This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

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This is it. These are the last of the reruns.

I've been sort of watching the debate, but it is boring. Bernie looks good. It could be a very interesting race as in a marathon. The delegates could get very well spread out. Warren sort of got bloodied by Mayor Pete. Biden is like a Terminator. He keeps plugging forward no matter what. It helps him that he has the lovable Alzheimer's schtick rather than H.'s cringeworthy persistent cough.

This is a great night for Bernie. I concede he is up against it for traditional Super Tuesday styled states. I'm following this somewhat. I feel a lot better about Bernie after seeing him show some impressive stamina tonight.

Warren is not seasoned. Biden, Bernie and a few of the others like Tulsi and Kamala know how to take punches. Warren got a bit wobbly tonight, imho. I don't think she was ready for the attacks. She wanted to roll out of bed and play as Robert Redford's The Candidate. She is trying to steal from Bernie, plain and simple. She's a plagiarist styled politician. I'd rather have Amy Klobuchar or Tulsi for a female nomination. I feel that Warren is a pure phony. She is the female version of Biden or Howard Dean to go backwards in time. I feel that she is proverbial fake left. I'd still take her over Trump. Kamala doesn't impress me too much. I don't like law and order conservatives for democrats. Tulsi exposed her pretty good.

That time Alex Jones was asked about Stratfor. (July 31st)

The internet is dead. I'm not sure what more I can say to help people break out of the medium box. It's a trap! The demented Five Eyes have ruined the internet. The old movies are a good escape.

A Rant Against the Five Eyes and Internet Cointelpro in regards to Youtube and Bitchute. (August 1st)

IMDB Censorship of Tokyo Shemp Television (August 18th)

Tonight's episode is actually on Grim Jim. I did a rudimentary search on him and it turns out he is an exposed troll.

Angelina Jolie Confirmed As C|@ Asset (August 25th)

I am the left winger type who can relate to sincere libertarians. It is not your imagination that Bitchute is garbage. There are no easy solutions in sight other than electing Bernie Sanders and freeing Julian Assange. The civilian population needs to have power over the Military-Industrial Complex, not the other way around. The Iron Triangle needs to be replaced by we the people. Corporations, politicians and military are not our friends.

They have stolen what is rightfully ours as expressed in the U.S. Constitution. The way stuff is run in regards to economy, surveillance and non-stop propaganda is nothing short of Orwellian and demented. I'm not condoning violence and am simply speaking truth. I didn't want to post on the "influencer" killing the cat. Wtf else am I supposed to do with that info? It's the same with the Snowden/Assange styled stuff. It hurts one profoundly to contemplate such absurdities and injustices. There is even pro-military propaganda posted on this website. That used to be "illegal." It was something to do with Smith-Mundt. There's no other plausible explanation for how fucked up the internet has become.

Every military fucker and cop ought to feel ashamed and embarrassed in regards to social reality and authoritarianism. Having an i.q. of 90 is no excuse. Edward Snowden is actually the norm for how a human being should react to such deranged manipulation and outright fucking with the minds of masses of people. We are being fucked with to an unimaginable extent. One could perhaps mostly ignore this shite before 2016. It's better to know everything is rigged and deranged. I've never thought of ignorance as bliss. Ignorance is to sleep. That's why "woke" took off as a catchphrase. That being said, it is heartbreaking to see wtf is truly going on without any avenues in which to promote positive social change. It feels like my scoop that the internet is dead. I spoke of Michael Keaton gazing into the audience. The answer to everything was in that. Humpty Dumpty fell and cracked up. The wicked witch got splashed with water and melted. The Wizard of Oz turned out to be a paid fake shill. There seems to be nothing new under the sun but that someday soon everyone will be a chump who was born into the internet. I never expected to become Edward fricken G. Robinson from Soylent Green aging enough to be able to remember different times before everything changed.


open video advice for demented five eyes

Gary Franchi is the proverbial fat fuck face. (Sept. 6th)

It's time all of us stopped wasting our lives or not so much of it! It's okay to quit the internet. It's obvious we wouldn't be missing too much. Sorry yet again for briefly losing my temper in the audio part of the presentation. Oh, French Fucktard interviewed the alleged Tim Pool stalker. He claimed to be innocent of raping a child or something and wanted Tim to hear about it. So will Tim apologise to Antifa? Why aren't more people grossed out by Tim smacking his lips or that he talks crazy, obvious fake social engineering styled podcasts?

