This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Paid fake garbage

Well, the stats have hit rock bottom. They've gone from one or two thousand page views per day down to 100-200. This started a few days ago. Just like that. There were tons of website visits, then all of a sudden it's become next to nothing.

That's good. If there's no audience, then a person can relax and move on. They can write for themselves or let it go.

I found another obvious disinfo agent at reddit conspiracy. It is as easy to do as breathe. They dominate the website.

It's called mimicry. It's called simulating actions and outcomes. It's about keeping you pinned within the system.


The disinfo fvck face keeps inserting "It's" awkwardly into sentences or capitalises the word it. This is called persona management. The disinfo agent probably has about 50 sock puppets all mapped out as in how to present each one. This one inexplicably keeps misspelling the word it's.

I could probably keep looking and find more examples. Here is a third one:

I used to have the username socrates. This person mentions him.

So on the one hand, the person name drops big names such as Socrates and also Kierkegaard. On the other, he or she never explains anything about them. There is never any context. For someone throwing out a lot of big ideas and names, the grammar is way off.

I brought up Erich Fromm for specific reasons and explained what he provided. Everything I write can be easily verified as truthful. I don't explain everything because Confucious said only show the student three sides of the box or something similar. Don't give away the whole shop. Teachers are also students. This never ends. One is always learning.

I don't remember Socrates mentioning himself possessed by anything. Search results have him utilising the word possess in the non-kook way as in reference to possessions.

The closest thing I can find is this but I refuse to click on it. I don't care that much.

It's a dead end to chase after anonymous coward scum.

Social media is a racket. You'd have to be a total chump to believe in any of it. It's called cointelpro and a police state.

The Military-Industrial Complex has apparently attempted to entrap me to click on child pornography

I was poking around the stats. They had mysteriously dropped down to a more normal 100-200 page views per day. The above shows that most of clicks are coming from within the website itself. I think the pubsubhubbub thingie is a google app. Blogger is google, so that would make sense. What doesn't is something called chidporn dot com. Child porn? I sure as hell am not curious enough to look. I never think of children sexually as in never ever, ever ever, never as in never with a period, an exclamation mark and a how about you [redacted], CIA scum. You are the worthless trash which has ruined the planet.

Why do I think they dropped the link? Okay, that's fair enough. So I went to which provides domain info.

I then searched the above i.p. to see what else was on it. Chidporn is protected by some form of anonymous domain registration. But the thing about cointelpro sick fvcks [redacted] is that they are some of the most stupid people on the planet. I found what seems to be a fake news website named TheNiles.Org on the same server.


Anyway, youse guys are probably wondering wtf that has to do with the CIA. Basically the CIA and that organisation are very tight. Quick search results linked The Niles to Voice of America which everyone knows is a U.S. military propaganda rag.

This is a mailed in entry, but I have two strong examples of circumstantial evidence.

Birungi used to work for Voice of America.

It didn't take much time looking around to solve this apparent child porn link mystery left in the referral stats. The truth showed up in mere moments from simply searching Niles dot org.

It's not just the Birungi person. I then searched The Niles with VOA and there's a definite connection between the two.

Everything is a coincidence? I don't think so.

I was planning to blog on stamps, but then that showed up as an issue. I truly mean this. If you are in any form of military intelligence, you should [redacted]. You are the worst possible people on the planet and the true enemies to humanity. You thought you could wipe all that baby blood off of your hands?

Monday, March 26, 2018

Paid fakes are dependent on your useful idiocy involvement

                                             I swallowed a bug.

The medium is the dinosaur bug or parasite we absorbed through development. Awareness of this predicament unfortunately never takes hold in a moment such as some have claimed humanity's capacity for instant zen enlightenment. It takes a lot of time. The system formulated eighteen a long time ago as the age of adulthood. From five to finishing high school is where the dirty work takes place. Students are tracked by the third grade. We as individuals are pretty much locked into place by age eight.

There will be moments of rebellion, yet the system is built for such occurrences. It's a system that depends on duality which somehow forms the bedrock of computers in terms of 0's and 1's. If this happens, then there is that or vice versa.

Picture a self-adhesive stamp stuck on envelope paper. It does not g.a.f. about water. It is not going anywhere. That is the status quo. You can do this or that, but nothing fundamentally ever changes. Or think of snot on a finger. Try flicking it off. It ain't going nowhere to nobody. One must wipe it off then clean the surface or go grunge style. But never lick or swallow it.

