This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last post for January 2018

                                       verifiable e-sketches from the
                                       Madeleine McCann investigation

No, this entry has nothing to do with the above turds. I just have fun inserting images. This will be blog item number sixty-five for the month. I can't guarantee this kind of production in the future. The stats to me are interesting. Various countries come out of nowhere to pad the stats. It's not just France. Page hits have been pouring in from Italy, Russia, England, Germany, Spain, Australia, Ireland and China. Last week it was South Korea. Mostly it's been France. They allege to not know English very well, yet the page views say otherwise.

                                   Chachi Arcola has been vindicated?

Everyone but a very small percentage knows that Baio, Nugent, James Woods, Chuck Woolery and many more are demented right wing wackadoos. But did Fonzie's nephew sexually molest the young actress?

Yikes, Chachi is not aging well. He has huge bags under his eyes and a missing front tooth.

He says, "I'm done. I'm done." That sounds suspiciously close to schtick theft. I say I'm done, done, but I digress.

Conservative turds truly deserve ridicule for their authoritarian personality disorders. However, no one deserves to be shamed or worse for something they didn't do. Baio claims proof that Eggert is making up the pedophile allegations. He claims she was on his reality show in 2007, visited his family a number of times and was friends with his wife. There's more. People can easily find the video he made. What would truly prove his innocence to me is an alleged Eggert tweet to Chachi in 2017 claiming him as a great guy and wonderful.

This what I'd like to see (via tabloid rag Daily Mail):
He also shared a tweet from January 2017 of Eggert responding to a fan asking where Baio was during a Charles in Charge cast reunion by writing: 'Yes - we were missing Scott!'
Liars expose themselves through their own words. Someone claiming she was sexually assaulted by a pedophile does not sound legitimate when just over a year before she was sending out a love siren.

There should not be pictures of Streep and McGowan with Harvey Weinstein way past the time everyone knew he was a protected sex predator. Jennifer Lawrence should be condemned for kudos made towards Pervey Weinturd over the Letterman years.

Rose McGowan claims that three days after Harvey raped her, he called her saying he had scored with Gwyneth Paltrow. Rape to him is what being a gentleman and developing 50-50 relationships is to good guys. That is Weinstein's defense; that rape was consensual lovemaking.

This is perhaps the worst downfall of any famous person in history, speaking of Harvey. Yet, this is also not a very good look for McGowan or Paltrow either, not to mention many others who benefited from him financially.

The above picture was taken in 2005, eight years after the original incident. There are pictures of Paltrow with Weinstein well after the date she claims he sexually harassed her. People need to stay consistent or they can fvck off.

The above is an actress I've never heard of named Keira Knightley. Here she is without makeup. Hollywood is a big fat satanic lie.

Mila Kunis is looking nasty for 34.

Maybe I am a misogynist somewhere deep within me noggin, but I doubt it. I am anti-fake. I am anti-fake feminism. I am anti the way things are. I am pro enough is enough. Ashton Kutcher is no prize either and is freemasonry scum. It wouldn't bother me if God tells them at the end of their lives that they are to report directly to hell.

I don't make the rules. I just work for God.

The below is interesting. I agree there are a lot of nutjobs within government and military, although I don't believe that's the same as saying people are people and nutjobs are to be found in every walk of life. It's the sort of nonsense Bryan Cranston was attempting to peddle; that let's not forget sex crimes occur across every subgrouping of social reality. I'm not disputing the claim, but we were discussing the demented Hollywood industry, buddy.

                                         Crazy Rulers of the World

I'm mailing in just a few more tidbits. Julian spoke to the EU Parliament yesterday. Hopefully he is released soon. It's not like he has no support and there is no hope. Keep your chin up, honourable greatness Julian Assange.

There's word going around on the Vegas shooting that a second person of interest has significant DoD ties. Usually I like to wait until the dust settles, so I'll put that to the side.

Trey Gowdy has resigned. Hmmm.

That'll wrap things up for today. We reached the era of Peak Content when the nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders. It can only go down from here. The medium is a fungus that real people are starting to avoid in greater numbers.

I'm done, done. Chachi Arcola is done. He is done. Perhaps he is paraphrasing my schtick rather than committing outright theft.

