This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Mailed-in debate analysis and a rant against Jordan Peterson

(UPDATE: Peterson is apparently in rehab for drug addiction to Klonopin. There is also something about showings of a new documentary on him being canceled or there is some sort of agitprop to them. He's also been on an all meat diet.

Youtube is acting funny on me. Maybe they think I made hate speech and are turning off a lot of lurker features. I already caught them putting my comments into spam bins.  I was exposing anti-semitism from Bitchute. I am being censored.

Youtube seems done with regular people. It's finally over. They are the state-sponsored television. Only conformists need apply and even then, they might not want you in the search results. They want you watching CNN and Fox et al.)

Most of the below was done around 6 a.m.. That's me with a very quiet voice. I exercised, but then after taking the lunch time pill, I conked out. The end of this video is myself after waking up. This Jordan Peterson guy is making me angry. I don't want to be negative, but he is apparently making 50-100 grand per month in donations. Why are people so stupid? I'm thinking Peterson is a plant. My theory is he got arrested and is basically an agent provocateur. Or else he is a con artist. It's one of those two things. The college must love him because he is tenured or brings them publicity.

I noticed something might be up with his health. He might be trying to lay low because a lot of people are starting to grok he is full of it.

What's up with the promotion of psychedelics on the internet? It seems very forced. Peterson may be famous because of Rogan. I know there was something about a bill in Canada in which he sparked controversy. But Rogan is the key influencer. The only reason people know of Peterson is because of Joe and Youtube. I'm talking about the general setup of the zeitgeist. It's becoming very clear how rigged this is.

I would bet Jordan Peterson is cointelpro if one is curious on my opinion. He is way out there with provocation. He is not coming across as organic. In fact, the more I think about what happened to Youtube, the more clear it is how this is now electronic dystopia. Community is gone. The news cycle no longer has any meaning. The fourth wall fell. The Berlin Wall fell. In 2016, so did the internet. It's extremely difficult to put into words. Yet, this is a real, true authentic situation unlike any video in which Peterson is discussing something. McLuhan had some flaws, but Peterson is a fraud. He's got nothing. He's a failed psychoanalyst from what I saw. He's a blowhard. He got a PhD.. He's a freemason from watching his hands. He's cointelpro or might as well be from listening to him.

Shite gets pushed. Other stuff gets banned. We are in some weird, surreal double bind in which we feel compelled to discuss the medium. Round and round this goes. We are chasing our tails. We are trying to critique the medium as if it can be reformed. I'm arguing that it is dead and never coming back.

1 comment:

Tokyo Shemp said...

Youtube went nuts for an hour or two. I thought it was just to me because of the timing with the hate speech strike. They have to fix that. They can't fix anything. We're begging fungus to cut it out?