Nicolae Ceausescu was the personification of snot, so he was executed.

Rodrigo Duterte thinks drug dealers and rebels are garbage and has told his police to get rid of them, dead or alive. There is no need for trials. It's weird. He is the one who should be exterminated. But some of us don't even kill insects. This is all foreign behaviour to good regular guys. Costanza asked, "Where is the humanity?"

Many of us have been antiwar our entire lives. We knew it was garbage. Our heroes were the peaceniks. I did sort of personally fall a little bit for the Yugoslavian thingie under Clinton. I started to think of the possibility of war for good- not to be confused with one of my scoops pertaining to an apple for good or something. There was a phrase called ethnic cleansing. I liked Wikileaks' coining of collateral murder. The world is a far better place without Adrian Lamo. The true path is to live outside of the system perhaps a bit lonely and confused at times rather than to partake in demented social media.

We all had our gripes with the news, t.v., movies, magazines, etc.. But we were unaware of how controlled society actually was. We hence remained susceptible to good cop, bad cop. In fact, that was the only option available other than isolation and depression. There must always be hope and a way out. Humans are built to consume relief. Sleep handles that for the most part. But it's obviously not enough. The status quo rolls on whether we rise and shine or snot.

The medium is nothing more than a bad habit. It gives the illusion of spontaneous debate when it is merely scripted dialogue amongst government agents and civilians unaware of the big picture. They try reverse psychology. They say that the bad guys want us to quit and that they're gonna keep on fighting. They are the same people. Them. They.

Whenever a stamp is difficult to identify, they are placed into a set aside batch for some future attempt at pinpointing. The medium is at a point in which it cannot be completely identified yet has broken enough rules to still be tossed into the trash. There should be no second chances for scumbags, turds and garbage. I used to go on and on about Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football. Think of the girl who stays with the abuser. We've all known them. They are impossible to reach. Looking into the mirror as proselytized by Michael Jackson meant what it said. Change starts from within.

There is not much discernible difference between lurker and forum member. Both are reading the same crap. Both are absorbing the ideas and bad karma of state-sponsored convolution. The more people quit both reading and posting on trash websites which includes all of them except for DFQ2, the more that disinfo fat fvck faces will be left to rot on their own like an Adrian Lamo. Why habituate in societal demise?


Tom Arnold, to paraphrase, says that Roseanne is a demented wench. Thanks, Mr. Captain Obvious. And why should anyone watch her show or care?

A 27-years-old teacher has fallen in love with someone 13. That's demented. She's obviously insane.

Dum da duh. She is kind of cute. Just kidding. Well, she is, but what I said wasn't appropriate.

Heineken is being accused of making a racist ad. I'm flipping through a few stories mostly just reading the titles and not really caring. There was something on the North Korean fat fvck who is mad at someone or a group which has been circulating anti-fat fvcker despot pamphlets.

I must find a way to cut back on digressions.

Oh yeah, that Heineken ad is way out there racist. How can people be so stupid? Beers get passed by Black people to a white tomato. The ad says sometimes lighter is better. Did a CIA guy produce that?

I'm always curious in the nitty-gritty of truth. However, no answers ever arrive from the medium. No investigation. It's always the content ain't worth nothing to nobody schtick. Heineken says oopsies, something about missing the mark. I wrote on the white dude shooting guard who called Chinese people chl|\|ks. He was mad at the zeitgeist for claiming he was racist instead of his just having made a self-described innocent mistake.

The hat tip for the Heineken thingie apparently goes to a rapper named Chance.

This is bare-boned minimalist social theory brought to you commercial free.

Geraldo Rivera apparently hates Megyn Kelly's guts. Welcome to my world, buddy, although she is kind of cute in an exotic way. Those are two of the better entertainers to have entered the news world. Bill O'Reilly was also fun back in the day. Okay not really, but those guys were somewhat presentable for wasting time watching. Lou Dobbs, man. Couric had those crazy ooh la la legs. Fricken Mary Ann over Ginger was an easy call. Nonetheless, those t.v. days are way, way back in the rear-view mirror.

A French waiter has sued a Vancouver restaurant for firing him for inappropriate behaviour. He claims this is discrimination against his culture. That's my scoop or I predicted this sort of story. I said the French suck and are stupid. I meant that they are rude buggers and not very nice despite having a city with that name.