LeBron James might be done, but that story will have to wait for a potential future basketball entry. Isaiah Thomas is the true talent, so we shall see. The Celtics seem back on track. But I'll leave it that. Too much sports will alienate the DFQ2 audience. I don't want to reach Peak Stat Padding.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Fvck Off

There was apparently a State of the Union and a rebuttal. I couldn't care less. It don't mean squat. I am a bit curious about the memo.

Both Jones and scumbag Paul Joseph Watson are going nuts drooling over Donald Trump. It couldn't be more clear that Alex Jones is a government shill in the category of Hal Turner.

What happened to Mr. Conspiracy Theory? Trump is saving us? It's quite idiotic and at this point extremely transparent. The military-industrial complex wants people to accept both the two party system and mainstream media. It's pitiful. I had just checked on Julian's page and the sidebar recommendations led to Watson and Jones.

I pay no attention to it. It's all bread and circuses. I spent the time doing laundry and watching a Cloris Leachman made for t.v. thriller. I'd say let's make television great again, but it never was, just like this morally bankrupt government destroying both society and the planet.

Jesse Jackson Was Apparently Involved in the Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination and the Truth About Ben Swann

This is fascinating in a depressing way. The internet is opening up a flood of information. Anyone who is able to discern fact from fiction is now able to get to the bottom of a lot of historic controversies. This is why the "conspiracy story" program is in full operation. It's why the internet is flooded with more than an organic amount of confusing narratives. It is why censorship is on the rise. U.S. military intelligence is collectively wetting its pants. Genies are out of bottles with paid disinfo fvckers left holding the bag.

A Reverend Samuel Billy Kyles made a freudian slip and admitted to his involvement in King's assassination. Dick Gregory had a copy of this and it can be found on Youtube. I think Judge Joe Brown was one of the last to preside over the criminal case. I'm determined to make no extra efforts in the creation of these connected words. Joe says no way did James Earl Ray pull the trigger. Ray apparently signed an Alford plea.

The reason why I am no longer doing long-winded "socratisations" with links and whatnot is because the nature of the medium beast is to bog us down in piles of horse shit. Less has become more.

It's painful to find out Malcolm X and M.L.K. Jr. were flawed. Malcolm X for all his greatness became well-known through his putting the Nation of Islam on the zeitgeist map. It doesn't mean that his speeches weren't greatness. To me, it is scary to know that one must join a crap organisation in order to become famous. I am separating the greatness of Malcolm X from his cult membership. Thankfully Malcolm X woke up before it was too late. Such waking up led to his death through Farrakhan. It is a double bind. To stay alive, one must die spiritually. To awaken spiritually is to endanger one's life.

I can't tell if King was a Freemason. There is too much to sort through. So what follows is my guess. He was not a Mason, yet he had nothing against them. I imagine the bad guys (Prince Hall Boule schtick) actively worked to recruit and/or influence him. I think he was headed towards a more socialist view for solutions. I do not think King was a fake or dishonest. The extent the FBI went after him including an attempt to get him to commit suicide proves he was a threat to the status quo. To murder him was the deep state decision to steal his mojo. It's currently being attempted against great man Julian Assange. They desire to control all forms of thought and power. Just three weeks ago, a law sponsored by John Lewis and signed by Trump with King's niece in attendance created a historic park in King's honour including the Prince Hall Masonic Temple.

Sharpton was an FBI sewer rat. That is conspiracy fact. Jesse Jackson is a mason. I am a pasty white man. I have more Black soul than either of them. This is Divide and Conquer 101. There is no pigment in soul. Mark Lamont Hall is in the secret society. Such [Stepin Fetchit's] make it big as fake activists for a reason. They joined the club.

Ben Swann is in the conspiracy news because he finally got canned by the Atlanta t.v. station. He reopened his kook websites or something. I'm trying to express myself without relying on links or however "they" desire us to become brain caged. I'm thinking of what McLuhan was warning the students. Yeah, sure, I am part of the structure as a prof, McLuhan that is, going on t.v. etc., yet all content is meaningless and we are dinosaurs. It's time to get busy a probing.

I started to figure it out through Twitter. I partook in none of the stupid threads. I used it like here or how it's done on many forums. I desire the cessation of providing every fricken footnote with a bibliography. One must learn how to say fvck off to the medium. It is dead or dying. The medium in itself is rigged to pervert and steal messages. The deep state not only killed Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., they stole their schticks and circumscribed them within the oppressive social structure.

