Just kidding with the title. It's apparently called satire and not gaslighting.
It's already been established through a previous socratisation that British royalty have Nazi blood. That hasn't been an issue, as unlike Nazis, good people are people don't think in regards to demented race constructs. The problem was their incestual pursuit of blood greatness based on weak sauce elitism.
I have a theory on why such consensual incest still sometimes occurs. These are basically narcissists. Even demented people are people who like to be around other people. I learned that from Barbara Streisand, this people are people schtick and that they need other people and sometimes they create new people through hanky panky. One cannot do this by making love to the mirror. As narcissists, they tend to be attracted to folks with genetic similarities.
Markle is a good change of pace. Diversify the bloodline and maybe the old-school hereditary diseases will be phased out.
I've been watching documentaries. Man cannot live by old movies alone. There was a good one on preserved sacrifice victims found in bogs. I like the show called Archaeology. I think it's called that. Then I shifted to a show on the history of tainted royal blood. It is quite ironic that in their quest for pure blood, the Windsor Nazis shot themselves in the butt long-term and perhaps forever.
It is an unknown future for internet addiction. The struggle to find good content continues. I'm definitely drained from those fricken Hi fellas videos where random nobodies basically go, to repeat: Hiya, fellas. Let's talk about Margo.
Hey Britster, here's one suggestion for when you come back as amateuro Americano talent. Yeah, use your real name. Also stifle it, Edith, with the Illuminati crap. H. got sick and tired of the Sanders Administration lying and that's where I'm at with the fricken state-sponsored ha ha, let's make fun of kooks schtick. Thanks in advance. And keep away from corporations. They suck. We must forge new paths in the quest to kill time through infotainment.
Oops, that's the wrong picture. This one below shall end this mailed in blog entry. That is all, mi bitchos. Oh, why is it always Cheetos?
I left this comment on a YT channel. I'll only tidy up a few typos.
edit: Oopsies, I went on a marathon tirade. I don't expect yourself or anyone else to read this. It is please pardon my indulgence 101, there I said it and God bless the audience. ___________________________
Once you mentioned Edible Red, it was easy to figure out who you are and the bizarre lawsuit. I was spun as either the kingpin of Weinergate or Patterico's right hand man. It was also bizarre and I had zero support. Breitbart knew about it and did nothing to help me. Then he died. They had lifted my schtick similar to what Marsii is alleging. My story is easier to prove than his, but he has definitely produced a lot of content. His accent was tough at first, but he helped me see that the Mars Argo part was where the Poppy story could potentially be solved. I first heard of That Poppy in January.
I found a YT channel a few weeks later which seemed to be Brittany's. One short video was titled, "What should I do?" I advised her to sue. I'm not saying I was the reason she did, as she must have been leaning that way or had already started the process. It annoys me when people act as if she wasn't copied and gaslighted. It took me two or three weeks to figure out the basics without the need to get bogged down in drama. Poppy and Titanic made it seem she just upped and quit? They definitely spun T.S. as some mastermind creative genius and the next Andy Warhol.
I have no proof Repzilla is a proverbial disinfo shill. It's more that he seems to be one, imho. It's just not a battle I want to pursue. I'm actually done with the keyboard warrior schtick.
The Illuminati shite is nothing new. It's been going on since the emergence of sex, drugs and rock & roll. Oooh, look at those free thinking subversive musician rebels doing what thou wilt.
I agree this stuff has gone full commercial. Taco Bell makes Belluminati ads. I am about ready to quit the NBA as the players keep making too many devil hand gestures. The referees are so bad there are probably as many people who believe it is rigged as think Oswald didn't kill JFK or that marijuana should be legal or that military and police need to back the f off in so many ways. I am sick and tired of the idea that dissent equates to unfounded kookiness. Repzilla is not helping. He seems to do what the deep state is doing.
I'm sorry the dude who sued you felt the need to try to crush your spirits. What a meanie. We just have to let go of the shame and trust the lurkers will try their best to hear out our sides. That seems to be what happened to Brittany, some dr. evil plan to break her down mentally.
The strategy worked since she apparently has PTSD. I don't think they knew the lawsuit was coming. One guy in a video suggested they always knew this time would arrive. Maybe they knew people would never stop asking about Mars Argo, but not the court junk. I didn't expect it. I'm sure you didn't. No, I think they would have cleaned it up a long time ago if that was true. I think the gaslighting was done thinking Brittany would become less likely to take action. They had become so rich and powerful and she was basically with nobody status.
Corey desired to ruin her career by distorting her voice and act into his own creation. I think if Landis didn't say anything and if dudes like Marsii didn't keep asking about "Mars Argo," the lawsuit might never have happened. The statute of limitations would have run out. It's a bizarre little story, as is yours, mine and many others'.