I'm done.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

rise and shine, me arse

I was scrolling for a photo in the screenshot archive and picked this one. It is early in the day for me. I am nursing a coffee. I didn't notice the nipples. This was inappropriate. But it's Anderson's fault. It's her nips, not mine.

But I shouldn't be sexist. She has the right to flash her breasts without my gawking at them. I am the sinner. She is a free beautiful woman leading a life. I'm not sure why she has a book saying get a life. She obviously has great breasts or they are fake.

This is week 73 off of the medium. I just picked that number out of me arse, hence the name of the blog title.

Yes, this one was mailed in. I wouldn't want the disinfo losers who rise and shine every day to get worried. I'm fine and am doing okay. Everything is going to be okay.

Monday, March 19, 2018

I'm at a loss for words

                                     personification of trash

One can either rise and shine to fake society or not give a fvck. Those are the only two choices. There is no in-between spectrum. You are either with humanity or the scumbags, turds and garbage circumscribed within the medium.

I briefly looked around and saw no explanation for what happened to Adrian Lamo.

Fake anonymous wants people to back off of him.

Does that sound familiar?

                                      "simulate the outcome"

Jim Carrey is also in the fake news. His schtick is remarkably similar to Lamo's with an excessive political slant. No one can just be themselves. We are brainwashed to think one is either with the medium or might as well not exist.

I am pretty sure Lamo either committed suicide, had an overdose or otherwise triggered a personal catastrophe. There is an indiscernible fine line between those three theories. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was the demise truly an accident or did the person have a death wish? Suicide is the taking of one's life. It is something that I've never understood. It goes against everything nature represents.

Plants can be in the worst shape imaginable, yet with renewed care, they can spring back to life as if nothing happened. Animals are rescued from oppressive shelters and pet stores, yet then make 180 degree turns towards health and happiness. Lamo has been part and parcel of cointelpro since hacking the New York Times in 2002. He lived an evil life which brought on instant karma. That's how life works. And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make?

Selena Gomez is so ugly in real life.

This blog entry should have been titled, "I'm at a loss for content."

I hate rich famous people and sewer rats? Is that the endgame?

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Whatever Michael Keaton is, be the opposite.

This clown helped me to take the step of finally quitting the medium. He was on a late show like this after a basketball game. Maybe it's the same appearance. Watch how he keeps looking out to the crowd. Keaton suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Do not be that person.

Jimmy Kimmel is just as much of a dovchebag, if not more. People can suck and we should have the freedom to organise and boycott them the fvck out of society. The medium is 100% stinking filthy trash.

Don't forget about what's his face and the fake laugh. He used to be on SNL.  I don't even remember his name that is how much I have quit the medium. Oh yes, Jimmy Fallon is 100% loser turd with a demented laugh. It's called a psychological disorder.

Tool is the antidote:

Fake people svck. Lee Camp is another one. He is twisted, deranged narcissistic scum. I am digressing, but that is okay. The blog entry is complete.

I might have killed Adrian Lamo

It was inadvertent or perhaps I had nothing to do with it and am merely blog feeding. I wrote a few days ago:
They want you to keep visiting websites which simulate actions and outcomes.
That means every day. They want you to wake up, turn on the computer, then go with your regular routine. They don't care what you like as long as you pick a controlled niche in the machine. They don't want you to feel free or to write from the heart based on knowledge and reflection. That is why they mimic and flatter. They are non-death necrophiliacs. They should kill themselves.
Seriously, I mean that and am not merely stealing from Bill Hicks. If you are in the military, go to fvcking hell. You have baby blood all over your hands, youse scumbags. You are why everything sucks and is stupid.
And then a day or two later he was dead of an apparent suicide.

I actually d.g.a.f.. This is classic good riddance to bad rubbish. Don't be a sewer rat dry humping totalitarianism and warmongering? Adrian Lamo was the personification of all that is wrong with the world.

Sewer Rat Adrian Lamo Dead at 37

It will be interesting to find out what happened. I tweeted him quite a number of attacks. I went after a lot of public figures and it seemed like I had a fantastic array of blocks. Roseanne and Tapper were just a few of them. Lamo on the other hand did not block me. I'll give him credit for that.

The guilt must have finally gotten to him.

Is his good buddy Chet Uber still alive?

I've truly weaned off of the internet. The way I quit CNN a couple years ago is the same thingie going on with the Daily Mail. They can fvck off, too.

