This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Aunt BB Won't Zip It In Regards To Julian And Is Jimmy Dore Using A Laugh Track?

                                     part 1/2 of internet television show

                                     part 2/2 of internet television show


Anonymous said...

S, Why isn't this silly old hag, who calls herself Aunt BB, knitting or crocheting blankets and clothing for her grandchildren, or cooking me some bacon and eggs. I'd have to slit me own throat if this silly old goat was my Aunt. Vomits......Wait, what, shes an Authority on what- Jack Shit???? AA

Tokyo Shemp said...

She once said nonchalant she worked for the NSA for eight years. I have a knack for identifying stuff like that. She visited Cuba. Who the hell does that? Virginia pops up in both resumes. They are tone-deaf that if true, working for the NSA doesn't give anyone credibility. If they are not cointelpro, I can't be blamed for thinking it. Creighton has been going after Julian for ten years. They are saying some crazy conspiracy stuff. I think I got into her noggin. I think she meant me when she said she was called a baby killer. I mentioned Hitler sarcastically, but not what she said. Creighton is one of the main internet trolls attacking Assange over many years. I found three or four arrest mugshots for him. Maybe it's nothing, but that's the stereotype for someone coerced into becoming an informant. They get plugged by a "Fkn Freddy." There are a lot of coincidences. No one real thinks Assange is cointelpro. I'd rather go after bigger names and not give them the publicity. I watched some U.G. Krishnamurti and video blogged that.

Anonymous said...

S, I don't give her any credibility, but it's a good thing to bring these sorts to the fore imo. Sometimes you have to laugh these folks off, and carry on. AA

Tokyo Shemp said...

They don't make disinfo trolls like they used to. Maybe they get sloppy because there's no way to stop them. They get very comfortable. It's not like they are seasoned. A lot of them are failed actors and comics. This Aunt BB woman can't be verified for a real name. She shows up nowhere in real life. I think it's funny she thought it was a good idea to say she had worked for the NSA. She is funny! The production values are much worse than mine. She doesn't edit out anything. I cut out a lot of empty space to make it seem I can rattle out non-stop prose. Maybe with writing I can do it, but then there is a lot of editing still. One needs a topic and some focus. Okay, that's good I am not too gratuitous or obsessed. I do like to go back in time and see if anything ever changed. I was searching Moulitsas today from Daily Kos. Someone was all excited in 2016 about exposing him as CIA. That was exposed back in 2006 or 2008. Snowden didn't happen in a vacuum. There were other stories. England and the U.S. are a mess in regards to portraying themselves as free world leaders. It's over. The people in power are not as smart as the folks not in power. That's what I think happened. Paid fakes get lazy because they are born with silver shill spoons in their mouths. It's too easy for them. Regular folks can reflect, read, interact, live, hippety-hop, talk about narcissism and shallow conformity. The wicked witch was confident in Wizard of Oz, but they figured out her kryptonite. What Snowden and Assange accomplished is nothing less than remarkable. I think those two events or stories playing out over years shook it up. This seems to be what chaos looks like. The few in power are hiding behind the skirts of bureaucracy. It's all they have left this propensity to rise and shine to the medium.