As for Julian, I am not really sure what are good links. His internet has been taken away. My gripe is with the DNC and medium in general. Bernie was cheated. Craig Murray claims he collected the Podesta leaks in Washington, D.C.. I, like many, see social media as not only bread and circuses, but as an enormous entrapment honeypot. He has a blog. I keep meaning to visit it, but I usually end up watching old movies instead for internet time. I would have responded sooner, but I did some nature exercising instead. It's time to wean off of the internet to a healthier amount or it will destroy us.
I don't know if youtube allows links. This is Julian's original blog:
I wish Marsii would do a video on him. They are both Australian, so why not?
People should look into the work of Marshall McLuhan. I only got into him in the last several years and it is enabling me to have greater control over internet addiction. One great thing about us Yanks is that we believe not only in free speech, but in the right to be left alone. It can be hard to avoid ruts and the internet seems to be doing major damage to the collective consciousness. I do worry about younger people and their socialisation. They will be prodded by the state apparatus to take their cut of the consumer happiness pie. Attempts are made to divide and conquer them from previous generations and amongst themselves.
Sorry for rambling. My blog is getting next to no views, so I've been venting more lately on Youtube. Then I regret it. It's like I feel bad hijacking other peoples' channels. Twitter banned me. I have been thinking of perhaps creating YT videos. It looks like fun and easier to get page views than through Blogger. I do hate that Youtube and Blogger are Google, one of the obvious enemies to humanity.
As to the Freemasonry part, it's much easier to discuss it in England where they are somewhat exposed in mainstream newspapers. Here, it is spun as lunacy despite the fact that John Quincy Adams led the Anti-Masonic Party. I'm tired of the freemasons. I am sick and tired of police. I'm tired of divide and conquer between right and left. I sincerely believe the biggest problem for our country is the Military-Industrial Complex.
So to wrap this up, I think the Poppy story is a fun little distraction and not much to sweat over. It seems to have played itself out except for the epilogue.
Young people should stop wasting their time on fake music anyway although I sort of like Brittany's voice and thought she was funny. You clearly have entertainment skills.
This dude I used to blog with coined the phrase schtick theft. I'm thinking, okay, the schadenfreude is over and Poppy needs to go away. I despise corporate music. It's a fluke I got interested in this story? One could not miss Poppy. One could not, not ask wtf. She was forced onto everyone. Cue up Paul Harvey: And now you know the rest of the story.
Society might not have hit rock bottom yet, but we are definitely in a bad spot for humanity. No matter which way one sincerely looks at life as a collective experience, the social structure never improves.
We have been forced into a debilitating skepticism. Healthy cynicism is the solution. The only possible positive next step is to stop participating in state-sponsored convolution. If Roseanne had taken this advice, she'd still have her show.
Racists are some of the most tone-deaf chumps of them all. Anyone who has ever looked into Barr's past already knew she was eccentric. Nonetheless, if eccentricity was a crime, me schtick would have never developed. There must be more to this story than that Rosie is a fruitcake.
Oh my God. Roseanne is so stupid. One must never refer to Black people as gorillas or apes. It's called pigment and people are people with sociological differences.
But to be honest, that's about the extent of my caring. I'm glad the show got cancelled, but to be blunt, we must drive the entirety of Hollywood into the sea by denying them of any profits. When one is left with nowhere to go within the system, the only possible path out of the big mess is to say fvck this and fvck you, Pilgrims. We must drive the bus. The hat tip goes to Joe Citizen Hoe.
Joe's schtick boiled down to confronting and exposing the basic relationship between cop and Black man. He basically put up a mirror to every copper he trolled. The pigs always see the worst in people. All contact with them is an investigation. They do not know the mission statement other than the protect and serve doublespeak. Joe Citizen was a genius, period. He wasn't going into his work without a plan. He was consistent. He was the Brad Stevens of the am I being detained or am I free to go, hoe schtick. He called them hoes. I like using fvckface and numbnuts. We may look and sound different, but we are all the same regular guy.
Don't take police state bait. Pick good battles in which to stand your ground. Roseanne has fricken merely fed into the Military's psyop carnival. She has provided the Military-Industrial Complex with some extra juice for divide and conquer.
Wanda Sykes immediately quit as a producer and consultant. Sykes is actually an authoritarian tool. When both sides suck, that is the essence of being left with nowhere to go. One needn't purchase tinfoil to claim that Wanda worked for the NSA. It's the truth. Plug her name with NSA into a search engine and all sorts of mainstream articles pop up proving it's true.
Do the same with "Anderson Cooper CIA" and the results are quite different. One ends up with many more tinfoil results. I suppose a few years ago the ptb's were forced to acknowledge it was true. Before then it was much more of a massive cover up.
In 2006 it emerged that Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos also worked for the CIA. That's when the tinfoil narrative truly picked up. Hal Turner was exposed. People found out about Netvocates, the Rendon Group, Advantage Consultants and many other state-sponsored astroturf companies.
This is not a photo-shop. This was a real thingie.