The medium is not only the message, it is a big fat hoax. One would be foolish to follow it. I don't think there is anything redeemable to it. It's produced by all the bad actors responsible for the big mess. It will make one stupider. It produces a negative for human development. It is worse than a damaged common stamp. At least cruddy stamps can be tossed into the garbage bin. The medium is part and parcel of unlimited power amassed by a very small group of people.

I think I explained all this during the probe into rise and shine doctrine as the primary source of the death principle. It is where the ego becomes rooted. Take away all the nonsense and there becomes no you in which to corrupt.

Both individual and audience are relieved of obligation. Existence transforms into a stream. There's nothing for them to grab onto.

I think a comment left on a previous blog post was from an Irish acquaintance at Twitter or JTRIG mimicked him. I don't understand why he didn't say hi, this is Craig or wtf; that's the guy's name. He uses his real picture and name akin to Julian. He was protesting a Regina Doherty politician. I guess you had to be there.

Lamo snitched on someone who had outed American war crimes. Manning is now free. Assange is stuck in an embassy for exposing the U.S. government for, hmm, what's the phrase... oh, war crimes by war pigs, but I hate to repeat words. It causes diction issues.

"You can't handle the truth."

That's your medium. Let's all bow to Hollywood and mimick Nicholson. Fricken every single one of us was brainwashed and destroyed. A part of us can never be touched. I don't mean all is wrong and bad. Breathing is good. I don't know what happened to Lamo. It will probably be spun into a conspiracy story. I was victimised by one of those. That's how I became a small fry in the big pond, as I suppose in contradistinction to regular guys leaving random spewage on ESPN.

It just happened. It doesn't even matter. It's weird how everything is rigged. That's what made it easy for the Spy Factory to spin all dissent as random kook chatter. I said this kind of stuff well before fake news went mainstream as verified conspiracy. I vouched for chemtrails as real.

Alex Jones and the topic took off because it was planned that way. I switched hobby horse internet projects towards electoral integrity; which led to my backstory- the good old Fatterico days, I-pad keep away, SWATs, Weinergate and the proverbial much, much more. Did you know that Adrian Lamo's buddy Neal claimed I was the kingpin or maybe he had me as Patterico's Radar O'Reilly? Mandy who plagiarised me seemed to hit a real bad tailspin for health. I can't really say anything more than that. The Kimberlin stuff was my scoop, period. It took Breitbart approximately 22 months to catch up to my analysis. I haven't done the math in a while.

The election stuff was the original Pizzagate or name the current zeigeist trend.

The medium is the message in itself just like it implies because content is meaningless. That is McLuhan in a nutshell.

Lamo was one degree or no degrees apart from the cointelpro fvcks who fvcked with me. It was the same unit which entrapped Barrett Brown. It's water under the bridge for meself. File under it is what it is or whatnot.

My content has meaning. That's all I can vouch for at this point. I see no one else who transcends the medium. It's about a commitment to detachment. George Carlin didn't have any answers. There is only the capacity to articulate aspects of social reality which will never put a dent into anything but a rigged structure built for such instances.

Think double-bind.

I am very curious how Lamo died.

That was a shocker on par with Breitbart's demise, although Andrew's shocking young death was quite a bit more significant. There's the rub, Horatio. Shakespeare was a plagiarist and there is no way to change the system from within or without; or at least not by existing means of so-called social change. The Peace Corps was trash. The stamps are an indictment in themselves against the western countries.

And we the regular guys bear the fallout. If we go our own way, we are spun as apathetic or the reason Trump won. The system wants our non-death blood. Fromm coined it as non-death necrophilia or it is a public domain phrase. They can't control us if we're dead. This is about the roots of fascism uprooted for all to see. This is emperor wearing no clothes territory or the Wizard of Oz. The reason it is very painful is because all medium is circumscribed within the oppressive status quo. Let's make schadenfreude great again?

It's painful because the medium acts as if nothing has changed. By not caring, there is no you to be herded.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

DFQ2 represents the global village of regular guys

                                      stats from the last seven days

This will not be a real entry. Before logging out, I have taken a closer look at the stats. France seems to have gotten tired allowing England to take over the top of the leaderboard. Yet, there always seems to be fresh blood popping in. Brazil and Belgium are in the house. Poland has entered the picture. Here are the stats for the previous thirty days:

I'm now looking at the all-time monthly numbers. This blog hit an organic peak in December 2016 with 16,168 visits. Then it dropped back down to the typical 3,000-5,000 page views. That makes sense. Pizza places get a lot of business during televised sporting events. That compensates for the dog days of Summer when it is too hot to be hungry and no one wants their food. It indeed adds up that bloggers get the best stats at the height of elections.

