This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Video reruns pertaining to current events and news analysis part 4

This is it for current events related videos I made at Bitchute.


I think we need to fix society soon to stop this sort of thing. I don't remember people ever being this nutty. Get rid of cointelpro and corruption and this will lessen. I lived in Ireland for about four years. This wasn't going on there, so it's us. There's something very wrong with America. I say it is cointelpro and overall corruption causing mass shootings. Link

Mass Shooting in Texas: Footage of people running out of movie theatre.

This is scary and pitiful. Meanwhile, the hero Assange is rotting in prison. Link

Truth is suppressed, not notoriety. (Sept. 3rd)

Maybe the dude just freaked out and wasn't trying to become famous. Maybe the answers for solving this issue have nothing to do with 10th grade level medium logic. The new shooter looked and acted goofy. Getting canned put him over the edge. It's not like the internet is an escape for any of us. As in, there's always the internet. There's always your favourite team or... I don't get too depressed too often. In the video I was feeling low. That is rare for me.

This has turned into fucking work and now sucks because of the proverbial them. Assange needs to be fucking freed yesterday. THIS ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE.

Our society is so fucked up. The shit on the internet is fucked up. All of it. Sorry for losing my temper in the video. When free speech is suppressed, that's asking for trouble. It's explained in my top video on bitchute for views. It wasn't me. Philosopher Alan Watts said a society that suppresses its own people is sick. The enemy has become the government and military corruption. They shouldn't be studying us. Why are they allowed to persist with it?

Other countries are fairer and don't experience this weird volume of random mass shooter crap. It can't be random? It's being triggered by the deep state or wtf? What was Brandon Darby?

None of this internet is real, imho. It's beyond cable news as fake. It's more akin to the Al Pacino lawyer movie. The whole trial was out of order or something. The Violent Femmes spoke of everything, everything, everything etc.. I heard Seth Ator called the FBI fifteen minutes after getting fired. I saw that the dude who shot at cops in Philly had been a federal informant. I'm not sure what any of that means if anything.

I sure as fuck know what Hal Turner meant and means. I wasn't blind to what was in the Snowden documents. It's not that I am a genius, but rather that the people in power are such morons that makes myself look outstanding. Assange truly nailed it with the pick your venereal disease analogy. I used to say both sides suck a lot. I get a good feeling about Bernie Sanders.

So yes to wrap it up, Bitchute is basically GCHQ and maybe some Eglin Air Force Base playing online covert action and that's anything but free speech. One Snowden document spoke of the simulating of actions and outcomes. It's so demented! My main theory is that people are freaking out as a reaction to how fucked the internet is being gamed.

I'm non-violent. I don't condone or want to hear about violence. I want people to cut it out. But I'm not blind to how fucked up the police are and how everyone knows it even a lot of cops. I bet at least 10-20% of cops are good people. But cointelpro wouldn't want you to think deeply about stuff, as in the huge vast batch of steroid raging cop thugs. They want you thinking it's all about antifa versus neo-hitlers or some other twisted militarised alternate reality game. It's the big shift in internet. It's finally rigged just like Orwell or McLuhan warned it could happen.

There was a tipping point so to speak with society in regards to the MIC as warned by Eisenhower and many others including Marcuse. It's so fucked up that it is unacceptable and everyone knows it. The deep state and their manipulation of the internet is the actual security threat to society. It might be called irony, but I'm done.

Filibuster styled expression feels good. It's what separates us from all other animals. They don't have books and shite like we do. Cointelpro is the one thing that really upsets me. I truly believe it is the big issue and motivating those horrific events. So much money would be available for society if wars and creepy all-encompassing surveillance were abolished. Military and cops became demented. That's the actual what is of modern day culture. It is a synthetic one inciting hate and crime.  Deranged army types ironically think they are protecting us while producing the opposite. And then they wet their pants if God forbid someone doesn't want to say the pledge of allegiance or stand for some stupid anthem. People should have the right to tell the system to go fuck itself. They are anything but the true talent. Cointelpro never ended. This is on them.

I remember a report coming out of ABC a long time ago. Cops were not being hired if they had too high of an I.Q.. It was ridiculous. The steroids are also a very big problem.

Breaking News Joe Biden with medicinal eye situation (Sept. 5th)

This is similar to H.'s run, but she had a much bigger fake lead at the same time. A lot of people were still unaware of Bernie Sanders as an Abe Lincoln styled unifying American. (screenshot photo credit of H. to tokyo shemp television network) Link

This next one is precisely the type I'm not sure if I've already re-uploaded it to DFQ2. But I liked it! It was an audio version of the original post I made on Arnav Gupta. I'm all about looking for patterns and making connections. I look at life as a mosaic rather than linear.