Oh yeah, on Ben Swann. The guy is one of ten kids from far right Christian wackadoos. He was home-schooled by some lady famous for creating fast track learning. I think Swann graduated high school by 15 and was some kind of wonder kid phenom. He's very presentable.

He isn't a Mormon but studied at Brigham Young. He's got degrees in liberal arts and maybe History. I'm lazy. He's smart. He's also been on with Alex Jones. He worked at RT. He's aligned with the so-called conservative Truther movement. He sounds much more reasonable than an Alex Jones. Be very careful in trusting this guy. I don't have the time to vet him more than this, but if something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

He could be just another hand preventing people from thinking for themselves. The medium in itself is the problem.

That was a decent show on Pizzagate. I'm not trying to debunk him per se. But there are warning signs. His job just might be to act as the Cenk Uygur for that "patriot" kind of personality. Paid fakes are not necessarily obvious. There is no such thing as internet community or at least any on a big platform. This guy's job might be to keep that group herded.

One kook I was listening to said we all tend to join different groups with choirs and various schtick tendencies and whatnot. I'm paraphrasing. We get boxed into bricks. Then all the bricks are put together forming the masonic pyramid.

It's hard to trust anyone who would be a guest on Alex Jones and provide Infowars with credibility.

"Judge Joe: James Earl Ray Didn't Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr."

Monday, January 29, 2018

Claudette Colvin was the true talent, not Rosa Parks.

                         "Claudette Colvin refused to give up her
                           seat on a Montgomery bus at age 15."


Let's do the math. Claudette was 15 and refused to give up her seat on March 2, 1955. Rosa Parks was 42 on December 1, 1955 when she duplicated the non-violent resistance.

The video below was the inspiration for this blog entry.


The NAACP decided to back Rosa Parks over Claudette and others who accomplished it before her. (While tidying this for publishing, I noticed there are direct Freemason connections to the NAACP. Surprise, surprise? I'm too tired to research it further.)

Basically I did a bit of socratising and found out Rosa Parks belonged to female masonic group Eastern Star. I found nothing on Claudette belonging to any demented freemasonry cult.

Aah, Rosa was the original Deray. She was a secretary in an NAACP office and saw her opportunity to make it big. A professor once told me of rumors Jesse Jackson had made sure to get M.L.K.'s blood on his clothes. Yup, Jackson is a Freemason.

Ah, the plausible deniability for not utilising Claudette's unconstitutional arrest was that she was pregnant. The father was a married man. I don't see any details, but at a minimum it sounds like statutory rape. Another woman was disqualified for having an alcoholic father. It's been the same old, same old for decades. Everything is rigged by the losers who wear aprons and have wackadoo secret rituals exposed by William Morgan.

Okay, the truth comes out. Rosa Parks had lighter skin colour.

I am live blogging the article.

Ugh, it seems like she was raped. I hope not. It was rape, but if she was into it, then obviously that is a lesser form of rape. She was too young to make the decision, so no matter what, a crime occurred. Claudette's story was included in a book titled, At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance.

I guess I'll add a bit more. I'm too tired to start a new entry.

Cointelpro is conspiracy fact and has never ended.

This is very good:


Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Nation of Islam is a Manipulative Deep State Identification, Entrapment and Strawman Cult Scam

                             Con artist, cult leader Elijah Muhammad

There are many mysterious aspects to the history of the Nation of Islam. What was up with Wallace Fard Muhammad? He seems to have been from half Pakistani, half white something heritage and not Black. It is really difficult to get to the bottom of it since everyone knows the FBI is a disinformation racket. One must rely on them for a lot of the information. Everyone now knows they are forever discredited for the cointelpro program which persists to this day and thus they can never be believed. But that could be the best way to hide the truth; plop it within disinformation.

Farrakhan called for the death of Malcolm X and that's what happened. Malcolm had found out that Elijah was a fraud having babies with multiple women. The N.O.I. was always a hoax and garbage. I am struggling to find the words. One of Fard's followers killed someone in a sacrifice as a reaction to reading his cult book and worshiping him. It had been a scam from the start. The only reason it did eventually get big was because two of their dupes were Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali. They were the true talent and used accordingly.