May and June of 2017 saw some growth up to and past the 5,000 view count. July of last year saw a bump to over 8,000 views. August and September provided approximately 10,000. October would peak within this small sample size period to 11,229 views. November brought in 7,972 and December was when I got banned by Twitter I think around Christmas, somewhere during the holiday. That's when this blog took off.

December: 11,616
January: 22,306
February: 34,785
March: 27,519

And March isn't even halfway done.

Something is going on and it is very mysterious. It was one thing for France and England to saturate the blog with visits, but all those other countries have also jumped into the fray.

I wish I knew what it all meant. I mean, I wish I had more info on who the fvck all these people are. Those are huge numbers for a random nobody. I guess I'm not a random nobody anymore and haven't been one for quite a while.

The mythology of rise and shine (part two)

                            Only Pepperidge Farm truly remembers.

Young people were overheard in conversation.

- Wtf is a Pepperoni Farm?
- That's Pepperidge. You're being silly.

I wanted to put a screenshot of Hitler up there. But there was Abe. Is there something poking into his eye? Wtf is that? But I digress.

Once one realises that rise and shine is directly linked to the ultimate conspiracy, one is able to then say fvck you and fvck this to it and move on towards experiencing authentic freedom.

I need a tune. Fvck Pepperidge Farm. Let's go to Crackerbox Palace instead.

                                   "We've been expecting you."

I'm listening to tunes instead of checking out the medium. I just woke up. I never go to it anymore out of habit. I sincerely don't give a fvck. That is my advice to anyone out there who is still getting their chains yanked by the military-industrial complex' conspiracy story program.

Tool is an antidote.

Waking up has nothing to do with Folger's. They are the worst coffee brand ever put together. They probably serve that junk in prisons to go with bland food. The word brand used to mean something. Now everyone according to the conspiracy must create a personal brand. They want you to become part and parcel of the system. They want your mind and soul. They are the Jews. Just kidding, ha ha.

It's why the military is always given props at NBA games and during the ads. They don't want folks to know that not only is G.I. Joe a baby killer, he is fvcking with people's heads on a massive scale. Military contractors should be identified and exposed. They should be locked up forever. They are the proverbial meanies. They are Hitlers.

How'd Abe Lincoln come into it? Apparently according to Salon, right wing losers are comparing Lincoln to Hitler. I say apparently because all I wanted was a picture of Adolph, yet the image results brought me to the scumbag medium outlet named Salon.

You are either with humanity or the baby killers.

Okay, that was from about a year ago. Some politician compared Hitler to Lincoln. Oooh, there's nothing like cold hot takes in the morning.

Abe Lincoln wasn't that great a guy. When it is claimed that everything is rigged and fake, that means every bit all the way down to Maxwell's last drop. And that brand is just as bad as Folger's.

Oh God, I love Tool.

They want you to keep visiting websites which simulate actions and outcomes.

That means every day. They want you to wake up, turn on the computer, then go with your regular routine. They don't care what you like as long as you pick a controlled niche in the machine. They don't want you to feel free or to write from the heart based on knowledge and reflection. That is why they mimic and flatter. They are non-death necrophiliacs. They should kill themselves.

Seriously, I mean that and am not merely stealing from Bill Hicks. If you are in the military, go to fvcking hell. You have baby blood all over your hands, youse scumbags. You are why everything sucks and is stupid.

I noticed two things last night at Reddit Conspiracy before nodding off to sleep. There is a new moderating team, fellas. They are struggling to maintain a state-sponsored rise and shine vibe. There are too many people who think like I do. They know fake when they see it. One of the new mods is into the hollow earth theory. Isn't that wicked awesome?

I noticed one other thing before saying fvck this and fvck them. I decided right then that I had new material in which to mail in a blog entry. But I was too tired to write it. That was then and this is Tao.

