This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Why is it non-stop Freemason imagery?

This seems to be a legitimate question: Why is 98% of Hollywood and music tied into the Aleister Crowley styled Freemason schtick?

And I think I make a very important point that there is a third objective grouping which is never allowed into the conversation. Are you Christian or pro-Satanism? I'm neither.

Are you for Trump or Hillary? Why can't it be neither? The big lie must certainly be that Assange never happened. After Bernie and humanity got ripped off by the medium, there was no possible way to support H. and neoliberalism. For two years there has been non-stop chatter about Russia successfully tampering with the election. It's called the Russian hoax. They think we can just forget about the Podesta emails? That there is nothing to debate means what it says?

Humanity is on its own now. We've been completely fvcked with by the system. It's been verified that the government and military are demented. Even they must know that deep down. Snowden and Manning figured it out.

Youtube has clearly hit rock bottom over the last couple weeks. It's become the difference between watching something with or without commercials. It's drinking coffee black after using creamer all the time. The ptb's are trying to force us to comply with their goofy "conspiracy went mainstream" reboot. It's not gonna happen. Many websites are saying turn off the ad blocker. It's not happening. It's called they can all fvck off.

video credits:
The End of the World by Dadala
John Quincy Adams leader of Anti-Masonic Party
Gloria Vanderbilt wearing all black with pentagram
They all do the devil horns- Joe Rogan, Jim Nantz, it seems like everyone.
Nicki Clyne of the sex cult blocked me. I had a good run at Twitter.
It's not bragging. I was greatness as a supertroll.
I am trying to find saved images to add to the public domain song.

The censorship is very unfair. Running through the saved images is bringing back memories. But I just can't fricken upload it all. It's one thing to ban someone. They shouldn't be able to delete everything. That totality of cheating is what's so wrong about censorship. It's clearly Orwellian. Something's gotta give? How do they continue to get away with this?

Okay, I found in my stock photo section Bowie posing as Crowley posing as an Egyptian, yet I've still got many minutes left to fill. The tune is pretty good. It's actually ten minutes long, so perhaps eventually there will be a part 2. I did find another one on Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves. I'm not sure if I ever posted that here.

I busted the Truman Security Project. There were people named Nomiki Konst and Aisha Dew. Cook for Good? Remember her? What about my prime, Mick???? I could've been a contender?? They stole my destiny. I suppose everything gets buried in the archives anyway. Twitter definitely never made it as a big outlet, imho. It's basically a glorified chat board for the famous.

Real people were barely tolerated, then we were banned for liking neither Hillary nor Trump. Yet the spin is cultural marxists are silencing the right wing with SWATs and draconian censorship. I know all about this stuff. It's called militarised alternate reality games. I experienced its earlier manifestations. I think this could be building towards a good time for positive social movement but it will have to be forged via a new path. I think Assange figured one out. Just remember they need us. We do not need them. Youtube is asking for folks to flock to a new place hosting free speech videos? I only use duck duck go for searches. People can change their internet habits if they wtfu.

There is an opening for an Aaron Swartz or Assange type person to get something going. The problem is trust. No one can trust Barrett Brown. No one can trust any website even Jimmy Dore's. A lot of young people probably liked Rogan but he was a good example of how paid disinfo can come across as condescending. That was mentioned in a Snowden document. Paid fakes and shills are morons and easily identified or else they wouldn't be working for..... Satan?

The checkerboard makes it onto rockets and police hats.
Shane Dawson stole from Jim Sullivan? Why is everyone so unoriginal?
Do what thou wilt is a stupid dead end.
It is so in our faces that it must be a real cult. LeBron is in it.
We are talking about the problem of a widespread cult destroying society from within. This is not a goofy conspiracy theory.
There are lots of cults within the big American cult.
That's the Nicki Clyne person. I remember she posted a video mocking the idea that NXIVM is a cult.

Everything is a cult. I am sort of where George Carlin ended up but I am not blaming society or happy about it. He spun it as entertaining. Carlin actually seemed very bitter. Or his downfall was he took himself too seriously or for too long. He and Alan Watts were not lacking in ego. Why else was he still doing stand up at the end of his life? He obviously memorised a lot of lines and just pumped them out. He wasn't improvising. Seinfeld used to be funny and then lost the skill too. I'm talking Carlin towards the end or maybe I just saw him on one of his bad nights. I'm talking about a video. I never saw him in person unless I am the reincarnation of Lenny Bruce. Even then, past lives don't count that way.The two lives cannot co-exist despite being the same spark so to speak. If I was that guy, that means we all get reincarnated. That means there is no hell but that karma dictates one's next life.

I think Carlin was a good guy but I don't get his schtick towards the end. He needed to slow down and retire. Maybe he did that for a love of the game. He still had his fastball in spots. He did have a great memory and could still do it. I'm thinking of those actors who were born and died in Hollywood. Carlin seems to have done that and never got enough time to just chill out. Or maybe I'm overthinking it. Capitalism feels sleazy. Too much info has been released. No one involved is looking good.

I think the medium died in 2016. I have no clue what this is now. Hopefully we'll find some afterlife when all is said and done. Maybe we get to fly around and choose our next parents. Or what if this is just it? We were born as who we are and it's some chain reaction too massive to piece together. It seems odd that we would have consciousness and then poof it is gone. It is the greatest mystery of them all.

The stuff about Freemasonry and the military isn't mysterious. The state apparatus has gotten extremely creepy on us. We are victims in this. Carlin had no idea how big the problem was to be blaming people the most. It's an outrageous situation we have been born into.

But anyway, my main point is folks are putting together two plus two and are apparently quitting social media. The ptb's think we are stupid or they are tone-deaf or something. There's extremely weird deep state stuff going on adversely influencing everything. It's not our imaginations. Snowden done good. Greenwald is the shill gate keeper, not Ed Snowden. Assange cracked the code. That's why they are going hard after him. But it is obviously an impasse or it already would have happened. I don't think Ecuador is so easy to get to agree with the real criminals to kidnap Julian.

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