This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Coincidence Theory News: Key Guyger Witness Assassinated & Tucker Carlson Pimps DeLonge's UFO Hoax

I find it odd that as Youtube dies and my uploading increases at Bitchute, it is becoming more difficult to get stuff published at the video sewer pit. It is slowing down and getting glitchy. As soon as I hit another groove, the joint basically feels throttled. It must be another one of those coincidences. I'm having no trouble posting here in Blogging Siberia or on Youtube where no one can apparently find the channel unless they see the link here, on Bitchute or on one YT channel in which a person knew to salvage me schtick from the spam bin.

Rogan has plugged DeLonge. I found this crap running back in the late 50's. In the Bitchute archives, I've got a Mike Wallace interview with similar retired military bullshite. The fourth wall fell! It's a medium free for all. Youtube might have inadvertently destroyed itself. We are one Aaron Swartz and some financing away from the new Youtube. We the people must show them that they are not needed. Unfortunately, Bitchute was a false flag for a decent alternative.

I wrote at Bitchute on July 19th, 2019:

Anyone with a brain larger than a pea knows that Tom DeLonge and that UFO stuff was pure disinfo garbage. The Military-Industrial Complex has actually been spreading that sort of nonsense for many decades. There are no aliens. Did you miss the part in the Snowden documents referring to "conspiracy stories?" That's my scoop, that the conspiracy is fake conspiracy. Planted bullshit is meant to serve as complete strawman alleged proof disproving all conspiracies. They are the kings of doubling down and ginning it up.

"They" fought very hard against common sense in regards to the J.F.K. Assassination. We were supposed to think fondly of Aunt Bee's apple pie and baseball, while Andy kept Mayberry safe. Even if by chance NASA landed on the moon, it's pretty easy to see why many think we didn't. Even if those fuckers up there are contrails, it is very reasonable to believe there is a weather mitigation program already in place. Personally, I don't think we went to the moon and that there are such a thing as chemtrails, but those needn't be proven to prove that the Spy Factory is running shit posts all over the internet in regards to "conspiracy stories." It's in the fricken Snowden documents. It was intuited and then confirmed in reality by his leaks.

They've got pictures of Batman or wtf as a cyber magician. Those documents speak for themselves. Or they should in theory. But they don't because I seem to be the only legit person who put this sort of thing together in real time before it was proven. Now a new breed of cointelpro turd emerges from woodwork handed keys to the platform for fake exposing fake irrelevant drama, while dwindling numbers of true talent including myself are forced to upload good, real, authentic stuff in cyber backwater slums such as Bitchute.


Tokyo Shemp said...

I saw one video in which a person predicted Amazon will start the new Youtube.

Tokyo Shemp said...

Anderson Cooper plugged Ted Gundersom. Alex Jones was always on cable news shows here and abroad until more recently. Snowden and Assange made their jobs too difficult and now the internet is bald-faced electronic dystopia.