Fake news has basically become circumscribed into the mainstream status quo.
I forget when, but DKos banned any sort of conspiracy thinking.
My greatness will always be preserved since I outed the conspiracy nonsense before Hal Turner through Anonymous and Snowden documents confirmed it.
Here's the itch, Horatio. That awareness has also become circumscribed. It's a shell game and pyramid scheme. Assange is oppressed while Greenwald/Omidyar become the fake intrepid activists. Think back to the 70's or when it happened that Cointelpro was exposed. Propaganda was pushed that things have changed, that stuff has been reformed. 9/11 obviously ushered in a new stage of oppression. Cointelpro never ended. Demented is as demented does.
We must all become Joe Citizen Hoe.
The state is bullying us. This must stop. They work for us, not the other way around. They must be identified and forced out of the shadows. They need to be arrested, not us.
Who outside of the system cannot see that the Daily Mail comments are produced by paid fake garbage? That's just one example. Who cannot see that every website is rigged with each of us as brainwashed patsy target?
This is extremely debilitating. It is Chinese finger torture in which the more we fight back through words on ptb turf, the more we are tormented by the system.
We must rid ourselves of denial and look at the social structure as it truly is rather than focusing on how we'd like it to be. The definition of stupidity is to attempt the same mistakes over and over. One must recognise the concept of deal breakers.
Nasty scumbag Megyn Kelly doesn't want poor people to use Starbucks' bathrooms. She suggests they will turn into homeless junkie shelters or something.
Such fvcking trash needs to be boycotted forever. But she is not some anomaly. All medium must be ruined for the sake of the children. The only power we have is of an economic nature. The Spy Factory wants us to get violent to justify their deranged modern day Hitler-esque shenanigans. The violent people in control suspect us as being unwashed masses of potential terrorism. This has to be figured out. Young people tend to be more open-minded. They need to cop on to the idea that everything is rigged including most who claim it. It's called circumscribing by the power elite (see Mills, C. Wright). We must hold our heads above water. Fake, corrupt life must never be accepted.
I think this time of the year is always the most depressing because the pro-Military propaganda gets piled on extra thick. This goes on every day, yet it reaches outrageous levels by every Memorial Day.
CNN has smeared Morgan Freeman with fake proof? The two women named in their story are apparently saying it didn't go down the way it's portrayed. CNN are the scumbags who were in cahoots with the rigging of the 2016 election. They weren't the only ones. Heck, nearly the entire medium power structure was in on the fake news surrounding Bernardo Sanders' epic politician as whistleblower role. Chris Cuomo told us we couldn't legally look at Wikileaks. What part of let's (non-violently) destroy these scumbags do people not grok?
Stop watching any of them including Fox News. It's not healthy.
Let's go back to the double-bind. Roseanne has claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to one of George Soros' nephews. This enabled Chelsea to spin Roseanne as a conspiracy freak (which she is) while praising Soros' Open Society. We cannot win this media game. It is completely rigged. Trump and the GOP are garbage. The DNC is garbage. Selecting between two sets of garbage produces nothing but more garbage.
How many more years are people going to waste falling for divide and conquer bread and circuses? Black Lives Matter looked good until it didn't. The BLM people from Boston were impressive. They were the folks speaking with Hillary backstage. She responded with something about hearts and minds or something political.
Of course Black people are getting oppressed by police and government. Black and white need to join forces. DeRay McKesson is what's called an Uncle Tom or wtf. He was exposed by Wikileaks as being on the DNC payroll.
I remember when Obama co-opted Occupy Wall Street. His biggest gaslighting move was pardoning historic legendary human rights activist Chelsea Manning. Manning had exposed the U.S. Military for committing war crimes. Obama is a war criminal, period. All presidents are. One of the persons most responsible for demented surveillance, online covert activity and dead Brown babies did the right thing. It was akin to Hitler if he spared someone. Oh, thanks Hitler. Maybe there's hope for you as a human being. That sort of thing.
Allow no reboots of divide and conquer. This is going to be a very long information war. The endgame is to force passage of social structure control from scumbags, turds and garbage to we the people. Think Joe Citizen Hoe.
Saving the planet and humanity may very well begin once we collectively say fvck this, fvck you and fvck off to state-sponsored manipulation and oppression.
I had never heard of Joe Citizen Hoe. He's a civil rights activist from Baltimore who made excellent videos trolling police. On one of them there is an Asian cop who tried to make Joe look like a snitch.
Joe has been missing in action for about a year. Meanwhile he is getting smeared by cointelpro operatives in the video comments.
His schtick worked because he was able to test each cop he interacted with to see if he or she was willing to stoop to his level or worse. In another one he kept calling a pig, pretty boy, who then challenged Joe to a fight. This guy:
The Asian pig can be witnessed making the apparent murder attempt just after the ten minute mark:
It's not about cops, media, government, corporations and military. It's about all of them. This is widespread treason and state-sponsored oppression. This is about paid fakes gaslighting everyone on every web page. It's everything.
