This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Videos pertaining to current events and news analysis part 2


It's apparently Edward Snowden's fault.

Alleged Manifesto Conveniently Vindicates FBI Memo on Conspira-tard Threat (August 4th)

This manifesto seems written by the typical loser who frequents Reddit Conspiracy. I think this shite has been going on forever with Smedley Butler and William Cooper for two examples. Alex Jones is proverbial right wing tinfoil. Those ilk rile up random Joe Schmoes.

I suppose ye might want to hit pause at times to read this fully. It seems real, imho. It seems to be precisely what some paranoid brainwashed and snot-nosed "incel" right wingers might pen.

My breaking news video got torched for downvotes, but it was proven correct? It looks like the kid got spooked out by the FBI memo and subsequently went through with fucked up deranged, Charles Manson styled plans. I don't know anything about multiple shooters.

The Military-Industrial Complex and Five Eyes Caused the Mass Shootings.

It's called internet cointelpro. Everybody is starting to grok this. Real people are falling back at the right time allowing paid fakes to wet their pants and go on tilt. Somehow they have no idea there is something called reverse trolling operations. They are almost as tone-deaf or wtf as H. was.

Did you miss the Snowden document on fracture points? What about the phrase, conspiracy story? You didn't notice that in confirmed GCHQ/5 Eyes' paperwork? They created all this. In fifty to one hundred years, someone will blog on how I seemed to be the only person truly grokking social reality. My future incarnation will sense vindication.

This is the internet golden age for suspicious morons including Tim Pool.

The above was written for a video already re-uploaded on the most recent entry on Tim. It's the one without a title and just before the video on the Icke connection.

I was interested in the blame game. On August 5th, I posted on Connor Betts.

The Blame Game (part 1/2)

This is close to a ten minute movie but broken into two parts.

The Blame Game (part 2/2)

It looks like Betts might have been in high school ROTC. We already knew he was a big fan of Elizabeth Warren who hates Assange. I'll just say Pocahontas ain't no Hannah Arendt styled leftier than thou. Betts was clearly a democrat in name only and an obvious so-called "incel" from what has emerged. But whatever. We'll leave the score at 2-1 libtards versus conservatards in regards to the rise and shine medium mythology blame game.

Someone please inform paid fake or useful idiot Styxhexenhammer666 that Connor Betts was a Satanist. (August 6th)

Demented, moronic racist Texan cops (souped up on steroids?) treat Black man as an animal. Wow. (August 6th)

I think the East Side Kids were not racist and perhaps a bit revolutionary with satire with the Scruno character. Him and Muggs McGinness had amazing chemistry. Huntz Hall was simply annoying. He ruined the schtick. Mr. Wise Guy was pretty good despite him. Gorcey was in his comedic prime and another character in that was pretty funny. I'm thinking of the buffoon petty criminal. He was sort of a Dom Deluise type ilk schtick bit dude.

That's the last thing uploaded to the Tokyo Shemp t.v. station I've watched. These mass shootings were so bad to live through and it wasn't even near most of us. That's scary shite and so unnecessary. And Trump or fricken even Bernie and none of them can explain it. They are too into the individual buzz.

I can see the whole picture. It was just lucky timing from what I studied and then living during this so-called internet info age.

I've uploaded a few videos pertaining to the police problem. This one is from last night.

Atatiana Koquice Jefferson Assassinated By Fort Worth Police (Graphic)

I see no name yet for the cop. Another Black person has been assassinated in their own home by White police. You could create jobs by firing all cops who are morons. Make them pass tests and prove that they are non-violent. I see these kind of stories nearly every day. Even riff raff at Daily Mail are saying in the comments that these cops are miserable varmints and fungus on steroids. This is one thing Youtube was great at. It exposed police brutality and their mayhem for what it is. link

Florida Man Goes On Golf Cart Rampage @ Cursed Walmart. *** Convolution Coverage Ye Can Count On *** (August 10th)

It was the same Walmart in which two separate nut jobs hit the top of the zeitgeist for the wrong reasons. EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN. WOW. And I was instantly vindicated on the story of the Texan pigs hauling in the Black man by horseback. The people who downvoted that video should be investigated and then imprisoned for so-called douchebaggery. They are probably demented cops souped up on steroids.

Here's one more for part 2. I used a Billy Joel song for fair use. I talked over it. But I won't post it here. This is where a Bitchute can be useful.

My internet t.v. show on Jeffrey Epstein

Lightweight billy joel had one good tune, but that's all it took? We are all striving to create that one article or video that hits the spot without rubbing it out.

