This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Racist, Fake Comic Joe Rogan

I'm feeling overqualified to campaign against Joe Rogan or post on Bitchute. It feels like a proverbial dead end with each. People either have the gumption to figure out paid fakes and useful idiots or they will forever be tied to the hip of demented medium loops.

This is in two parts. There's further proof Joe is racist. In part two, it is shown yet again that Rogan is not a real comic. If he is neither a comic nor actor, then what is he? Mike Baker knows?

                                            racist, fake comic       pt. 1/2

                                            racist, fake comic       pt. 2/2

1 comment:

Tokyo Shemp said...

He cut a deal with Disney and got on t.v. shows despite having no acting experience. He was a college dropout. He was disgusting with no thought behind it, just to shock for shock's sake. Yeah, that's his act. Get me my waffles, bitch. I remember that one. He throws around the C and N words. He puts on a fake effeminate male voice. He's a bully. There's more evidence on the Bitchute channel. I'm done with him. I get obsessed, then I move on.