It's let's talk about the Collateral Murder video and Assange, not tear at Chelsea Manning. It's about saying fvck you to CIA sponsored simulated internet life. CIA. NSA. FBI. Military. Cops. Courts. Zuckerberg. The list is endless as to who the real law breakers are and what they have turned all of our lives into. This is a big mess.
Hal Turner was exposed as internet cointelpro years before Snowden confirmed the demented U.S. Military is all over the medium. He couldn't have been the only one, but he was one of the few in which there was an actual pay stub. Anonymous had tapped into his email and discovered that Hal was in a working relationship with the FBI.
The Repzilla dude bleeped on my paid fake radar system as soon as I got into the Poppy story. Well, I have been trying to figure out who this clown is in real life. I only see an alleged name from an unverified source which seems to bear no troll busting juice anyway. Maybe that's his name. It might not be. So "Shane Andrew" is basically an anon coward any which way one looks at his cringe-worthy schtick.
Anyhoo, I done gone socratised a tad more and he has produced some very demented, suspicious videos having nothing to do with the poopster. I plugged "Repzilla sucks" into the Youtube search engine.
It is a bizarre exchange. The guest makes some very unbelievable claims and Repzilla doesn't bat an eyelash. That's not the only wackadoo example popping up.
I'm not watching those. In the ooooh that's scary stuff top one, the alleged Anon speaks of recovered aliens. Think Joe Flaherty and John Candy working the creepy horror movie schtick. Then Mr. Anon Guest speaks of the ptb's controlling the weather. Repzilla responds, "So they are making the hurricanes." It is all very ridiculous.
Oopsies. Crazy Eyes has nothing to do with this blog entry.
I thought the above turd was only working off of the Mars Argo-Poppy narrative or at least I never expected to find the most ridiculous conspiracy garbage imaginable in his schtick history.
The only possible conclusion is that Repzilla is a paid fake. He doesn't give a fvck about building a big audience. It is clear that he is targeting paranoid schizophrenics.
In another video he is wearing an army jacket which includes the pentagram star and possibly a crescent which J. Edgar Hoover used to wear as a Muslim Freemason.
there's also those freemasonry type pyramid symbols
I'm good at quickly identifying such fvckfaces since I've been at this since 2006. It wasn't just about Hal Turner. The Daily Kos was rigged. It emerged that Markos Moulitsas had verified ties to the CIA. Firedoglake and My Left Wing were not run very well as alternatives. There was never a real place to go if one was into social media.
I ended up at the Free Speech sewer zone. I was at Debate Both Sides. Those were the forums to say whatever you wanted to as long as it didn't break any actual laws. FSZ turned out to be fake. Then there was Pffugee Camp. Myself and donkeytale ended up collaborating, so to speak. Somewhere during all that I ended up on top of the zeitgeist. The rest was blogging history.
So I am not just some random nobody if anyone is new to this blog. I was a player pre-Assange and Snowden. One might say I had come up with predictive programming which is another fake term. It's more like reality eventually mirrored my regular guy unpaid cyber sleuthing and writing. I could see the pattern. Now I see other patterns, such as that the vast majority of those calling out shills and whatnot are just more paid fake arsewipes. Everything is rigged and fake means what it says.
Everything gets circumscribed. The rigging of the election for H. over Bern gets twisted into Russia and Assange colluded to steal it from H. Breath for Trump.
I.d.g.a.f. also means what it says. As does fvck this and fvck off.
Women can now get abortions in Ireland. The vote was 66.4% to 33.6%. Turnout was 64.13%. Only one county voted no.
I think it's pronounced schohpah, as in sch-oh-paw. Accents can be tricky to describe. It's called Irish. It's a bit choppy. When they speak English, it can become quite melodic. The more consonants, the better.
I had never heard of him before. I was channel hopping at Youtube and simply stunned at how many fake conspiracy theory channels exist. Thankfully somehow I ended up learning of the guy in the white T-shirt. He seems to be a comedian.
I thought he was rude to the well-composed, articulate Black lady. Ye can decide for yeselves.
It heats up after the token white man got all touchy feeling.
This is what I wrote:
I finally looked into ASMR. It's not real. It's relatively new junk science terminology. I've socratised things like that before. There is no such thing as intersectionality. I spoke of interwessonality. There's no such thing as a Mandela Effect. No one before the internet was talking about flat earth.
Inform young people that the internet is more dangerous than it seems and to resist. This is not Grandpa's cointelpro which was bad enough. This is Orwell territory.
I remember the autobiography of Jane Pittman schtick. Those born before the internet will eventually pass away and then all will be born into this sewer pit of false existence without knowing anything else. This is as fvcked up as it gets. Assange and Snowden broke no laws. The ones who want to imprison them are the criminals. Those dudes exposed the people responsible for the big mess.