Maybe Elijah Muhammad didn't sound as crazy back in the day. We've all fallen for fakes from missing or not comprehending their outrageous wackadoo elements. I'd love an explanation for how such a smart man as Malcolm X could have fallen for it. It is a masonic styled cult and a big rabbit hole. I'd love some truth on it. It is no less crazy than Scientology whom Farrakhan has praised.

I have seen a Farrakhan schtick in which he attacks the White Muslim Freemasons that I mentioned in a previous entry; the J. Edgar Hoover Shriner thingie. Damn, I wish I was an expert.

It seems to me that there is a proven conspiracy in which secret societies have mapped out a way for total domination. Disinfo fvckers probably read my stuff and think, so what, that clown's stats are tiny. I never claimed I am God's gift to writing exposures and manifestos. I am a very poor version of John Quincy Adams. Is that not mind blowing that there was an Anti-Masonic Party, that there was the huge Morgan scandal with national repercussions?

But they are laughing at us. The saving grace is that they are demented and we aren't. I have some answers. I just don't have the platform or power. Malcolm X pretty much put the cult on the map. Then came the boxer, whom it now makes sense why he became a Republican. Yes, Ali was totally full of it. I concede his Vietnam protest was legit in that it was an illegal war. He did have his belt taken away. But later on he called Joe Frazier a gorilla. That was extremely racist. Muhammad Ali was no great man. Malcolm X was and died for his principles. He had evolved as a thinker and had great potential for wisdom and activism. He posed a threat to the status quo.

That is crazy stuff if you get into it. Malcolm X was the right guy in the wrong organisation. To his credit, he did quit just in time.

The FBI took control of the Nation of Islam probably starting in 1932 unless they or some other deep state grouping formed it originally. The N.O.I. went from being a cult to a state sponsored honeypot and conspiracy story. Fard was exiled from Detroit. He was supposedly last seen in 1934. Maybe the sick fvcks finally realised that portraying a white man as the savior of Black folks might not go over that swell for Spy Factory styled marketing.

I'm drowning in Youtube videos. Farrakhan is making weird symbols with his hands in one of them.

The above was made during a 60 Minutes interview while discussing Malcolm X's death. Below in a speech he made the masonic 666 when speaking of three years. Who the heck would ever do that?

This topic is beyond the scope of my knowledge base. I can only provide these brief opinions. Oh, I found out there is a phrase for raising the noise to signal ratio. It's called Gish Gallop. But I digress. Maybe someday life won't be so confusing. It is definitely getting increasingly surreal now that the medium has died. We have lived whole lives glued to the medium. This is a new kind of age in that the medium is dead. Now what will we do with such freedom? I don't think anyone believes in anything anymore to be blunt.

All that one can do is probe.

I'm not so sure Fard was the same Wallace Dodd goon, as the FBI cannot be trusted on anything. But it does seem clear that a nutjob killed some people after being inspired by Fard, and that brought the heat from law enforcement. The N.O.I. then became a Freemasonry asset if it hadn't been established as one from the onset. The FBI equals Freemasonry, period.

Muhammad Ali's second wife claimed him as still alive in the 1970's but she wasn't exact on the dates. This wouldn't be that outrageous a conspiracy theory. The guy disappeared. There is no proof he died. He could have been relocated to develop a tan. There was no CIA or even OSS back in the thirties. Whatever that part of the deep state was called before them, it would make sense if Fard or Farad was an agent of said unnamed alphabet group.

I'd love to know the truth.

The internet is leading to an explosion in access to information. The challenge is putting it all together for this sort of example. The medium is rigged and one person cannot figure out everything on one's own. It's a precarious situation for modern cyber society.

It does seem pretty clear that conspiracy has been proven. That is why it has recently gone mainstream for schtick vocabulary.

I love this stuff. I want to understand.

H.L. Hunt funded the N.O.I.?

I know that must sound crazy, but there is a video of Malcolm X talking about a deal made or discussed between the N.O.I. and the KKK. Cointelpro has been all over Black people. That is a conspiracy fact. The Spy Factory continues to destroy both society and planet.

There's the idea that al-Qaeda is actually al-CIAda or something.

Heck yes, that is very possible and why the Military-Industrial Complex floods the internet with pure crap. It's to spin everything as overwhelming and incapable of making sense.

This stuff is fascinating.