I know all about state-sponsored conspiracy websites. Before there was ever a Snowden, I had uncovered a deep state schtick contaminating the internet via the idea of conspiracy. I figured out that a website named Chemtrail Central was military sponsored. I emailed a Patrick Minnis from NASA and got the loser to admit he had made tons of posts there with a pseudonym. The website owner was part and parcel of the simulation. The top posters were also disingenuous.

That was back in 2006-07, pretty much when I first got tangled up by social media.

This is basically not my first rodeo with internet convolution. I am a seasoned veteran in the struggle for good regular guys over paid fakes and useful idiots.

I forgot to close out the Salon article tab. This is on their right margin:

                           Is that a Masonic 666 holding the keys, Flo?

I no longer drive a car, watch t.v., nor am svengalied anymore by the ebbs and flows of this garbage pit. I have never been happier.

I published this yesterday in the early a.m.:
 Someone at Reddit Conspiracy posted the following twenty hours ago which means in the late afternoon:

That's so funny and must be a coincidence. I had written in my entry:
It sucks that Julian is holed up in the embassy. It is the height of injustice. There is a lot of support for him by Americans. He is correct JTRIG is all over the internet posting confusing and annoying crap. That seems to be what he implied.
The irony is that all sorts of people read this blog. I do not cater to conspiratorial fakes. A lot of stuff here has nothing to do with it or it is put together in such an original way that the two worlds never collide. It is called probing. That is where mimicry and flattery come into play. This is about circumscribing. Anyone who is free and authentic is mimicked. It happens so often as to no way can it be a coincidence. It is by chance that I pick up on it. It must go on a lot more than what I am able to notice.

A lot of people know me. I influenced a big chunk of folks within "real life." I was the kind of substitute teacher who became a bridge between students and faculty. I was from neither subgroup. I am smarter and wiser today, but back then I had a fastball for truth and young people are more adept at grokking authenticity. It's why we are beaten down for the first eighteen years of life as a minor. It is state-sponsored rising and shining, period.

The new loser copying my ideas didn't give the link to Julian. That's not so bad in itself, but when you click on the image, you can't even see what Julian quoted. It was all chopped up. That's not very helpful.

Cointelpro is comprised of morons. Just say no to the internet's version of rise and shine. God bless the audience.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Flattery as a JTRIG Maneuver

Someone left an odd seemingly grateful comment. The person said I influenced how he views his career and that I inspired him to put a huge dent in the armor of a well-known political figure. The comment provided no other information. I don't believe it. I think the person might be a paid fake.

People who work for JTRIG should be outed on a massive scale. Everyone working for that scumbag organisation deserves to be placed in a prison. They are the scum of the earth.

And here is the trash named Hillary Clinton taking a tumble in India. It's amazing she is still alive. Did people feel bad when Hitler died? I didn't when hearing about Breitbart and if Hillary is close to death from natural causes of course, that'd make me extremely happy. She is disgusting and death personified. I also hate anyone who likes H.. They can go to fvcking hell with her.

Assange cannot tell the difference between paid fakes and useful idiots.

I call them paid fakes and useful idiots. I agree it is often difficult to tell them apart. Hal Turner worked because there was something called a pay stub in the form of an email.

One needs to hit a point of detachment until realising both the actions and outcomes of social media are manipulated. It is tough to take that final leap. There is no going back. It was Malcolm X exposing Elijah Muhammad. It was Mandela in prison unwilling to cave into the white supremacists.

The above was off the thread from this tweet:

I feel so sorry for him. He should emulate Mandela and stay firm. I don't believe the gossip, but he should make sure to take care of himself and stay human. Jigsaw puzzles and stamps wouldn't be such a bad idea. He should get the fvck off of Twitter. He is not me. Only I had the ability to speak my mind and control the bus. He has nothing but trash forming off of his comments. I think he should write more.

I hated getting tossed by Twitter. The format there is very easy. But I definitely liked the stuff he used to write when younger. He had his own blog. I'd like to see him go his own way and let it rip.

The medium will crush anyone's soul who takes it at face value. One can think by whining about the medium that they are on another path, yet it's still a double-bind. I do not miss Jimmy Dore. There is no social movement at all through the internet. Assange might make a greater impact if he writes more free style like meself. He's got to let go of the medium. If he builds something, people will go there.

He's working himself up for something out of his control. No way in hell should he quit the internet, but he has to find a way to think and live like it was done pre-internet. Like I said before, people are hungry for authenticity. He is overqualified for Twitter.

