This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Aspie Meltdown Blogger Manifesto

1. Violence is neither condoned nor incited because it is illegal to do that stuff.

2. The people in power are criminals who make fake laws to cover up their crimes.

3. They control the medium. They do not allow anyone free in thought to participate. They rig the algorithms. They illegally and immorally spy on us and save all data. Their aim is to control and social engineer the general population.

4. Stop caring about the medium. Do not participate as it used to be done as in regards to the keyboard commando movement. It is a pure trap.

5. I made this video yesterday but waited until today to publish. I needed to add this disclaimer that I am non-violent and do not condone violence. The trash in the military are trying to entrap us. It's not about you or me or any other random person. This is a bureaucratic operation. It is sweeping and all-encompassing. It makes one wonder what actual resistance are masses of people capable of putting together. Everything is rigged and fake leaving us nowhere to go. We are basically locked up in fake free speech cages. We are not allowed to say exactly what we feel because then the bad guys will spin us as terrorists.

6. Both sides suck. It is a fake fight. An eccentric professor taught this to me many years ago. It was from a humanities 101 type class. He told us that there was no true good guy when looking into the Trojan War. The two sides were complementary. It was akin to the United States versus the Soviet Union. It's why I claimed Smedley Butler was a paid fake in the psyop genre. None of this is real.

The deep state may be ready to concede Bernie Sanders as front runner. They tried to deny him again. He is a tough cookie in good shape for an old man. He could be humanity's last hope. But I am not so naive to think even if he is elected, nirvana will be just around the corner. Gorbachev and Yeltsin so-called opened up Russia, but that country don't seem any more democratic. China is a totalitarian mess. Our own country consists of dog shite corruption to the yin-yang, so we aren't any beacon of hope and whatnot. I basically give up. All websites are corrupt. There is nothing free about being American. It's been a big fat lie. We are stupid but not that dumb and that's how Sanders is still in the game.

7. The internet is a propaganda and entrapment scam, period. There were tremendously valid reasons why Snowden and Assange gave up their lives on our behalf. I'm grateful that they tried. I don't know what can be done since they failed. Everything is still monitored and distorted. Things never improve. Nonetheless, violence is not an option. Publishing, however,  doesn't seem like one either. True talent has become utterly suppressed leaving all internet addicts trapped in the cointelpro cage.

8. I'm done with it. I'm leaning on my stamp collection to get through the Winter. Then when nature arrives for Spring and Summer, I'm done with this racket until the problem arrives yet again the next cold season.

9. The internet is not worth the addiction time. That's why I produced nothing over the last three or so weeks. Even if one creates good stuff, it won't make it at the big websites. We are only allowed to grow a modest amount, if that.

10. Oh, the main idea for today's show was that Daily Mail blinked with their ad blocker thingie, yet I still d.g.a.f. and am not returning to their website. The other one I used to frequent a lot was Reddit Conspiracy. They are not even trying anymore to be legit. It is a pure entrapment scam. They are still denying the Holocaust. I saw another post claiming Pol Pot was a great man.

The anon coward who runs that subreddit is a Holocaust denier. It's completely scripted. A lot of those participants are clowns working out of Eglin Air Force Base cubicles. They have no morals. These are war criminals we are up against. Regular guy Iranians and Americans have nothing against the other bloke. This is a garbage world and utterly fake. The true terrorists are the Iranian and U.S. governments. Everyone knows this but is unable to articulate that. Or it can be put together in blog or video form, yet the algorithms are rigged, so what's the point of any of this?

                                  The Daily Mail Blinked First (part 1/2)

                                  The Daily Mail Blinked First (part 2/2)

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