I am very curious, but it's not on any one of us to put it all together. Yet we need to be aware of basics. Below is the author who seemed to back the FBI angle that Fard was the same long-time hustler named Wallace Dodd. I don't know much, but I am confident to say that the Nation of Islam is a cointelpro operation. Only the deluded can deny it's a cult based on stupid shit. One needn't delve into conspiracy thinking to know at least that.

Decide for yourselves. Don't just believe in anything. And yes, the conspiracy is real. It is called the U.S. military and government. But one has to think for themselves or else I am just a form of cult. I'm just one guy who studied a lot, have always been into the truth whatever it is, and still am.

                                                   Karl Evanzz

Even if Fard or Farad (it is confusing) was not the Wallace Dodd guy, he was still a verified con artist. I think he was that same scammer, but it becomes like anything else. The truth becomes obfuscated. The people in power are that evil. They lie, cheat, steal and tolerate those who do, as long as no one is caught; as long as no one makes everyone else also look bad. The deep state is real and run by rabid animals. Maybe some become so disgusted with themselves and feel such shame that they jump out of tall buildings in N.Y.C.. It must suck being a sewer rat and bad guy.

It's all been a scam from FardFace to Elijah Muhammad to Umar Johnson and in between. Since people are people, folks are figuring out a lot of stuff. They are realising that everything is rigged and fake.

We are talking about scumbags, turds and garbage. No one real believes in internet, television, government, corporations, media and military. Only lost souls do. Freeing one's mind is an attainable goal.

The more I watch, the more confusing it gets. Yet maybe out there somewhere is an outstanding presentation which puts it all together. This is tougher to figure out than the JFK Assassination.

Nonetheless, there have been enough verified deal breakers to conclude that the Nation of Islam is a scam with deep state infiltration or outright control since 1932 when it was decided the narrative would shift towards Elijah Muhammad.

It's a total brain fvck but out there as a topic. My conclusion is that while it is impossible to prove the extent of cointelpro involvement in the N.O.I., it is still my opinion that it is 100% state-sponsored convolution. Black radicals should not be wearing masonic head gear and praising freemasonry's Prince Hall. There is no debate that the N.O.I. formed out of a cult with members getting their arses gaslighted by cointelpro. And the confusion persists due to the gish gallop.

It seems a waste of time to ask for comments, but if there is anyone out there who isn't a wackadoo but is rather one who thinks outside the box and has studied this, if you could add some clarity, it would be much appreciated. This is as juicy and confusing of a conspiracy theory as it gets.

This is Divide and Conquer 101. It is doubtful that military intelligence and their informants sleep well at night. We as the true free men and women sleep like logs and await for the exposure and dismantling of confirmed conspiracy. I've seen enough in my lifetime to know this: The U.S. military and government through secret networks are manipulating every facet of social reality. I will never comply. They can fvck off. I'm done, yet not done, done.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Selena Gomez is depressed because she's a narcissist leading a fake, soulless existence

                 How is this person not a wh0re slvt pig demon?

She is depressed because all these other child actresses went insane and she knows she is next. One can assume a narcissist like her has checked out the results on Youtube and realises that no one except brainwashed children thinks she can act or sing. It's got to be extremely depressing to find out one is a paid fake. She made it big as a kid and must only now be putting together the pieces.

Amanda Bynes didn't crack up until she got a bit older.

Same with Britney Spears.

Selena Gomez cannot sing, period.

The comments on this page are brutal.

Someone would have to be a simpleton or like to argue just for the heck of it to claim she can sing.

She can't act either, period.

This isn't misogyny. Check her out flashing her body. She was a child star since age eleven. That led into the bogus adult career.

I think women who don't overdo it with makeup and are just themselves are beautiful. All of them. I am sick of the fake sexuality. Are we supposed to fixate on Selena en masse in a cyber orgy? Is that the endgame?

The cult of personality is the most outdated aspect of American medium. People are starting to move on. I can sense it. The zeitgeist hits a certain collective consciousness level and that's that. It's time to drive Hollywood into the ground. Stop paying for any of it. Tell everyone you know. Don't let kids watch Nickelodeon. Don't let them fall for crap like auto-tuned pop music. Social reality has truly hit the shitter in the last couple decades. I don't remember things this insane growing up. We had lives. We weren't on computers all day. We actually met and talked with people. We had relationships. Humanity needs to put a total boycott on the medium. I hope this idea catches on. It would not only be a nice scoop, but perhaps folks could have easier lives the rest of the way. We have been collectively brain fvcked. Step one is to stop accepting the medium as the message in itself. Become your own people. Become enlightened.