Maybe I need to start listening to Alan Watts again. This is painful knowing exactly what is going on but feeling powerless to do anything about it.
Yeah, we used to watch a lot of television. But now it is on steroids and always on one's person, although I refuse to have a cell phone. I am an admitted internet addict but have never been paid by anyone to provide schtick.
I missed this photo. I thought she was covering up her neck.
Another picture out there shows some kind of weird finger formation which implies Parkinson's or something similar.
Our country is demented with the medium as part and parcel of that.
It was spun as conspiracy theory that she was sick despite having a miserable never ending cough, crazy eyes, awkward falls, an iced mocha seizure and disturbing neck cheese.
The restaurant shooter put up videos claiming birds are possessed by demons and something about satanic transgenders. He probably used to watch Paul Romano videos at Youtube.
DFQ2 never fell for such nonsense and in the past was at the forefront of attacking the Satanic Panic. I'm not against anyone using common sense and facts to come up with theories. Unfortunately, there is stuff called Cointelpro and the Five Eyes who are behind all of the convolution and humanity's continued spiraling into a widespread demise.
The internet has made life much worse than it had to be. The Military which includes the FBI are basically creating violence and mayhem. Nothing was done to address the DNC fraud used against Bernie Sanders. Nothing is being done to protect Julian Assange. Nothing is being done to protect people from police. Nothing is being done to protect democracy from the Military-Industrial Complex.
No, all we get are reboots of maybe people should buy better tinfoil or move to another country. Folks with deep concerns of fascism transcending political parties have been left with nowhere to go. Meanwhile, the unhinged continue to rise and shine to Cointelpro dominated social media and the results are predictable. It's referred to as a boomerang or chickens coming home to roost.
The basketball game felt a big rigged. I'm going to avoid all talking head chatter and just watch game seven. I'll watch with no volume. The ads are dangerous to one's mental health. This day had been perfect.
It's back to home cooking or bust for the Boston Celtics.
Weinstein's defense is that he didn't invent the casting couch. Yikes.
Why the fvck is he laughing?
That's the extent of my caring about so-called news. Assange is all that matters. British people need to demand his safe passage to a decent country out there. Does one exist? Maybe there is a small country which wouldn't mind saving some planet and humanity. Ireland should take in Julian. The IRA can protect him. There isn't one country that will grant citizenship to honourable greatness Julian Assange? Maybe he should try to escape. He's up against modern day Nazis.
The medium sucks. I am going to watch some old movies. At least there aren't any ads. One can pick what they want for some self-inflicted MK-Ultra. Time isn't going anywhere.
Personally I love meself some average Jane Doe looks and don't care what race or whatnot. The woman above just happens to be average looking with the Aryan race genetics. Then I thought of Poppy. This observation actually has nothing to do with the blog entry. Nothing matters anymore because everything is rigged and fake. I'm just killing time. I wanted to say first that good looks are also a hoax. Everyone is beautiful except for fascist pigs and various personifications of turd.
The above lady had a private conversation which Amazon's Alexa copied and sent to a contact.
Come on. That's deranged. And where are the claims of put on some tinfoil or if you're doing nothing wrong, then what does it matter?
Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns the state-sponsored propaganda rag named the Washington Post.
Who doesn't hate this guy's guts?
Our country is run by criminals, period.
Meanwhile, there is another story I wanted to mention which also pertains to a blondie. Julian Assange is getting squeezed. Sweetie Pamela Anderson said that. Spain didn't like Julian voicing opinions about Catalonia. They have ties with Ecuador and the new dovche president also wants to do dirty work for the Military-Industrial Complex.
This is such a disgusting world.
Oh, apparently Jeffrey Esptein has been an FBI informant. Isn't that special?
The Celtics may or may not win tonight, but rest assured the talking heads and commercials will be extra annoying.
I'd say more, yet we're screwed no matter what is written. I am sick and tired of rigged garbage? I only begrudgingly care about basketball? Assange is the greatest human being alive. Trump is ungrateful, despicable trash for not granting Julian his freedom. I don't think he expected to win and I don't think anything has changed. It's called bread and circuses, fellas.
The scum has been identified. They transcend political parties. They control everything. I pray that younger people will figure out strategies to save the planet and humanity. I am at a loss for solutions. Put Bezos, Zuckerberg, Thiel and tens of thousands of other capitalist warmonger pigs in prison? Well, duh. But how do we get to that point? Bernie would have provided some hope despite his own flaws. A free Assange would provide some hope.
The PTB's have taken away all hope. The military is the #1 problem. Youth will have to figure out how to enforce the constitution. I've got no clue how to get to that point. I do truly believe that most people agree with me. One cannot believe anything produced by social media. It's called online covert agents breaking the law denying us of freedom of speech and association.
This is referred to as a constitutional crisis. The medium acts as if this is not going on or that we must resist Trump or globalism. Pick one of those sides. I say fvck this and fvck them.