I saw a bit of the video last night. It's two hours and too much. Cointelpro is not only stupid, but boring. The wackadoo apologised for showing up at 4 a.m.. Yup, I'm sticking with the opinion the whole thing is a militarised alternate reality game and all the participants are paid fakes.

I looked into Ben Swann a few years ago. He might just be pure wackadoo thus naive in spots, yet well meaning. It's disturbing to see he was interviewed or wtf by Triple F.

It's not my fault Hal Turner and Ed Snowden verified alleged tinfoil as conspiracy fact. It's not my fault Bitchute sucks and is rigged as an 8 chan styled honeypot. None of the stuff could be any more obvious. Cointelpro is that incompetent. Yippee for them? They have used a bazooka to shoot a mosquito. The internet is dead. It's over, for crying out loud.

Long live honourable greatness Julian Assange!

Some stuff is not okay part one (Sept.13th)

Rogan shouldn't be promoting hard drugs and a random youtuber with a bizarre schtick also crosses the line too much.

Here's the link to Scott's video on Joe Rogan.

Some stuff is not okay the conclusion

I was going to make a part three including clips from that guy's youtube channel, but it is no longer something I am willing to watch. He just doesn't share fake news. He gets very vulgar with dirty talk. It's highly offensive. It's bad enough he expects people to watch him improvise for hours every fucking time. His show on Rogan was good because it was very focused.

In regards to the demented shite, he clearly partakes in too much of that. The Brave could have been a good movie, but that went too far. It should never have been made after the original director killed his family and himself.

My plan is to leave Bitchute for the most part. My next project will probably be to go back to my blog and upload five to ten of the best videos I made here. I think it was over the last month my channel took an adequate leap in production values and quality. It's still easy to make mistakes or produce something better left unsaid, but that happens.

I need to go back to my blog. That way I can open up for comments. It is impossible to do that here. This website is grotesque, period, and by design. It shouldn't be rocket science to fix the comment section. You can't let trolls have individual platforms on every channel. That's a proverbial retarded feature and has killed bitchute. Thus it's obviously by design. There doesn't have to be free access to everyone on our channels for this to be free speech. If someone moderates unfairly, it becomes obvious that is a preaching to choir channel.

It's not free speech to let the neo-Nazis have full power over Bitchute's aura. They should not be able to post comments on channels which want nothing to do with them. Free speech also includes the right to be left alone.

The last two videos are on Barrett Brown. I think the first one below was a rerun of a video first posted here or on Youtube. I'm not sure. But it helps set the ground for the second one.

Barrett Brown is cointelpro styled fake news. (June 24th)

Barrett Brown Claims Assange Supporters Got Him Banned From Twitter. (Sept. 13th)

It's called a sealed supplement to the plea agreement. The internet is dead. Brown obviously gets paid to smear Julian. There are too many plot holes. His schtick doesn't add up. He gets away with it because people like me are not allowed to expose him. We get banned and denied free speech rights despite understanding everything or enough. We are exiled to crap websites like this one. Ray Vahey works for GCHQ. It's called deductive reasoning in which a pay stub won't be needed. What the fuck else is Bitchute? But everywhere is Bitchute in a sense. Youtube is just as monitored.

The problem for deep state turds is that they are overwhelmed by data. Snowden sort of ruined their ability to smear us all as kooks. There really are proverbial cointelpro fat fuck faces. I'm moving all my knowledge gravitas chips into the pot. I read a lot of books in my day and studied hard. I've also been studying the internet for over a decade. We all have or a lot of us. Few and far between are fooled anymore. They want to wait us out and work on indoctrinating younger generations. The shit has truly hit the fan. It's a big world with a lot of people. There's so much data to the yin-yang. And most of it is meaningless. But we won't discuss that.

This is the first video I uploaded to Bitchute. That's it. It was a nice run, but life always marches forward to new stuff. Perhaps I suffered at Bitchute, so others won't. It just shows how much Youtube is attacking American free speech with its draconian censorship.

"[Cointelpro ratfvckers] are only doing their job." (May 31st)

There are some obvious paid fakes named "Scott Creighton" and "Aunt BB" who have been busy smearing honourable greatness Julian Assange.

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