We should be with one person. We shouldn't be gaping at others. I felt a bit awkward uploading the main picture above. I think there's an anti-gaping law where we're not supposed to stare at a stranger for more than three seconds. It's just natural and makes sense not to stare at anyone. We should not have this shit thrown into our faces day in, day out for entire lives. I don't even think she's that attractive. Selena does have a pretty face. Good for her? Congratulations? It doesn't matter. She can fvck off.

I believe that meaning is accessible to everyone. There are things we needn't debate. Autotune is fake. Hollywood is fake. Cointelpro is all up into our junk in a bizarre, unconstitutional way. The shite has hit the fan for the ptb's. They ain't fooling nothing from nobody anymore. Every facet of our society is a criminal lie. Truth is truth. Remember the line from Scarface, "Do you want to fuck me, Tony?" I won't explain to not spoil it, but do you want us to drool over you, Selena Gomez? What do you want us to think? Should we touch our thingies, you bitch fake loser scum fvcker?

I want the medium to go down the tubes.

If Selena doesn't want to be seen as a slut, then maybe she should put on some clothes. She is selling sex because she can neither sing nor act. What does she have but the ability to act like a whore in public? How is Selena Gomez not demented?


Friday, January 26, 2018

A thought or two on William Cooper and some other junk

The idea is pushed by cointelpro agents that if William Cooper was a paid fake, then why was he knocked off? Look at it this way, imho. A fake is a fake is a fake based on their words. If someone is peddling hot steaming garbage, one can know for sure that the person is either a government agent or other form of con artist.

There are also examples of paid fakes who have run into trouble with law enforcement and at least one I can think of who was killed. The former is easy. It's called Hal Turner. The second I will have to search a bit to reconfirm the memory.

Aah, yes. There was an intelligence agent named Roland Vincent Carnaby who was killed by Houston police in 2008. Now in regards to Cooper, he might have had a death wish. His demise sounded like suicide by cop. I'm just saying it can be true that Cooper was both a disinfo agent and murdered by police. It's like the kid who killed his wife and child, the dude trying to produce a movie called Gray State. State-sponsored conspiracy stories prey on the audience's intuition. They know that reasonable people are going to think such and such. Their objective is to simulate actions and outcomes as confirmed by Snowden documents. Don't fall for it.


We might as well stay in Houston for the next tidbit. An FBI agent has assassinated a kidnap victim while he was still bound. Oopsies? It sounds like some form of corruption and perhaps not an accident. And of course no name is given for the fat fvck face assassin. Good guy FBI, me arse.

                                         Let me take a guess. Hoover
                                         was a Freemason and related
                                         to Fred Mertz.

This is called instant verification.

This is called winning. I am the winner. I have single-handedly defeated the internet. This will be well-known in fifty to one hundred years.

That's wicked awesome. There are pasty white "Muslim" Shriners. Good to know.

Apparently the missing link has been found between dinosaurs and birds. A raven styled fossil purported to be 150 million years old was found in Germany.

Let me explain what happened because people still tend to not understand how reincarnation and evolution work. Dinosaurs did not turn into birds. That is ridiculous. This is what happened. The dinosaurs were wiped out. There were no survivors. The earth's climate and geography changed. While one can go from animal to human and perhaps back, that is the exception rather than the rule. It takes a big chunk of consciousness to become a human being. Someone would have to be quite the numbnut to lose human status.

The dinos were given the spiritual option of becoming birds or going dormant. I am theorising. I'm not saying this is fact, yet it seems like what probably happened. The dinosaurs were pissed off but had no other choice than to accept. Dormancy gets kind of dull after the first ten or twenty thousand years. And now you know the rest of the mailed in fantasy conjecture story.


It's not just scientists from Rutgers saying slow the fvck down with any notions for geoengineering our way out of the climate change mess. A leaked U.N. draft obtained by Reuters claims to not be a big fan of what appears to be "economically, socially and institutionally infeasible." By the way, this is another of my scoops. Just saying. These fvckers are only about a decade behind my analysis.


