This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Truthstream Media is extremely shady, imho.

They used to work for Alex Jones. There is no getting around how shady that sounds. The best case scenario has them as grifters. I am watching the above. They are talking up the JFK speech in which he referenced secret societies. It was a small part of his presentation to journalists. He was asking them to be careful and consider national security in their reporting. Aaron and Melissa Dykes make it seem as if JFK was assassinated for going up against "the Illuminati." The joke is on us. It's why many people do not like Kyrie Irving. He is making freemasonic symbols and in general acting as if he is into alchemy or wtf. One needn't be a Christian or "conspiracy theorist" to be getting just a tad sick and tired of rich arseholes gaslighting us. Hello also to Jim Carey and Kanye West. They all are making a mockery out of social reality. Show some humility, Roseanne. Vet your fricken minds for once in your lives. No way in hell do I trust Aaron and Melissa Dykes. They make it easy for conspiracy theorists to debunk themselves or look unverified and easily dismissed. JFK was not saying what too many try to astroturf. The CIA and I suppose "Illuminati" killed JFK but that kind of garbage is what's referred to as a strawman.

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