This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Joe Rogan Shilling for Joe Rogan and Rolling Stone. Bernie Speaks.

The internet show was Joe narrating his own "a day in the life." This guy is a fake comic, period. I coined the phrase comictelpro. Track down any stand up he's ever done and it's simply not funny. Is Robert De Niro a stand up because he played one in King of Comedy? It's the same thing. I also noticed that a day in Joe Rogan's life mentions nothing about Jessica and his adopted daughter. I personally have decided to not care about his two youngest children. I'm not the fricken Paparazzi. Bernie also speaks in this video. He thanks us for caring and says that he'll be back campaigning soon. Someone in the Bernie video thread claims this is the same as with Hillary in which he's just talking trash to alleviate concerns. I had a heart attack. Mine was worse than Bern's. He can still run. It's not Biden with Alzheimer's. It's not Hillary who seems to have Lewy Body Dementia or otherwise some form of Parkinson's. Sanders has been in good health, too. There's a reason we're not meant to be fat slobs and why if we aren't, it is easier to recover from health concerns.

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