This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Weaponised Autism

I'm into non-violence. Julian needs us. We need some new platforms created by real people, not the paid fakes. If you build it, they will go. Where's the next Aaron Swartz? Smart, good people should know how to combine all philosophies into a unified vision. There's cointelpro. Then there's real life. Millions of students across the country could do something.

The fish rots from the head down. Always vet sources and movements. It could very well be one of those entrapment and propaganda schemes. I am the opposite to U.G.. I would never give up. He was a rich bastard. It can be easily verified through his own words. He said he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was from rich people involved in the Theosophical Society cult. He was obviously jealous of the real Krishnamurti. U.G. was basically a supertroll serving the status quo.

Alan Watts has exploded for popularity through Youtube. I noticed that. I hate when people add music to his lectures. It's tough enough to concentrate and follow what he's saying.

I think my video making has exposed the medium as done and exposed. It can all be easily produced for free by anyone. Involved regular people can add up to power. That's why we got collectively shut down by Youtube.

I picked up on stuff off of the scantiest of clues. That's why I'm thinking maybe I have the high functioning whatchamacallit. It's nice to see the stigma is gone for them, yet I'm not ready to say I have it. I'd take social anxiety disorder for my top choice. My wiring seems different, but I'm too old for this! I never get depressed too often. It takes real stuff to set me off. The mass shootings bothered me. Assange getting arrested was a bad day in my life. It's not fair.

I don't trust the psychiatric industry. I never did. I did like reading Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Alice Miller and Wilhelm Reich. They covered the social psychology of it. I'm kind of smarter than Jordan Peterson despite his being a PhD styled shrink. He is specialised. I'm trained to run a high powered thinking talk and variety show. I think so anyway. Jordan sounds like cointelpro. It doesn't seem organic. Everything I do screams obsession or passion while seemingly organic and spontaneous.

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