Okay, this is the last item from the pu pu platter of tidbits.

It's been common knowledge for many decades that 94% of all child stars end up demented. It now appears that 88% of such famous wackadoos have in one way or another been affiliated with Disney. Adam Hicks is the new story. This one is so outrageous that it is very difficult to believe. He is alleged to have been stealing cell phones and stuff through armed robbery of strangers.

TMZ has it covered including a video. Sure, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but for now this fits in perfectly with DFQ2's investigation into Freemasonry and its satanic take down of American morals. (We are going to be spun as kooks anyway, so I try to play along with the simulated action in a reverse-mocking manner. I know this stuff can sound extra goofy. I've three words in response: John. Quincy. Adams.)

What are the odds Walt Disney was a Freemason? Let's see.........

Yet again disinfo fvcks don't want people spun as Masons when they clearly were.

Oh right, there's nothing bizarre about Your News Wire getting plugged or that the top goes out of its way to deny the connection. We're just all kooky demented fvckers. Sure thing. Got it.

The paid fakes should make up their minds. So Freemasonry is goodness and apple pie? Or it's so bad that God forbid anyone knows who is associated with it?

Harry Truman was a Freemason. Freemasonry is all about demented secret society scum which led to the first third party in America called the Anti-Masonic Party. It is the true enemy of humanity.


BREAKING: David Seaman is a paid turd to ignore

No, I didn't go looking for him. The same clowns always eventually show up again on the right side Youtube recommendations. Hmmm, where have I seen the "BREAKING" schtick before? Maybe Melvin... Melvin Goodman, no wait, it was MK-ULTRA mind control, disinfo slave H.A. Goodman.

Does that mean H.A. and Seaman work for the same disinfo cell? What are the odds that both are titling videos, "BREAKING?" This is how it becomes very easy for people to realise all is rigged and fake. I embedded a video on DFQ2 a ways back showing tons of various network news affiliates reciting the same story word for word. There were no rewrites. There was no paraphrasing. Meanwhile, my schtick remains 100% original and groovy.

So ex-CIA numbnut Robert Steele was on with David Seaturd. No, I couldn't care less and am not going to watch that or search for the recent Mike Baker appearance on Joe Rogan.

I see that other channels are trying to mimic my paid fake and useful idiot schtick. It's too little, too late. People who understand my writings have learned the nature of deal breakers. When there is a zero tolerance for those, that is when one becomes free as an active thinking prober and is no longer a manipulated passive object to simulate.

There is always something stupid in paid fake videos that emerges signifying that it's time to get out of the pool and move on with probing. Recess or clowntime becomes over or done, done.

No, I don't think H.A. is a mind controlled CIA agent, although give me the scoop credit if it's proven he's related to Melvin.

Thanks, fellas.

Secret Society Gotcha Time

That's called not photo-shop and why H. Breath lost. Trump was the lesser of two demented evils. It had nothing to do with Russians. Surely it had a lot to do with Julian Assange. So what? Nothing is done about the DNC election fraud. It's as if Bernie Sanders is knowingly complying with unconstitutional elections. Maybe he is going all in for 2020. Maybe he looks at Carter at 92 still hippety hopping along and thinks he can win it all and save the planet. He is perhaps biting his lip as a long-term presidential art project.

I'm saddened to hear Julian is not in the best of health. Trump is a scumbag for not granting him his immediate freedom. I don't think there is much Anonymous or anything on the internet or there would be massive protests conducted for Julian's freedom.

That would be a huge development. That would be a non-violent extra-parliamentary activity. It is paramount that Julian Assange is granted his freedom. Millions should protest for that. Enough is enough. Let him go.

And there are your stupid arsed Republicans stirring the state-sponsored "conspiracy story" stew. I haven't checked the news today. I saw much earlier that the two FBI pigs had been joking around. Trey Gowdy is a jackass. This is why it is pointless to follow the medium. Both sides suck. There is nothing of value to the medium outside of probing, and even then, it sucks and is stupid.

That sort of disinfo was done to the Dan Rather scandal on GW's military resume. A document turned out to be unverifiable. So what? They covered the O.J. thing way too much. This is a broken record. There is enough proof to come to the verdict that everything is rigged and fake.

I need music or am going to go nuts.