Someone there had the best username ever after Tokyo Shemp. It was dontreadthecomments or something. I stopped doing that. I've quit it all! It can be done. I think he will eventually be released, but this is a very weird time in history. Maybe Trump wants to wait until after the election to pardon him. Trump is the biggest idiot of them all and completely glued to the medium.

It looks like he cheated on Melania and now she is struggling to play the loser wife role like Hillary did after Bill cheated on her in front of a whole country.

                       I still think this "ex-CIA" dude is H.A.'s dad, but I digress.

I guess when people are that powerful and narcissistic, it takes a Harvey Weinstein as a husband to say enough is enough. Melania is probably wanting no part in a sordid media scandal. It looks like Trump cheated on her with the porn star. Are there updates on Chachi or is that one done?

I am so done with the medium. I only now notice junk from a glance.

The t.v. and internet do brainwash people.

It sucks that Julian is holed up in the embassy. It is the height of injustice. There is a lot of support for him by Americans. He is correct JTRIG is all over the internet posting confusing and annoying crap. That seems to be what he implied.

I tried to talk with Alan Watts in another entry. I've a few questions for George Orwell. Steve Allen had a t.v. show where actors played famous people from the deep past and he interviewed them. Maybe I have committed schtick theft.

  This was Bernie in another time and place looking up at the Wikileaks banner.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

I forgot to include this

3,711 page hits? There are still some hours left, too, to pad those stats. That is a huge number. Wtf is going on here? Are real people finding the blog or what else could this mean?

Let's round that off to 4,000. Multiply that by thirty days and somehow there becomes a decent sized readership. But I have no clue if this is organic or snot. That'll about do it. There is real life going on which transcends demented social media. Live for that part of it. Forget the rest. Learn and grow on one's own. The system and its participants are doomed to hell. Don't be involved in it. Stop breaking bread with the medium and go your own way.

I forgot to say something

Hiya, fellas. This is Tokyo Shemp sharing truths so painful that the bad guys get a little bit uncomfortable. Anyway, I forgot to mention the last time that Jimmy Dore had been discussing someone heckling Pelosi for her net worth. Nancy had been giving a speech on inequality.

It was akin to Archie Bunker teaching an adult education course on multiculturalism. It was LeBron James pointing the finger at steroid users? It was Orwellian and surreal. It was Hillary complaining about the Russians rigging our elections without any mention of what was done to Bernie.

Just quit the medium. One sleeps a lot better. Nothing ever happens. I'm not saying nothing ain't happening but rather that far too often hypocrites are gaslighting masses of people. Everything about the media is rigged, fake, sucks, is stupid and despite telling everyone I could about this throughout me life, no one believed it due to the excessive nightmare scripted by scumbags, turds and garbage, and this is referred to as social reality and a run-on sentence.

But that's not completely what I forgot to explain. The previous blog entry was meant to describe how yet again I have been victimised by schtick theft. My username at Twitter went through some changes over time. During the height of Bernie's enough is enough schtick, I became Shempernista. I think that was it. I was a Leonardo Doritos at one point which evolved into Lenny Fritos. When Hillary was crowned as the DNC's nominee, Bernie conceded and did a reverse-Eugene McCarthy. Eugene refused to kiss Humphrey's butt like Sanders did for H.. Bernie was basically the political version of the Young Turks. I'm not sure why it took so long for Dore to come to his senses.

So I became Shemp Green. Then after fully giving up on politics, society and the medium, I became Tokyo Shemp, perhaps the best username ever coined. Just saying.

What I wanted to say was that the net worth thingie bit was my Twitter schtick. I must have asked at least twenty people that question.

I'm not saying it was schtick theft by the person asking Pelosi or Alec Baldwin what's in their wallets. God bless that heckler. While it would be refreshing if she admitted to picking up the maneuver from reading my censored Twitter media page, that's not the point either. The schtick theft was Dore's doing. He's the tool and nothing special.

Just stop giving a fvck. Do not regularly visit any websites.

And that's not all. Two other people have stolen from my material. Kim Jong-un claims that the United States is "the sworn enemy to humankind." So, it's not just Alex Jones lifting from my enemies to humanity schtick. I guess that is the boomerang to one's driving the zeitgeist bus. Everyone wants a piece of you without giving any credit. That is the war industry and capitalism in a nut shell.