This is trash named Lenín Moreno. He is the president of Ecuador and is responsible for the shutdown of Assange's internet access.
The problem is wac-a-mole. I've pretty much described enough over the course of my social media participation explaining wtf is going on. I am one regular guy who is neither paid fake nor useful idiot. Resistance is futile as only fake resistance is permitted.
Kudos go to former leader Rafael Correa for protecting Julian. He is a true hero now living in Belgium. I am also thinking of trusting Craig Murray who claimed to have received the leaks in Washington, D.C.. I don't visit his website but perhaps should.
The mainstream media is clearly an enemy to humanity. There's no point in trying to prove that as paid fakes are all over every comment section to gaslight. If we retreat from every single website, the powers that be become irrelevant. The biggest impediment to positive social change is the mythology that this is democracy. Check this out. The Washington Post is wetting its pants not allowing access unless one shuts off ad blocker.
The Post has direct ties to the CIA. Never turn off ad blocker. Part of a widespread social movement must include the boycotting of all mainstream media. I can pinpoint who the bad guys are. That is very easy. I am simply lost as to how anything can ever improve. This is a tragedy and very frustrating.
It's easy stuff to identify bad actors such as Moreno. It's no problemo to realise that all medium is rubbish. But where are the answers? How can we save the planet from the ptb's? This is the essence of being left with nowhere to go.
One girl interviewed said it felt like just a matter of time as school shootings happen quite often. I get that feeling and haven't been in education for about fifteen years. I have come to the conclusion that we are all screwed.
It wasn't always like this. The internet changed everything. It brought the fake nature of social reality to the surface. Beforehand one would have to read a lot of books. It boiled down to the hard work of sincere reflection. It took being a devil's advocate and considering all possibilities. Why hasn't anything ever gotten better? How come as awareness has risen nothing ever changes? Why is society caught in a demented loop of good cop, bad cop medium mythology?
The above woman is connected to Greenwald and that sort of fake movement. I hadn't noticed her in a long time. On the surface she is an anti-surveillance Snowden type. On her Twitter she is basically promoting divide and conquer between left and right. No one is sticking to facts and staying humble. She is promoting Reality Winner as some form of whistleblower. It is quite ridiculous.
She retweeted the above. She is also promoting Jake Tapper. There's a reason why I refer to paid fakes and useful idiots. You can't call everyone cointelpro without pay stubs. Or one gets pinned as calling everyone a paid fake. That's actually a standard response from disinfo agents. E.G., you can't call someone a shill for disagreeing with you. Whatever. It's like her rare tweets making sure everyone knows she supports Assange. It seems like lip service as it's clear who she actually supports.
She is pulling convex hull crap. There are people such as myself who will never not support Julian. So the above tweet was basically two-faced. She rightly calls the film a hit job, yet on the other hand, she spreads the unproven claim that Russia was behind the DNC leaks. That's too much of a coincidence. Anyone pushing the "Resistance" crap is full of it, period. That includes this suspicious Radack person.
But it's wac-a-mole. It's pointless. Everything is being manipulated by the Five Eyes. There is no legitimate platform anywhere. No one is believable.
And now I see she is being sued by someone named Trevor Fitzgibbon for allegedly making a false rape claim. Isn't Fitzgibbon the one who has represented Chelsea Manning? That name sounds familiar. Ah yes, a quick search verifies that. He has also done PR work for honourable greatness Assange and Wikileaks. This is some weird stuff. Kevin Gosztola put up an article that if true, Radack is apparently a cointelpro operative.
I have no faith in the future in regards to public discourse and society. Zip, nada, none.
Gosztola gets no comments on his website. I checked Benjamin Dixon and Pakman stats and they seem to have fallen back into obscurity. A while ago it seemed that Cenk Uygur is no longer getting much action. Rogan is suspicious. People may be waking up but everything is still rigged and fake. Status quo bootlickers and fake intrepid activists own all the big platforms. Someone could be the best, brightest, most sincere fvckface and no one would know they even exist. Go watch some Jake Tapper? Is that what we're supposed to do? Fvck that and fvck you.
I don't like Pakman and Dixon. The former seems to definitely be a plant. The latter probably just got in over his head and his limitations as a free thinker have prevented him from growing. I sense that the vast unwashed masses are retreating from social media involvement or doing it on their own terms similar to my attempts. Who wants to be gaslighted? No one.
This person below is grotesque and obviously a disinfo tool, imho.
The Poppy thingie was an interesting distraction, as is the NBA. We have no power to change the world, but hey, we have the freedom to be passive listener objects for influence leaders containing us within the convex hull.
No one needs a rocket science degree to have suspicions. The Repzilla turd makes my skin crawl. He is a little bit too obsessed. He likes to use that old-school hypnotic circular thing. It took me three weeks to first hear of "Poppy" then put it together wtf happened. I am not a big fan of turds who are either paid fakes or useful idiots.