True Internet Story of Arnav Gupta (posted at Bitchute on Sept. 10th)

Memoirs of a Shadow President:

my old-school blog:

Update on Resistance Leader H. Breath (Sept. 11th)

Radiant, sultry never aging Hillary Clinton is on holiday or wtf in Italy.

Sorry again for any duplicates. I could have sworn I posted the above to the blog, but maybe I didn't. There will be one more rerun styled entry, then I'm done with Bitchute. I might upload them some Audioslave as a going away present. If that website could change a few things, I would stay. Give channel owners the right to block people and get rid of folks with obvious hate speech issues. Sure, that is a slippery slope, but there must be a way to differentiate between good guy supertrolls such as myself with outright neo-Nazis. What is wrong with Youtube in which they are giving me a strike for hate speech? The same thing happened at Twitter. I got in trouble once for calling a celebrity a corporate whore. People are going to ban free thinkers under the guise that we are alt-right or Russian. It's quite ridiculous. Folks in general are not that stupid! They can see that the internet is demented. They grok my schtick. They can see that phew, we are not alone, and that we are all fricken kindred good guy agitators or something.

Great Man Edward Snowden Interviewed By French Television (September 17th)

English speaking militaries don't want us to know the truth and think for ourselves. The British people need to wake the fvck up and demand Assange's freedom. You fvcktards need to stop clicking on paid fakes and useful idiots. The censorship is real. It is a concrete tell that the Spy Factory doesn't feel it can afford to allow any more free speech on the internet. I noticed assholes today on Reddit who fake smear Julian because they feel the need to balance the truth with propaganda. No one real thinks bad things against Julian Assange. Scott Creighton and Fkn Freddy and many more are pure dog shit seemingly working for internet cointelpro. Defango appears as a paid fake. Lestat or wtf also apparently works for the same shady cvnts. Or it's all a coincidence that those people never discuss anything of relevance or some of them like Creighton and Aunt BB have spread the craziest crap about Julian. A guy like me is silenced because I am a verified real person who has been consistent for over a decade. All that garbage is fake. Everywhere on the internet is fricken fake. The only people still participating within the rigged internet bubble are young people who don't know better, paid fakes and useful idiots. Many of us were exposing this garbage for years upon years. We got shut down or eventually quit and paid fakes fake exposing other paid fakes is what's left. All that remains is gibberish. People like me aren't allowed to succeed in social media. Link

Rapper M.I.A. Speaks Out For Julian Assange. (October 14th)

She seems to be a very famous British rap artist. She is to be praised. The fight is on. Something has to proverbially give. This will apparently happen after the New Year. It's astonishing Assange is still held prisoner. This is outrageous. Link

Bernie Sanders Attacking Elizabeth Warren Before Tuesday's Big Debate. (Oct. 14th)

This is I told you so news? I said no way was Bern dropping out of the race. He's a strong candidate. I think Biden is the only person Trump can beat. Bernie at a minimum is pushing for Hillary styled power under Obama. I think Bernie can win this. I'm not guaranteeing it. Warren has been doing a lot better than I expected. Bernie will get votes that would have gone to Trump. If Don is running unopposed, some people might vote Sanders. Folks like his honesty. They can see he gets astroturfed badly to wild measures, while Warren mysteriously is the medium's #1 infatuation after Kamala got torched by Tulsi. Biden got old fast. If Bernie can show his mind is still 100%, he is a tough opponent for Warren. File under just saying. Bernie's a tough out. Hillary had to cheat the last time. I'm sure that will happen again. It is painful in many ways. I am definitely rooting for Bernie and know in my gut he's been the true front runner the whole time. He's the one to beat. Biden is done, no? So we're apparently looking at Warren versus Sanders, perhaps super delegate controversy again. Link

There are about ten more videos to re-upload, and then that's that! I never liked reruns or ads. I was ripe for internet addiction. Back in the day we had something called the remote control. It was as if all the t.v. stations were in a conspiracy to have ads on at the same time. It seemed that way anyway. It seemed that the remote control helped nothing from nobody. Sometimes it seemed that companies would buy ads across the board! You'd flip to another channel to only see the same nonsense attacking at one's inner battle to attain unattainable viewing freedom. The medium is dead on the one hand. On the other, we are set adrift. Things are not as good or bad as they seem. I am one person praying for Julian Assange. I know there are a lot of us, but that we are being silenced.

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