Below is a screenshot from the Daily Mail. I spent less than five minutes scrolling through their headlines. Nothing of significance is happening in the media, period. It is all fake. Everyone is starting to grok this. It's why DFQ2's stats have been picking up steam. It doesn't matter if the person writing is Lenny Bruce, Jimbo Jones or Lucy McGillicuddy. When schticks make sense, there is always an impact.

That's the same fricken duck that is in the Snowden documents. Maybe it is a famous sketch or drawing I've never heard of. I am curious about its origination, yet this is just another mailed-in post. I may or may not in the future do a socratisation. What I can provide is the proof that if it looks and goes blah, blah blah like a duck, then that's what it is. It is what it is. Coach Belichick coined that phrase or someone else did and he plagiarised it. But that too will be shelved for another possible future research project.

I didn't make the above. I don't know who did. See how easy it is to not steal material from others?

Here is the duck from the Five Eyes' demented power point presentation on how to be a cyber magician and break constitutional law.

It's the same fricken bird. Hmmm.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Quitting the medium is one's only true option

I have dramatically cut back on using the medium in reference to media and society. Stamps and housecleaning have been very therapeutic during this final stage of weaning off of internet addiction. It's not the internet in itself which is the problem. It is extremely helpful for identifying stamps, for one example. I can listen to music.

I took a quick look and noticed that Jimmy Dore had a fallout with Cenk and there was also a new conspiracy story saying Alex Jones had been censored by Youtube. The latter seems to be about advertisers pulling out, not that he's been deleted. But I really don't g.a.f. either way. I don't really care about Dore. I trolled his butt on Twitter telling him to leave TYT. I was all over Cenk for his Armenian Genocide denial and couldn't figure out why Dore would be involved with him.

And it's been quite a while since it became obvious that TYT is a DNC Soros-styled website. Jimmy is basically the Bernie Sanders of social media. Good luck with that. He's not saying anything new or refreshing. It's not rocket science to realise everything is rigged and fake. Some of us have known this for entire lives.

Yeah, it's nuts for two clowns with sex harassment/rape allegations in their past to be getting #MeToo awards. The Oscars is the apex of all garbage. People may rise and shine one day to realise that it sucks and is stupid, like all things on the social internet. Hollywood is a chief architect involved with rise and shine brainwashing. Just cut the cord. It's that simple.

The story of the teacher with the white supremacy channel has taken a bizarro turn. She claims it was all a parody. But I took a listen and it sounded sincere and not satire. What I think deep down is that she is involved in a Hal Turner styled job role with cointelpro. I thought it was some random clown, but the production values for audio far exceed that kind of videocast.

This is her. I'm done. There's too much real life to be lived to waste it on this sort of junk.

Some of us are immune to medium reboots.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Paid fvckfaces are mimicking me

Anonymous coward disinfo scum are co-opting my schtick. It was revealed in Snowden documents that this certainly takes place.

                                     "Can I game this?"

Isn't that nice to be called a tinfoiler? The person also refers to itself as a conspiracy theorist. This scumbag can go to hell. Stop being anonymous coward shit with a weird username and maybe "conspiracy story" experts such as myself won't be able to identify you as cointelpro within minutes.

The fake speaks of we and start-ups:

                         "We didn't want to advertise on conspiracy"

Disinfo agents make the worst liars. Regular people will often tell white lies to either avoid confrontation or to not hurt someone's feelings. One needs to pick one's battles. The Five Eyes are all about controlling narratives and emotions. It's all in the Snowden documents. They desire to game social media. They wish to identify every single person who writes on it.

"control attention"
"simulate the action"
"simulate the outcome"

Cointelpro morons couldn't be more obvious. Here's another snippet:


This person can go to hell. He or she refers to itself as a conspiracy theorist yet claims to not have wanted to post this on the conspiracy board. It also gives no info in which people can check it out on their own anonymously. If you want more info, then contact this blob in direct messages. Then said blob will have the tools by which to identify you. That's how all this works. It's coming from a number of angles. They wish to herd people into two camps. Everything to them is dual. You are right or left. You are a kook or grown-up. One angle is to i.d.. Another is to maintain the idea of "conspiracy stories."

                                         "conspiracy stories" under group


                    "We can discuss your love of cocaine!"

         "I'm not cointelpro. Let's discuss conspiracies and cocaine in private."

James Corbett and all of Reddit Conspiracy is paid fake garbage. Don't fall for any of it.

                                 The above is apparently a quote from Corbett.