Then there is this guy Marsii from Australia. It turns out he collaborated with RepTurd and basically promotes him. I've been leaving some comments here and there on Youtube videos. I still have my fastball for writing. It just seems pointless. There is no way to play this game within the system. No one has the fortitude or skills to set up a major website while keeping out riffraff. I think Gosztola may be on the up and up, but he gets no comments and he seems basically naive. It shouldn't take someone years to wtfu and realise there is no such thing as community on the internet. Of course Assange was circumscribed by fake freedom advocates such as Greenwald.
I tried a bit of escape by getting into the Poppy story. Repzilla and Marsii dominate the dialogue. On Marsii's channel there is a regular named Stingy Jew.
The Israeli government is verified trash. Name one country which isn't. It can't be done. Yet, how is the above not anti-Semitic and cointelpro 101? I ban scumbags like that from my videos. I had to shut down comments entirely on the Corman/Shatner movie which dealt with segregation and race issues. I wash my hands of all scumbags. None of this is my fault. The Five Eyes are demented trash. They are world-wide English speaking cointelpro actors.
Marsii just so happens to speak in the hypnotic ASMR voice. That's another coincidence?
I'll end with a video showing Freemason Shaq zoning out for what appears to be a full minute or two. It's referred to as the MK-ULTRA schtick. It is very weird and shows how much of a demented loser Shaq is. But in regards to all these conspiracy channels having no problem coming off as loons, they can also fvck off.
Someone named Sabelo gave the standard Five Eyes cointelpro response. And of course it does sound bizarre for anyone to make MK-Ultra claims, so that is how militarised "conspiracy stories" work. Real people are left with nowhere to go.
I notice shite all the time. I see multiple users on Daily Mail comments for example saying the same concepts. It's as if cointelpro writers are given standard bullet points to paraphrase, yet getting away with plagiarism is easier said than done. They get away with it because the whole stinking internet is manipulated by the Military-Industrial Complex. This has been my schtick since 2006-07 when I first got into so-called social media. Before all this new chatter of fake news and disinfo, I was already frothing over it. I could see how rigged everything was or at least the mainstream part. Then I could sense that all of it is fake. I will never trust any website or internet person again. I can grok what is going on and how we are powerless to change it. The culprits are as clear as a blue sky. It is the system in itself. I can't grok how we are to go from awareness to positive social change. Everything has been reduced to irrelevant noise. Orwell nailed it.
I was skimming through the FBI story out of Beantown. Go Celtics, by the way. Game two is tonight. Will Lebron cry? Or will he say to the C's, "Know your place, son."
Whoa, sorry for the digression.
I sez to meself, that lady looks familiar. I didn't know the last name but both were Pams. The Pam I knew was the sister of my boss at a mortgage company. I had his name. Really easy cyber sleuthing spoonfed, it's the same lady. And that failed actor/director/writer was really my roommate. It's a small fricken world. I have more of those, too. I had a friend who dated a Swiss au pair who was friends with Karina Holmer. Say her name, for crying out loud. I felt so ashamed of my city. Not that I ever lived in Boston. The closest I got was Quincy, Massachusetts. But it's an interesting chunk of land that part of America.
It's like the Europa of the United States. We all know somehow Boston is important.
Damn, the digressions are killing me.
This is double hearsay. My friend said something about her dating a cop, he was flashing guns while hopping on a bed. That's about all I got. I see word on the internet about such a cop. I am merely backing that up I suppose. That was a shame. No one should die like that.
It is a scary world, no doubt.
Taking deep breaths. Thinking positive. Listening to Bob Marley. Oh what a new day.
The phrase media fakes might be overkill. Most people working in the medium are the personification of a hoax by definition. It's like calling someone a fat pig. One could call someone a pig or fat. They mean the same thing.
Wac-a-mole is very easy to do but never seems to matter. This is due to English speaking militaries dominating and perverting the release of information. There is a paid fake at The Guardian named Elle Hunt who plugged the Poppy shite back in December.
There are two references to Mars Argo but none to Brittany Sheets, not even to the fact there was a Mars who many believe was the true talent behind the Grocery Bag computer t.v. schtick. Mars Argo was merely referred to as Mixter's old band. The spin was that Poppy was an original creation and not an extension, copying or reformatting of said original. There are no comments either by the peanut gallery giving any indication of the past which implies rigged moderating.
One could have easily found tons of stuff that had given away the siopa. I did.
The fake writer has made two tweets concerning Ms. Sheets' lawsuit.
Oooooh, that's so intrepid. Let's fake expose stuff after the fact. Let's drop a few tweets that are supposed to offset the hack job put into The Guardian. She doesn't even have 10,000 followers. The Guardian is the fricken New York Times of England. What is wrong with this picture?
Does Ms. Bachelor's Degree work for the Five Eyes?
Fvck this, fvck you and fvck off is the only option left.
Donald Trump is scum. He couldn't care less about Palestinians or Julian Assange.