That was August 11th. I'll actually add two more for this page. On August 13th, I video blogged on Chris Cuomo as Fredo. I have a decent eye for what seems to be breaking news. One could just tell that story was gonna go viral. Bitchute is very difficult in which to get page views. One can only imagine the quality of person visiting that website regularly. But it is sort of fun to get page views. I'm not gonna deny it. It's part of the addiction. The first video was a copy/paste of Cuomo freaking out and added to that was his infamous rant on Wikileaks. The second video was more of a commentary based off of that and hoping more people can become aware Tucker Carlson works for the deep state. Fintan Dunne calls him one of those guys. In fact, I'll add that four part series afterwards. I've got to power through the reruns before they overwhelm me.

Demented Chris Cuomo makes terror threat -- Breaking Convolution News

Moronic fake journalist claiming it's illegal to read Wikileaks threatened an attack on a regular guy civilian. .... developing< /i> oh, the humanity< /b>


First, here is the four part series on DeFango. I briefly looked into him and that nonsense. I couldn't find one person who seemed legit. It all seems scripted. If there is a lot of chatter going on across many channels and none of it adds up, one could very well be looking at a militarised entrapment and propaganda scheme. I don't think I've re-uploaded this before. What motivated me was how Defango was going over the FBI memo linking conspiracy theorists to potential domestic terrorism. These people are basically clowns yanking our chains whether it's Rogan, DeFango, Tim Pool or many more. Once one sees they are all playing the same rise and shine bullshit game, it's easy to then go one's own way. I apologise if anything gets re-uploaded more than once. I'm trying hard to not do that.

The series was titled, "I don't have 18,000 hours to watch Defango."

He recently made a video while driving. He talked about the FBI Memo in regards to Q.

I don't have 18,000 hours to watch Defango. pt. 1/4

I'll also re-upload after this and before the series on Fintan Dunne a video in three parts which looked into people named Marcus Conte and Lestat. They are ridiculous. I don't want you to waste time on any of these people. This is proverbial double bind territory. It's a big who the fricken heck are these people and why can't they speak English? Wtf are they on about? It never makes any sense and seemingly by design. This Defango stuff was created on August 8th.

I don't have 18,000 hours to watch Defango. (part 2/4)

I just noticed another old video I made linking Defango to Luke Rudkowski. I won't re-upload that one. I want to forget about these people. I like the idea of hammering in a nail and then moving on. Or if someone commits a deal breaker, that's that, why do people still discuss them? Let's make schadenfreude great again?

I am interjecting a bit of new writing in with copy and pastes. I wasn't kidding when I said this was too much of a project. But I'm getting there.

I don't have 18,000 hours to watch Defango. (part 3/4)

I actually pity the people working the internet for money. They have no choice but to go with diarrhea of the mouth for a schtick. I'm unpaid. I can write and talk a lot. I am admittedly nothing special. Yet since I have no agenda, I can measure words and let stuff rip knowing it is coming from a complete point of departure of sincerity and integrity. I know a lot of this stuff means something despite myself trying to slip in jokes or whatnot. I know it's mainly not the blabber mouth variety because there's no pressure whatsoever for myself to create anything. I don't have a deadline. I could definitely fill in pages and pages and airspace with chatter, and I do a bit of that, but in general, my approach is the way to go. It's how Bukowski did it. It's okay to be an amateur artist. There will be some people out there who understand and appreciate it. That should be enough for any of us. We all matter.

I don't have 18,000 hours to watch Defango. (part 4/4)

So, that's the plan. It's one day at a time. I've re-uploaded the bulk of what needed to be done. There is still plenty more, but this is almost done. This three part video was created just before the two parts on the SWAT call. It's called Not All Larps Are Created The Same. Then I will share the Fintan Dunne thing in five parts. That was pure gaslighting. Dunne was the original dude calling everything fake. Yet, I refuse to dismiss the idea as strawman because Dunne is an outed paid fake. Tucker Carlson is one of those guys! But I'm jumping ahead too fast.

                                           part 1/3

I've got the intro done. There are three parts. I don't know when I'll get to the actual vegetarian meat and potatoes, but this makes it clear where I am personally headed for internet.

I don't even like the word larp. I wasn't a big fan of ARG either, but at least those were very similar to what was going on. One can research militarised alternate reality games and the shemp o'truth meter reads that as conspiracy fact.