The French have returned.


The Albert Pike stuff was a hoax.

Aleister Crowley was connected to freemasonry. Paid fake cvnts say differently.

The truth hurts. Entertainers are hedonists and selfish. Crowley had too big of an impact. He was not only a scumbag and garbage, but he was also a turd.

Hmmm, what else.

                                           Does H. like Poppy?

You might ask yerself, why the fvck am I not at a million page views by now?

There is no time without medium. It becomes pure now.

John. Quincy. Adams.

Captain. William. Morgan.

The music has saved me.

Never forget that Aleister Crowley was pure scum.

William Cooper was a paid disinfo agent. No way are those guys not doing what's in the Snowden documents.

He was the original Hal Turner.

They are doing "conspiracy stories." It's right fricken there in the above screenshot. That's my scoop. I am the poor man's John Quincy Adams.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Frank Zappa Was the George Carlin of Music

Wow, John Lennon stole from Frank Zappa:

It was disturbing to find out that the Beatles were big into the occult.

                                           from Antiques Roadshow

                                          Aleister Crowley

I guess this was mere embedding of Youtube videos and various images. It happens. I'm not a big fan of secret societies, rigged medium and state-sponsored brainwashing. This blog has been my humble attempt at freedom of expression. I hope to have been able to provide some insights into social reality.

related reading: Crowley’s Children

Omg. Et tu, David Bowie?

Demented Secret Society Disinfo Cvnts on Youtube Will Not Save Us From Secret Societies

                                            Roy Potter

I supertrolled this clown on Twitter. It was very easy. He was one of the scumturds pushing the Marines raiding the CIA alternate reality game. The internet is saturated with a lot of nonsense. It is called raising the noise to signal ratio.

The biggest hurdle for supertrolling paid fakes is the acquisition of pay stubs. That was the beauty of Anonymous' exposing Hal Turner. They located direct correspondence between Hal and an FBI agent. Cyber sleuths need to make sure names and facts are verified.

"No one wants to be a conspiracy nut."  ~~ Jonathan Turley

Duh, you think so?

Potter is an ex-cop who was busted for polygamy. Is there a chance he is not cointelpro? I guess so. There's no proverbial "pay stub" like what was had with Turner or Brandon Darby. But most people who become informants do so because they are criminals or caught in the web of a deranged law enforcement trap. Everyone knows this. If more people would stop wasting their time reading state-sponsored infiltrated websites and forums, they might actually find a way out of their troubling internet addiction.

Check that. We are all internet addicts. At question is whether or snot we are going to ever control our internet time by detaching the leash yanking our chains and break free from all forms of propaganda and entrapment.

Sherman Potter was garbage and so is Roy.

Royston Potter is a Mormon. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cult was an off-shoot of freemasonry. This is the last person who should be discussing secret societies. He is the proverbial fake good guy.

I believe there is probable cause to suspect Roy Potter as cointelpro. This is the process for identifying paid fakes:

1) Is what they say spoken in wackadoo language?
2) Is this an anon coward or a real person?
3) Has this person been vetted?

So anyhoo, the FBI is back in the news having something to do with "secret societies." I have been vindicated?

I searched "FBI Secret Society" on Bing and Roy was the fourth result. His videos have outrageous amounts of thumbs up to downs. I told everyone that the internet was rigged and fake, yet few believed me. Guinness Book of World Records should give me an award for the number of times vindicated.

I think Daily Caller is run by Tucker Carlson. I truly believe that both sides suck and encourage everyone to always vet materials or ignore them entirely. I am forced to go to their website to get to the bottom of this.
The two FBI officials involved in a scandal over anti-Trump text messages referred to a “secret society” on the day after President Trump’s 2016 election win, two Republican lawmakers who have reviewed the exchanges said on Monday.
Appearing on Fox News, South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy and Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe said that the text message, which was exchanged between former FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, is evidence of anti-Trump bias at the top levels of the FBI.
I found the video. The secret society part starts at 5:48:

This is Surrealism 101! When Ratcliffe mentions the phrase "secret society," Gowdy and the news lady do an immediate eye roll.

Ye can't make up this kind of shite.

Gowdy and the other fella are sounding a bit like our good historical buddy John Q. Adams, the real Q. I suppose my work on this specific blog entry is done.

God bless the audience