Mueller has been tied to Whitey Bulger. That's so surprising.
Amerika is the greatest. Quit your complaining. Go eat a candy bar.
Everything is a coincidence. There is no need to think. Keep your head down and stfu. Read some Daily Mail or Daily Beast. Embrace the fake freedom, ya numbnuts.
Fvck Zuckerberg and the Military-Industrial Complex' demented alteration of the social structure. That is all because I am watching the game. It is bread and circuses, but what am I gonna do? I love me Celtics.
ESPN and others astroturfed this series as Cleveland's to lose. They are getting their arses whooped, but I'd rather not jinx it.
What I noticed during the ads is that the ptb's are desperate for people to go to stupid cinemas. They want you to pay for movies. This is precisely what is meant as let's crush their profits and destroy them. Tell everyone you know to boycott all corporate medium and forever.
They are called the Five Eyes. It's a grotesque alliance between the big five English speaking countries. They are all over the internet with paid fakes denying us the fundamental human rights of freedom of speech and association.
They put fake posts into every single website. This is not conspiracy theory. Snowden exposed them. These are sick demented fvckfaces who will get what's coming to them sooner or later. I think later. The Unabomber doesn't count. He was mentally deranged missing quite a number of marbles. The Five Eyes and police states have the numbers. None of us has any realistic power to fight back. We have no weapons and even if we did, it wouldn't be enough. The plot would be uncovered anyway. We don't want any weapons as there's no possible way to attack them. They are Big Brother come true. It is reality mirroring Orwell's art. They are the Harlem Globetrotters and we are the Washington Generals. We aren't going to be pulling off any Alex Jonesian 1776 styled turnarounds. We'll be put in a rubber room or regular guy felon prisons for so-called terrorists.
All we can do legally is crush their profits. All we can do is create pockets of awareness in which it becomes 100% clear to anyone who is sincere and reflective that the social structure is fvcked up beyond repair.
Everything is rigged and done so by governments. The constitution means nothing. Yeah, Snowden was originally a tool doing their dirty work. He had felt we were attacked on 9/11. He was a patriotic kind of turd. He meant well but was still afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder. At some point he said enough is enough. He is not a double agent whose role was to normalise surveillance society. He was a naive fvckface who ended up in over his head. Despite being a dovche product, he still believed in the constitution and so-called democracy. Edward Snowden felt betrayed by his country and all the brainwashing it has delivered. He gave up an easy life to expose the trash which is the Military-Industrial Complex.
The internet is garbage, period, because the U.S. Military is run by Nazis who have crossed a historic line. All hope in the system is gone. They can reboot it all they like until the cows come home or wtf, but the ballgame is over. They can produce fake polls, astroturf all media and message boards, etc. in a lame attempt to restore a facade of equilibrium. What Snowden did was basically squeeze out all the spy factory toothpaste which can never be put back. The ptb's are probably thinking let's just fudge along for ten to twenty years and all this will be forgotten. It'll be like it was.
Real people are going to find the strength to quit supporting the medium. That has to be the goal. People need to quit the internet or at least the way they have been using it. We can't fight back with violence. It's just impossible. We may be left with nowhere to go, yet we should all understand the one place we should stop going which is internet addiction.
I think it will take 50-200 years before the boomerang occurs. C. Wright Mills said the conspiracy is in the institutions. This is why Unabomber failed. He was thinking 100th monkey or something. The awareness route simply does not work. Knocking off a few tools as done by Unabomber changed nothing to the institutions. Snowden and Assange haven't changed anything. All they accomplished was to bring awareness which hasn't changed a thing.
One common idea is that people like to talk a lot but never do anything about it. We can't. We don't have the numbers. We don't have the so-called law and constitution for protection. All we are capable of right now is to grok the hideous truth.
I am the only one I have ever seen who points out the phrase conspiracy stories as located in Snowden documents. Demented arseturds are all over the web making it seem that there is not only right versus left but also kook versus non-kook. All that flat earth crap has been planted. It's called raising the noise to signal ratio or gish gallop. That's what that is. That's what Alex Jones is to name just one sewer rat. Hal Turner was not the only one. The "Conspiracy Story" program dominates the internet, period.
I am non-violent. I have trouble killing insects which somehow get into the house. I can understand violence. I can somewhat see how one can rationalise it. It's not for me. I am not advocating it either. It would be a suicide march. At best, one could live out an existence on the periphery such as Snowden and Assange. Those are non-violent guys, so they aren't the best examples anyway. The only people who are thinking violence as an option are those entrapped by the demented police state apparatus. This is the essence of being left with nowhere to go.
So let it all go? That seems to be the only option left. But over the next 200 years I can easily imagine a brilliant mind not crazy like Unabomber who puts a dent into these fvckers. They are pure scum. The surveillance state must die. We are nowhere close to being able to fight back. But someday somehow people will and dents will be made.