He will in all probability be a one term president. Bernie is in all likelihood the next president. The Masons are going to want things to cool things off. I'm all up into their junk providing credibility to the non-wackadoo part of the anti-Masonic movement. None of their reboots are working. Great people we can trust need to establish superpower web sites. I doubt it happens, but for examples, there needs to be new Youtubes, Googles, Twitters and I suppose Facebooks. I was never into Facebook. Everyone knew that was a CIA front way before most other websites and prior to Snowden revelations.
VOAT doesn't cut it to replace Reddit. I doubt GAB is any better than Twitter. I am still an internet addict and will continue to mail-in schtick here.
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