This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Barbara Walters Seemingly Linked To Ghislaine Maxwell

Walters can sort of be connected to a lot of people. The CNN guy Zucker's wife was photographed with Maxwell. That is verified by Getty Images. A tinfoil website is circulating these photos including some with Walters. Those I cannot verify. One looks like a photo-shop, but maybe it's real. The one I use in this video seems authentic.

I stuck up for Walters during Pizzagate. It wasn't much. I noticed the story. I believed in Corey Feldman until I didn't. Seeing Walters was promiscuous and probably friendly with Maxwell and perhaps Epstein, maybe I shouldn't have supported her in that one scenario. Double binds are real. Watts made a lot of sense on those. You can't win. You sort of can't lose either  but might as well since there's apparently no reforming the system from within or at least in regards to the medium, corporations and military.

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