I've already explained this. Some conspiracy freak at Twitter kept telling me to watch George Webb and those guys. Eventually I noticed Stolpman and quite a few more, many who I've barely mentioned or not at all. There's too much of it. It's too boring. Some of us are adults who know better than to waste time on Alex Jones, Stolpman, Defango or any of the others. It's disappointment after disappointment and always eventually feels like gaslighting.

The stuff I was victimised by was actually dependent on true stuff. Kimberlin was convicted for the bombings. He was a suspect in the grandmom's assassination. I can't even spell the name of one of the persons in the new larp. It's shoenendinger or something. I don't care. Kimberlin was a fascinating story, period. It shows how stupid the medium is when I was fricken close to two years ahead of Breitbart for the scoop. There were SWATs of Patterico and Mike Stack. The Aaron Worthing alleged SWAT didn't seem to add up, but what do I know? I did go after Ron at times, but I exonerated him of being the caller. I think he was mimicked from a rare appearance he had made on internet radio. He was the editor of Raw Story. There's tons of stuff on this at my blog.

He's the proverbial is he cointelpro or regular guy wackadoo. But I digress. Alex Jones mimicked Bill Hicks. The phone caller mimicked Brynaert. Patrick Frey as in Patterico is another is he cointelpro or snot. Same with Breitbart his buddy. I wondered about Mandy Nagy and Aaron. One must move on. I suppose I was lucky. It was out of my hands by 2012. That's when it went completely nuts. Eventually myself and Donkeytale had to cancel them. I noticed Conte refers to himself as a reporter. Donkeytale did that. They could be mimicking previous larps now collecting dust.

 Not all larps are created the same pt. 2/3

Snowden: "What is real is being purposely conflated with what is fake, through technologies that are capable of scaling that conflation into unprecedented global confusion."

Larisa Alexandrovna wouldn't concede Brett was lying about the exoneration. It was one of the easiest troll busts in history. It was almost too easy. It doesn't matter how clever we are. They have the money and algorithms. I think donkeytale called it the troll wars in between attacks on Ralph Nader. He might have also attacked Assange and Snowden, but I digress. Donkeytale is another of those guys. Is he a regular guy or cointelpro?

                                 Not all larps are created the same pt. 3/3

Fintan Dunne Exposed As CIA Internet Fake pt. 1/5

This clown is the Alex Jones of Ireland.

Fintan Dunne Exposed As CIA Internet Fake (part 2)

There are five parts each running just under five minutes.

Fintan Dunne Exposed As CIA Internet Fake (part 3)

Dunne and Mike Rivero are on fumes while I'm still occasionally reaching 100 for cheese. This isn't Pedro Martinez throwing 68 mile an hour change ups. The Celtics will be pretty good, too. Kyrie was that much of a fungus. But I don't talk about that in this series. Sorry to mention it. We all need digressions to stay sane. The medium has been exposed as a historic bubble. It's never meant nothing more than a propaganda and entrapment scam. Meghan Markle speaks of breaking the internet. Okay, fine, I'll rejoin society for a second. I think that was pure jinx on Serena. Markle is the personification of a caricature.

Fintan Dunne Exposed As CIA Internet Fake (part 4)

If I am bigoted at all, it is probably towards the French. I should hate the Brits more, but don't. I pity them. I pity us all! America is so fucking weird, too. The medium feels 100% dead to me, sort of like everything has turned into CNN. I'm anticipating the Assange story. It's on England to save him. Fintan Dunne actually sounds very good in his video. It's easy to get duped. I sort of remember stuff like glancing at Rense and Infowars in the very early 2000's. Snowden probably deserves a lot more credit than he gets. There's no way around the fact that the medium is demented.

Fintan Dunne Exposed As CIA Internet Fake (conclusion)

(These videos were posted on September 8th. Even though this doesn't exactly fit into the current event/news analysis genre, it seemed a good idea to shove this into view so new people to my schtick can better understand where I'm coming from in regards to meta. I'm proud I got the Master's in Social Theory from an Irish university. That's where my confidence comes from. I'm not trying to intimidate or confuse. I would like to see an end to the gaslighting. I truly believe that can only be done by quitting the medium as it is presented. I am talking revolutionary change in how we view, read and think critically. It takes time. We are all coming from unique histories and angles. The key is to seek what is universal and easily proven or okay to lean such and such a way.)

Cenk was the internet version of Olbermann. I think Keith went neoliberal a few years back, but I've been cynical for a while now and forget and no longer care. Chappelle was revolutionary until he wasn't. Alex Jones mimicked Bill Hicks. That's what that was.

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