This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a conspiracy.

They are lumping everyone in together in order to deny services to older people who fell through the cracks. The older adults are being neglected. It's akin to when all the cancer money was going into breast cancer. No one was paying attention to ovarian. That's what it seems like to me. If you are not a minor, please shut the door on your way out. Like try getting the dole without a kid? They recently cut into food stamps. I've been studying this autism spectrum stuff on the fast track. I'm not punching down in today's video. There was a panel in Seattle on autism spectrum disorder, yet I couldn't relate to any of them. Don't call it a spectrum if we're only seeing folks on tiers two through five or something.

My problem was I didn't look geeky enough. My grades were too good. I chewed my cuticles instead of flapping like a bird. I was the sensitive kid. It's mysterious. I probably know more about Asperger's than a lot of psychiatrists. The painful truth is that most people are mediocre at best and more likely to be incompetent. You can't just be a little bit pregnant. If someone is on the spectrum, their life is gonna be rough. There isn't a little bit of autism in everyone. This is so f'ed up and I only recently started to get obsessed with this topic.

I'll add for a disclosure, maybe some of the younger people will have more normal lives with less stress. I'm not begrudging that possibility. But even those best and brightest don't seem to put trust into everyone involved. They are probably afraid of the adults who were never processed as Aspies. We are sort of the most idealistic and truthful of them all. Just saying. There doesn't seem to be anything done for the undiagnosed. But there will probably be much, much more as I am personally determined to go through the process. I'm working on procuring a first appointment with someone I trust. It has to be someone in it for a love of the game. It just has to also be their profession.

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