This blog is dedicated to the memory of David Weintraub, who took on insidious astroturfers and won.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fake News As Never-Ending Demented Medium Loops

Obstruct the vote? It's more like obstruct the medium. I just got a community strike for hate speech for part two of my video on quitting Bitchute. I was opposing the hate. I am so sick and tired of the censorship.

I have another video for today. It hasn't been made yet. For some reason I am able to download four videos, but if I try to accumulate more than those, they glitch. Maybe that's why I sometimes grab clips from other videos I already made. I'm trying to fake it until the show makes it. I mean, there is a method to my madness in repetition or at least that's been the goal. This is pure fun, but not when I am getting deleted for fake hate speech. Life is tough enough without all this internet nonsense.

My dream of being a teacher was denied. Why aren't I allowed to blog freely? Why aren't we provided at least a little wiggle room for freedom of expression? Don't fricken give us internet rights and then take them back twenty years later? I started around 2006, but I realise the internet has been cooking since 1990 or close to that date. The 80's were about cable television and music videos. The 90's ushered in the internet and in 2000 or 2001, it kicked in for good. I didn't show up for five years later. I fought against it. I saw it growing. In teacher college, they tried to shove it down our throats, too. I didn't realise until 2016 that my hyperbole of a rigged internet was actually conspiracy fact. It's like a fricken movie. It's the opposite of pinch me, this can't be real. One could not possibly want this to be reality, yet it is.

Fake Hate Speech pt. 1/2

Fake Hate Speech pt. 2/2

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